Pj McNally Profile picture
UK parent, spouse, doctor (GMC7140564)... 'Ideally placed' to discuss a,b,c...x,y,z... Tweets in personal capacity. Retweets not necessarily = endorsements.
Feb 23, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
@drmarkporter in @SagaUK March magazine repeats a common myth, confusing the law on paracetamol pack sizes, and transaction rules.

Packs are max 16tabs in a shop or 32tabs in a pharmacy.

This is entirely separate from guidance on how many packs to sell!

nhs.uk/common-health-… @drmarkporter @SagaUK @drmarkporter gives the example of a 70 year old wanting to buy regular paracetamol, 8 per day.
Pharmacist can sell you up to 100tabs in one transaction. (Likely 3x32=96).
They are professionals not shopkeepers, and we trust them to make this judgement.

Aug 7, 2018 28 tweets 8 min read
So @getadrip deleted their tweet about IV and IM medicines for £50, after I asked about regulatory issues.
Emails from "Richard" @getadrip are bizarre.
"We are not currently CQC registered as we do not fall within their scope and have not been informed otherwise by the CQC." Again from @getadrip :

"All our products are MHRA approved and are prescribed by GMC Registered Doctors or Advanced Nurse Practitioners, all of whom have 10 - 25 years experience in the NHS individually.
Aug 3, 2018 8 tweets 6 min read
@TheBMA @BMANews "FRONTLINE" 4th August displays worrying prejudice. Please refer your pseudonymous ED consultant Charles Lamb to the following:


We no longer call people "schizophrenics", "diabetics", or "cyclists". To do so risks lazy prejudice.

@TheBMA @BMANews From Lamb's article:

"Where there are cycle lanes some choose not to use them" - correct; may I refer you to the UK's unfit for purpose cycling "infrastructure" or "farcilities":

