Tribunal Tweets 2 #OpenJustice Profile picture
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Steve (angry person) Ellwood 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🟥 🕸️ Profile picture Liz Panton #POW 4 Newcastle East and Wallsend Profile picture Bonnie Burgess Profile picture 🤖♀️unusually reasonable♀️🤖 Profile picture L Profile picture 6 subscribed
Apr 11 17 tweets 3 min read
Last part -
BN - is 7b is engaged then 7b should be engaged, in the way it was framed - it was said it was engaged.
BN - [addressing whether the in app communication - hard to prove - as whole thing shut down long ago - (goes to ability to prove what went on) BN addressing HR commision
- GI doesnt include thoughts & feelings
- chief justice for SA -when you have multiple purposes - you look at text and context on cases
BN - engage with conduct - 'her gender characteristics are why she is being treated like a man'
Apr 11 29 tweets 5 min read
Part 4 -(Correction on MM, the name was actually Elodie Nadon, apologies)
Counsel coming in. BN - parties rely on conditions of court (lists paragraphs)
BN - speaks of the content of a treaty obligation what it depends on - reads the interpretative principles -
- given weight - footnote says taken as a whole - the int law,... BN says court only takes on recommendations
Apr 11 32 tweets 5 min read
Part 3
BN - Have to engage with case as pleaded.
Honor made remarks - there is a division tween direct and indirect discrimination (dis')
Only one way to pursue this case is it has to be direct - indirect in discrimination -
J says planning direct and indirect discrimination.. J reiterates PLAINLY dir and indir discrimination.
J asking if only handling direct - not a way to procede
BN and arguing -BN arguing about a comparative class -
J says should address both,
BN says will do so - but makes the point - that the case has changed - as imprudent
Apr 11 10 tweets 2 min read
Part 2 -
Ms Mcdonn (MM)
MM - reading sections relating to justifying (SG been charged 200K aggravated damages)
Puts to J that should refer to that section due to the extent of hurt as purpose of SDA - to protect -
- sustained misgendering for 3 years

J - queries... J - read Caplan relates to actual conduct
mm - continued misgendering
J - when is the first act relied upon - the more conduct is removed from initial acts - more it weakens the argument
-MM - [repeats misgendering]
-J bulk of case about tweets and so on
Apr 10 64 tweets 10 min read
DAY 3 - Giggle vs Tickle
DAY 2 - will commence 10.15 am Syd/Australia Time
J = Justice Robert Bromwich

Giggle's Counsel
BN = Bridie Nolan

GC = Georgina Costello
BG = Briana Goding

SG = Sall Grover
RT = Roxanne Tickle
CW = Colin Wright AHRC - Australian Human Rights Commission
ZH - Zelie Heger (counsel)
AC - Anna Cody - Sex Discrimination Commissioner
Further abbreviations:
LAAW - Lived as a women
TW - Transgender Women
App - Giggles for Girls App
Apr 10 14 tweets 2 min read
Last Part -
ZH - [looking at sections of documents to define terms - special measures and equality, how CEDAW relates to this...
- is court acting with reasonableness and the capacity of the measure; how it was executed 4 issues of sections or questions
1. what does women mean - if TW is excluded and is a women - thats relevant
2. does the app fit into the description of discriminating
How does the app fit into the categories regardless of sexual orientation, pregnancy etc no distinctions
Apr 10 41 tweets 6 min read
PART 4 - Counsels starting to return. ZH (Zelie Hegel) for everyone's info is counsel for AHRC. Correcting name from last thread. Waiting on Giggle's counsel and Judge
Time is 2pm. ZH - giving submission
- SDA go through
- Key legal questions with case
- Sex mean?
- Relates to GI?
-Special Measures?
Does section have an effect?
Sections 9, 10, 11 - whether section 5-30 gives effect.
How it apply s to trading org.s
Apr 10 6 tweets 1 min read
PART 3 - [Organizing next steps]
(Note using [ and ] to paraphrase conversations)

BN - objecting to ad nauseam questions asked about tweets - that were offensive. Points out RT is blocked - so RT couldn't have seen all those tweets Sall Grover made. GC - the issue is that BN has said that RT can not be offended for tweets that RT didn't see.
J - said these tweets in evidence
GC - objects - that RT needs to be asked if has seen the question
J - said should have raised that
Apr 10 38 tweets 7 min read
PART 2 -
du? = didn't you?
wua? = wouldn't you agree?
u = you
dk = don't know
Court starting to come back in... GC - Crowdfunding questions - Giggle received via CR yes? SG yes.
GC - CF by website?
SG - No, by supporters.
GC - Who is it?
SG - she's anonymous
J - why want to know?
GC - drawing ties to funding and with Giggle's balance.
Apr 9 51 tweets 8 min read
DAY 2 - will commence 10.15 am Syd/Australia Time
J = Justice Robert Bromwich

