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Jul 26 53 tweets 9 min read
This is the second afternoon session of the 3rd and final day of the employment tribunal: Mrs A Islam-Wright v Arts Council England and Craig Ashcroft. #OpenJustice 3PM Start Find info and previous reporting here: ………… Abbreviations
AIW or C -Afreena Islam-Wright, the Claimant
ACE or R -Arts Council England, the respondent
J -Judge, Mr R McDonald
P - either of 2 Panel members, Ms S Howarth & Ms V Worthington
CA: Craig Ashcroft - Snr Human Resources Business Partner at ACE -also Respondent
Jul 26 31 tweets 6 min read
Good afternoon and welcome to the 3rd and final day of the employment tribunal: Mrs A Islam-Wright v Arts Council England and Craig Ashcroft. #OpenJustice 1.45PM Start Find info and previous reporting here: …
📷… Abbreviations
AIW or C -Afreena Islam-Wright, the Claimant
ACE or R -Arts Council England, the respondent
J -Judge, Mr R McDonald
P - either of 2 Panel members, Ms S Howarth & Ms V Worthington
CA: Craig Ashcroft - Snr Human Resources Business Partner at ACE -also Respondent
Jul 26 110 tweets 20 min read
Good morning and welcome to the 3rd and final day of the employment tribunal: Mrs A Islam-Wright v Arts Council England and Craig Ashcroft.
10AM Start

Find info and previous reporting here:…
Image Abbreviations
AIW or C - Afreena Islam-Wright, the Claimant
ACE or R - Arts Council England, the respondent
J - Judge, Mr R McDonald

P - either of 2 Panel members, Ms S Howarth & Ms V Worthington

CA: Craig Ashcroft - Snr Human Resources Business Partner at ACE -also Respondent
Jul 25 59 tweets 10 min read
Welcome back to part 2 of the afternoon session of employment tribunal: Mrs A Islam-Wright vs Arts Council England and Craig Ashcroft

Respondent & Senior HR Business Partner at ACE, Craig Ashcroft, will continue to give evidence.

2.40 start

Prev thread:… Abbreviations
AIW or C - Afreena Islam-Wright, the Claimant
ACE or R - Arts Council England, the respondent
J - Judge, Mr R McDonald

P - either of 2 Panel members, Ms S Howarth & Ms V Worthington

CA: Craig Ashcroft - Snr Human Resources Business Partner at ACE -also Respondent
Jul 25 43 tweets 8 min read
Greetings and welcome to the afternoon session of the employment tribunal: Mrs A Islam-Wright vs Arts Council England and Craig Ashcroft. #OpenJustice

1.30PM Start.

Find info and previous reporting here:…
Image Abbreviations

AIW or C - Afreena Islam-Wright, the Claimant
ACE or R - Arts Council England, the respondent
J - Judge, Mr R McDonald

P - either of 2 Panel members, Ms S Howarth & Ms V Worthington

CA: Craig Ashcroft - Snr Human Resources Business Partner at ACE -also Respondent
Jul 25 74 tweets 9 min read
Good morning.

Today we will be tweeting the case at Employment Tribunal of Afreena Islam-Wright vs Arts Council England We understand that the events in the case are linked to the previous Employment Tribunal case won against Arts Council England by Denise Fahmy.
Jul 24 45 tweets 7 min read
We resume the afternoon session see:… J: Had a request for Tribunal Tweets to inspect C's WS (witness statement). In principle we should do. My struggle is how in practice. Any objections?
Jul 24 39 tweets 6 min read
Good afternoon. We will are in the waiting room at the Employment Tribunal for Afreena Islam-Wright v Arts Council England. Due to start at 2pm Our substack page for the case can be found here…
Jul 24 40 tweets 5 min read
Good morning.

Today we will be tweeting the case at Employment Tribunal of Afreena Islam-Wright vs Arts Council England… We understand that the events in the case are linked to the previous Employment Tribunal case won against Arts Council England by Denise Fahmy.…
Jul 22 79 tweets 13 min read
This afternoon's hearing is Jo Hayes vs Pack et al representing the Lib Dems. Previous reporting is here:…
Image We are hoping to live tweet and have done so for previous hearings in this matter. Abbreviations:
JH/C - Josephine Hayes, Claimant

