Travis Reeder Profile picture
Not the 3rd or 4th investor in Uber.
Mar 24, 2022 54 tweets 8 min read
The problems with blockchains, how to fix them and announcing a new project. A long thread…

🧵 Blockchains have obvious problems such as cost, energy consumption, and scalability. There are other issues too such as usability, safety and security of personal funds. Let’s discuss all of these:
May 14, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
0/ I've been asked many times, "why blockchain?". It's a valid question since databases can do a lot of the same things, but 1000x times better. 1/ Blockchain solves a problem that traditional databases don't and that is allowing any number of parties to share data and the data is completely verifiable. All parties in the network have a full copy of all data and they all agree on it making it a shared source of truth.