Giggle's Counsel
BN = Bridie Nolan

GC = Georgina Costello
BG = Briana Goding

SG = Sall Grover
RT = Roxanne Tickle
CW = Colin Wright AHRC - Australian Human Rights Commission
ZH - Zelie Hegel (counsel)
GE - Graeme Egerton
LR - Lara Renton
Apr 9 34 tweets 5 min read
PART 3 - 2.15 pm - counsels returning to court. J has arrived - court commenced.
GC is objecting to Helen Joyce's affadavit.
Objection - is not qualified on Australian laws - or scientific or psychological territory.
Apr 9 21 tweets 3 min read
Part 2 - 11:43 am (continuing) Discussing
Para 4 1st sentence - (may be on online resources discussed to be provided) - J is asking the statement of truth or evidence of state of mine - (legitimacy of statement/evidence?) J - para 6 - objection - is an opinion, hearsay - not a witness - BN objection - that its a rolled up phrase -J Para 7? BN - (have to clarify this convo later)
Apr 8 69 tweets 7 min read
The Tickle Vs Giggle case is being heard in federal court in Sydney, Australia. Evidence is expected to begin on Tuesday 9 April 2024, 9.30 am Sydney Time. This is a great video to watch in the lead up for tomorrow's Tickle v Giggle hearing. Full clip:
Mar 22 17 tweets 3 min read
This is the second part of the afternoon session in employment tribunal 'Hannah' v [a school] and Nottinghamshire County Council. Part 1 of the afternoon is here J: [cannot hear]
PS: I have copies but literally only just now.
PS: Not sure if witness available on Monday.
Mar 22 60 tweets 8 min read
Good afternoon; this is DAY 4 of employment tribunal, 'Hannah' v a primary school & Nottinghamshire County Council.

Ex-Teacher 'Hannah' alleges she was sacked for refusing to treat an 8-year-old girl as a boy and claims unfair dismissal.

The hearing will restart at 2pm Our coverage of the previous sessions, including this morning, is at…
Mar 22 46 tweets 8 min read
Welcome back to DAY 4 of 'Hannah' v primary school and Nottinghamshire County Council. This is part 2 of the morning session. 12.05 start.


For more info, visit our substack:…

Image [Court begins 12.08]
PS: may I begin?
J: yes
PS: can we have another quick look at 138: The suspension letter. Front what u say the decision to suspend wasn't ur decision
HT: it was taken in conjunction with HR
Mar 22 70 tweets 11 min read
Good morning and welcome to DAY 4 of employment tribunal, 'Hannah' v a primary school & Nottinghamshire County Council.

Ex-Teacher 'Hannah' alleges she was sacked for refusing to treat an 8-year-old girl as a boy and claims unfair dismissal. 10am start…
Image Alongside the anonymity of 'Hannah', there's a number of reporting restrictions on the names of children, staff, witnesses & governors. This is challenging to report, so please bear with us.

Also, the sound has been unstable at times & we do our best to report what we can hear.
Mar 21 48 tweets 7 min read
This is part 2 of the afternoon session on day 3 of 'Hannah' v [school] & Nottinghamshire County Council. Part 1 is here:

The head teacher HT of [school] is being cross examined on her evidence by Powel Stroilov PS, counsel for the Claimant 'Hannah' (C). PS: Am just flagging up that this name is going to keep coming up. Will be relevant to letter of 3/9 in the detriments. Chronologically goes back further. 14a this person is relevant, 14b, 14c. Re decisions. Want to explore with HT how this person influenced overall approach also
Mar 21 67 tweets 12 min read
Welcome to part 1 of the afternoon on day 3 of Hannah v a primary school and Nottinghamshire County council.
We are also live tweeting Lister v New College Swindon on @tribunaltweets Image Abbreviations:
H or C - claimant 'Hannah'

PS - Pavel Stroilov representing C

NCC - Nottingham County Council (employer)

GR - Geoff Russell, Counsel for R

EB - Ed Beever, Counsel for R
Mar 21 50 tweets 9 min read
don't go to her
C: no i dont
GR: go to disc appeal hearing mtg - a bit further on that bundle p1876.
GR: ud attended investgatory, then disc hearing, then appeal - this doc here chaired by R's witness.
Chair says purpose of meeting is...missed this
GR: comes up here - panel is asking these qs bc this is a re - hearing. did u understand this panel were making their own decision
Mar 21 70 tweets 12 min read
Good morning and welcome to DAY 3 of employment tribunal, 'Hannah' v a primary school & Nottinghamshire County Council. Ex-Teacher 'Hannah' alleges she was sacked for refusing to treat an 8-year-old girl as a boy and claims unfair dismissal. 10am start. Image We are accessing the hearing remotely. 'Hannah' will continue giving evidence this morning Alongside the anonymity of 'Hannah', there are a number of reporting restrictions on names of children, staff, witnesses & governors. This is challenging to report so please bear with us.