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Jan 4, 2024 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
After 36 hrs in ER, mom was finally moved to a hospital room.
I brought in a HEPA air purifier since docs & nurses & staff & other patients aren't masking and there is no ventilation/filtration info available.
@ClevelandClinic made me unplug & take home the HEPA.
The @ClevelandClinic has left us no way to protect my vulnerable mom during this #COVID surge while she in the hospital. It is unreasonable for her to be expected to mask 24 hrs a day while in medical distress.
This is gross negligence during an ongoing pandemic.
Dec 28, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
We need a #CDCsays many of these awesome tweets making me chuckle through the rage and tears.
Biden literally ran on implementing a bold pandemic plan...and now as COVID wreaks havoc worse than it has at any other point...@JoeBiden, the President of the United States, shrugs and tells us we're on our own.
This is just another example of why Dems will get crushed in the midterms. Biden & Congressional Dems have completely abdicated their duty to protect Americans during a public health crisis, something they ran on. They've squandered any trust they had...