S. Trent Rosenbloom Profile picture
Physician, Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs, and Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Medicine & Pediatrics at Vanderbilt. Sometimes I run or hike. Posts my own.
Jan 15, 2023 8 tweets 32 min read
@ePatientDave @Lygeia @janoldenburg @gardenbev @TheLizArmy @coffeemommy @stacy_hurt @GraceCordovano @HITeaWithGrace @Hassanah2017 @gnayyar @MakeMyDana @Farzad_MD @ctlin1 @stmacdonald @robturer @bdsteitz @myopennotes The system we had would send a notification for any new result, whether people wanted them or not, and would send another with every new result. Get a bunch of tests done, you get a bunch of notifications. AND a lot of people wanted to access results when they wanted to, not 1/x @ePatientDave @Lygeia @janoldenburg @gardenbev @TheLizArmy @coffeemommy @stacy_hurt @GraceCordovano @HITeaWithGrace @Hassanah2017 @gnayyar @MakeMyDana @Farzad_MD @ctlin1 @stmacdonald @robturer @bdsteitz @myopennotes ... at the time when the result randomly hit the EHR & portal and a notification went out in that moment. Notifications are VERY hard to resist clicking for most people. We received a lot of feedback along the lines of above in the conversation, basically ... 2/x
Mar 21, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Friday night reflection. I see a lot of people quoting a 1% overall mortality rate for COVID-19 and comparing it to influenza, as if to minimize the impact of what is coming (as if any excess death is somehow ok). This is not just about people who die of the virus. /1 It is about the overall harm it causes to the one in five people who become seriously ill. The seriously ill people will still end up in the hospital for up to a month, and end up with lung damage and other serious sequelae they have to deal with for the rest of their lives. /2
Nov 20, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
@JFrederickR Wow, thanks for the reference! That was a fun paper and a fun thought arc. I agree with @jessiet1023 that sometimes it seems that NLP of narrative text will best out the benefits of structured documentation. And that seems to be the bulk of the research these days. /1 #AMIA2019 @JFrederickR @jessiet1023 We however lose a lot of the value of structured documentation when we emphasize only expressivity and NLP for data. Structured entry allows prompting and completeness. Maybe also accuracy and efficiency too. I think of this as DDS (documentation decision support). /2 #AMIA2019