LD/D - Liberal Democrat Party, Defendants

J/RA - Richard Armstrong, Master of the Kings Bench, Judge

RM - Richard Mott, Defendant Counsel
Jul 22 29 tweets 6 min read
Coverage of Natalie Bird vs the Lib Dems. A short hearing is expected to begin at 11 am. The respondent has admitted to breaching the Equality Act (we understand) and will not defend.…
Image Abbreviations:
NB/C - Natalie Bird, claimant
LD/R - Lib Dems, respondent
HM - Hayley McLorinan, barrister for claimant
EH - Elliot Hammer, solicitor for claimant
NR - Nathan Roberts, Matrix Chambers for the respondent
NA - Nigel Adams, solicitor for the respondent
Jul 12 55 tweets 7 min read
Good afternoon; this is part 2 of the afternoon session in the application for Judicial Review by TransActual & YY against the Secretary of State for Health, in relation to Orders laid restricting the prescribing of 'puberty blocker' drugs. Part 1 of the afternoon session is here
Jul 12 94 tweets 14 min read
Hello and welcome to the afternoon session on 12/04/24 to determine whether TransActual & YY have permission to proceed to Judicial Review of the Secretary of State's 3 month Order restricting the prescription of 'puberty blockers'.
1.45 start

Info here:…
Image Abbreviations:

TA: TransActual, the first applicant
YY: The (anonymised) individual who is second applicant
ZZ: Litigation friend of YY

GLP: Good Law Project, co-ordinating the application
SoS: Secretary of State For Health, the respondent
Jul 12 156 tweets 19 min read
Good morning.

Today (starting at 10.30) we will be tweeting from the hearing to determine whether TransActual & YY have permission to proceed to Judicial Review of the Secretary of State's 3 month Order restricting the prescription of 'puberty blockers'. More information about the case here:…
Jul 2 32 tweets 6 min read
We are hoping to be able to live tweet the continuing Nursing and Midwifery Council misconduct hearing of Mental Health nurse Rachel Jaden Dios Hole (RH).
The alleged misconduct happened in West Sussex, presumably whilst RH was Nurse Manager in Forensic Healthcare at... Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SP).

The hearing adjourned following a 5 day hearing in March 2024 and facts have already been considered with the case resuming at the misconduct/impairment stage. We don't currently have the details of charge(s) against RH and don't..
May 15 81 tweets 14 min read
Good morning. We are continuing live-tweeting Allison Bailey's case at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
10.30am expected start.
Details about the case and previous days tweets from the Employment Appeal tribunal can be found here:…
Image Abbreviations:
AB: Allison Bailey, claimant
BC: Ben Cooper QC, barrister for AB
SW = Stonewall Equality Limited (respondent 1)
IO = Ijeoma Omambala QC, barrister for SW
LR = Laura Rankin, solicitor for Stonewall
May 14 54 tweets 9 min read
Good afternoon. We are continuing live-tweeting Allison Bailey's case at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

Coverage of the morning sessions is here

and here Abbreviations
J: Judge, Mr Justice Bourne
AB or C: Allison Bailey, claimant
BC: Ben Cooper KC, barrister for AB
SW or R: Stonewall, respondent
IO: Ijeoma Omambala KC, barrister for SW
GCC: Garden Court Chambers, AB's Chambers at the time of the events in the case
May 14 56 tweets 7 min read
Welcome to part 2 of the first morning in the case of Allison Bailey's hearing at Employment Appeal Tribunal vs Stonewall.

Part 1 of the morning hearing is here [Hearing is resuming]
May 14 76 tweets 9 min read
Good morning. Starting at 10:30 this morning, we hope (pending court permission) to be live-tweeting Allison Bailey's case at Employment Appeal Tribunal. Ms Bailey took her Chambers (Garden Court) and Stonewall to Employment Tribunal in 2022 and won her claim against Garden Court, on the basis of discrimination because of her protected beliefs:…
May 8 43 tweets 8 min read
We have been granted permission to live tweet a one day hearing Hayes v Liberal Democrats. Jo Hayes claims breach of contract after being expelled as a member of the LDs, and this hearing is the defendant's application to strike out 2 parts of her claim of breach of contract. More details on today's hearing are on our Substack here:…
Apr 18 49 tweets 9 min read
We will shortly be live tweeting closing oral submissions in Corby v ACAS, due to be starting at 10am although this may be delayed if written submissions are still being processed.
Our earlier coverage of the case is here: Abbrevs:
EJ or J: Employment Judge
P: Panel member

SC: Clamaint (C) Sean Corby
JH: Counsel John Holbrook

R: Respondent ACAS
AT: Counsel Antoine Tinnion

4C: 4 complainants who submitted grievance against SC incl ZH