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Mar 24 47 tweets 8 min read
Welcome back to PART TWO of the afternoon of DAY 7 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police.

For abbreviations, previous coverage and related press, please visit our substack. [HEARING RESUMES 1539]

NC - Move to a different topic. You mentioned the GC staff network approved by u in decent error but hasn't launched yet?
DS - MN hasn't put out statement yet
NC - Why hasn't launched yet?
DS - Explain the process. My SLT worked with
Mar 24 57 tweets 10 min read
Good afternoon & welcome to day 7 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police. Melanie Newman was a trainee police constable with the Met Police and is claiming harassment and direct discrimination on the grounds of her gender critical beliefs
We expect start time around 2.15-2.30PM Image Ms Newman alleges that during a Trans Day of Visibility event, the presenter delivered a politicised, one-sided view of a complex debate and demonised the views and arguments typically put forward by people with the protected characteristic of gender critical belief.
Mar 24 61 tweets 11 min read
We continue coverage of the morning session of Day 7 of the Employment Tribunal case, Melanie Newman v Metropolitan Police Service. Previous coverage, related documents & press can be found on our Substack. Image
Mar 24 66 tweets 11 min read
Good morning on Day 7 of the Employment Tribunal case, Melanie Newman v Metropolitan Police Service. The previous session was on 17th March. We expect to start with the first morning session at 10am. Image
Mar 17 31 tweets 6 min read
Welcome back to PART TWO of the afternoon session of DAY 6 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police.
For earlier coverage of the afternoon session click the post below or visit our substack. Barrister for the claimant, Naomi Cunningham is continuing to cross examine Brigid Beehag-Fisher, Acting Chief Superintendent.

We will begin shortly.
Mar 17 67 tweets 12 min read
Welcome to the afternoon session of DAY 6 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police. Melanie Newman was a trainee police constable with the Met Police and is claiming harassment and direct discrimination on the grounds of her gender critical beliefs
1.40PM Start Image Ms Newman alleges that during a Trans Day of Visibility event, the presenter delivered a politicised, one-sided view of a complex debate and demonised the views and arguments typically put forward by people with the protected characteristic of gender critical belief.
Mar 17 87 tweets 17 min read
Good morning on Day 6 of the Employment Tribunal case Melanie Newman V Metropolitan Police Service.

We will start with the first morning session some time after 10. Image Previous coverage, related documents & press can be found on our Substack

Reminder, this is not a verbatim transcript. We report in good faith and make every effort to be accurate.

If you value the work we do, please consider taking out a subscription…
Mar 14 64 tweets 9 min read
Good afternoon on Day 5 of the Employment Tribunal case Melanie Newman V Metropolitan Police Service. We expect to join the afternoon session soon. Image Previous coverage, related documents & press can be found on our Substack

Reminder, this is not a verbatim transcript. We report in good faith and make every effort to be accurate.

If you value the work we do, please consider taking out a subscription…
Mar 14 55 tweets 10 min read
NC - you still have no concerns. As you say talk well received with legal and HR senior in attendance
KM - yes. Yes, people from legal and HR in attendance
NC - well received because part of culture ?
KM - think that is slightly reaching. Think it was well delivered KM - people expected to hear what was talked about.
NC - gives ref of Christian speaker denegrated gay people and this was well received, would you agree this wouldn't be appropriate#
KM - no
NC - you would expect disciplin procedure?
Mar 14 77 tweets 10 min read
Good morning and welcome to Day 5 of Newman v Metropolitan Police We expect to begin at 10am Image
Mar 13 57 tweets 8 min read
Good afternoon on day 4 of the Employment Tribunal case Melanie Newman v the Metropolitan Police Service. We expect the afternoon session to begin at 2pm. Image
Mar 13 43 tweets 8 min read
Welcome back to the PART TWO of the morning session on Day 4 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police.

Find the first part of the morning session in the post below or visit our substack.

We are expecting Naomi Cunningham to begin by re-examining the claimant's evidence. [Discussion about working link to the bundle and about download able version of bundle. Judge says anyone can access documents and will authenticate it later]
J: Right so re examination
Mar 13 58 tweets 11 min read
Good morning & welcome to day 4 of Newman vs Metropolitan Police.
Melanie Newman was a trainee police constable with the Met Police and is claiming harassment and direct discrimination on the grounds of her gender critical beliefs. Image Ms Newman alleges that during a Trans Day of Visibility event, the presenter delivered a politicised, one-sided view of a complex debate and demonised the views and arguments typically put forward by people with the protected characteristic of gender critical belief.
Mar 12 44 tweets 8 min read
Newman v MP Afternoon, part 2.
MN - Yes.
AM - you seem uncertain
J - <cant here)
AM - this witness statement wasn't produced very long ago, why are you uncertain, was it based on your notes or on something else
MN - might have been based on my memory. AM - you say you didn't hear any acknowledgement that there were any different points of view. Should the MP listen to the views of refugees, homeless people, etc
MN - it would depend on what they were saying, if you're talking about people who have extreme views, say extreme
Mar 12 73 tweets 10 min read
Good afternoon; welcome to the afternoon of day 3 in the hearing at Employment Tribunal of Melanie Newman v the Metropolitan Police Service. We expect the session to begin at 2pm. Our summary of the case, and tweets of the public parts of the hearing so far, are on our substack page…
Mar 12 63 tweets 12 min read
We will be live tweeting day 3 of Newman vs The Metropolitan Police from 10am. Melanie Newman was a trainee police constable with the Metropolitan Police with gender critical beliefs. She alleges that the presenter delivered a politicised, one-sided view of a complex debate Image during a Trans Day of Visibility event in which the views and arguments typically put forward by people with the protected characteristic of gender critical belief were demonised, and portrayed safety concerns about the presence of trans identified men in female-only spaces as
Mar 11 71 tweets 9 min read
We are hoping that at least some of the hearing in Newman v Metropolitan Police at Employment Tribunal this afternoon will be held in public, and that we will have permission to live-tweet proceedings.…
Mar 7 25 tweets 5 min read
We continue with the afternoon session, day 5 of the rehearing of ‘A’ v Nottingham County Council, starting at 3.10. Day 1 was a reading day. Note: The Claimant was referred to as ‘Hannah’ in the previous 2024 hearing. Image
Mar 7 49 tweets 9 min read
We are live-tweeting from the afternoon session, day 5 of the rehearing of ‘A’ v Nottingham County Council, starting at 2pm. Day 1 was a reading day. Note: The Claimant was referred to as ‘Hannah’ in the previous 2024 hearing. Image
Mar 7 57 tweets 11 min read
We will be returning to the second morning session of Day 5 of A v Nottingham County Council at 11.30am.
This morning's earlier session coverage is here:… Additional abbreviations are:
DfE - Dept for Education
SW - Stonewall
RSE - Relationships and Sex Education
GI - gender identity
SG - safeguarding
Mar 7 59 tweets 11 min read
We hope to report the morning session, day 5 of the rehearing of ‘A’ v Nottingham County Council, starting at 10am. Day 1 was a reading day. Note: The Claimant was referred to as ‘Hannah’ in the previous 2024 hearing. This case was part-heard in March of last year before collapsing on day 6 when a panel member's social media content was alleged to indicate anti-religious bias. Full details of events in and press from 2024 are found here: …