Tricky Taipei Profile picture
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This morning: the migrant workers at this company arrived to start work but were sent home, so no pay.

My source says the Covid cases in the dorms originated from the Taiwanese workers. But the Taiwanese workers are still allowed to work.

Quotes below: “Today is our normal working day, but when we arrived at the company, they immediately sent us home, only the foreign workers. Its clear discrimination.

At first place ,the virus is started by the locals and passed it to foreign. We are not allowed even to buy food.”
May 2, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday was International Labor Day so it’s timely to continue this thread about migrant worker Covid conditions at the same Taiwanese company in Linkou.

Last night I chatted with a second Filipino worker, a 28yo male, who said there are now positive cases in the dorms… He said:

“On other dormitories people which have positive results are still using bathrooms together with negative results. Person with contact, person without contact, and a person with covid are living together.”
May 1, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Rainy Sunday. Was sent this photo of the PCR test line outside Cardinal Tien Hospital in Xindian. Image Correction: this is the line just to *register* for the test.

There is a *different* line to get the PCR test done.

And this length of line is after having already waited 40 minutes.
Jun 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
For weeks now Taipei City Gov has been sending out these hideous and hard to understand social media graphics hoping English language media and diplomatic offices will share them. Or maybe...Taipei City gov should have its own Twitter account? More examples. How is it possible to present information like this.
May 18, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
Taiwanese work culture is incapable of trusting that it’s employees can work effectively from home.

Please DM me with stories from companies explaining why they will or won’t allow work from home. I’ll make a thread. “They opened the clock in/out system from home. Some teams have to report every morning when they start working and what they're doing for the day. They also have to update when they clock out. Then the manager wants to make sure everyone's camera is on during meetings.”
Aug 15, 2020 24 tweets 8 min read
There is drama afoot at the Taipei American School. The “Head of School” has just resigned. If you google her name Dr. Sharon Hennessy you’ll see her involvement in this 2003/2004 scandal at an elite NYC school reported in WSJ and NYT 😳… Interesting she was able to climb so high at TAS after that scandal. Parents are signing this petition for more transparency. The comments are interesting, especially the one from Jeffrey R. Williams (screenshots below) with info about the school itself.…