Trillia Newbell Profile picture
Wife and mom| Author: |Acquisitions Director at Moody Publishers
Jul 3, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
There’s something deeper going on in many of those who don’t want to wear masks. Stay with me…(short thread) Yesterday one of my neighbors said, “You’re gonna think I’m wacky” and then continued by sharing all of the conspiracy theories for the virus and what she sees as a “world order taking over.” It’s at that moment that I realized people are mortified—fearful is an understatement.
Mar 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Was thinking about a time I shared the gospel with an atheist, feminist, I believe a democratic socialist professor and how she rejected it and thought it might encourage you. I was a new Christian and didn't see her as those labels (not to be equated with colorblindness, please) She was my international relations professor. I was studying about Latin America and LOVED her and her teaching and couldn't to tell her about my new faith and prayed that she might know Jesus too....
Aug 19, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Have wanted to write a post about my recent tweet regarding Christianity and racism but haven't been able to. So if you'll give me a are very brief thoughts. The implications of how we view race and ethnicity and how we treat our neighbor has far greater impact on a person's faith and view of Christianity than we could ever imagine. What we say and do could have eternal consequences.