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Oct 14 12 tweets 8 min read

🔹Christopher Columbus🔹

There is evidence that he was a jew.

Let’s explore that theory….

Columbus would most certainly have hidden his “Jewish identity” since “it was fatal to admit being a Jew” in Spain at that time…..

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▪️”On March 31, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella proclaimed that all Jews were to be expelled from Spain. Spanish Catholics believed that the Jews had too much economic influence over the kingdoms which helped lead to the expulsion.”

▪️”The Jews who were forced to renounce Judaism and embrace Catholicism were known as “Conversos,” or converts. There were also those who feigned conversion, practicing Catholicism outwardly while covertly practicing Judaism.”

🧵3 ⬇️Image
Oct 13 9 tweets 8 min read

🚩 National Socialism Explained🚩

▪️How did an unemployed, homeless painter become the most popular leader on the planet?
▪️Why are we not taught about this system?
▪️Why is it not an option?

▪️”National Socialism  was a world view which sought to combine and preserve the racial-ethnic-cultural-spiritual-linguistic solidarity amongst the German people as a unified nation which is intimately bound to it’s own soil.”

▪️”National Socialism was Christian in nature and to its core, based upon principles of ‘Positive Christianity’ with a focus on the family and upon community morals, values, ethics, and standards, through true essentially ‘brotherly love in action and deeds’, not just philosophy, and also not in the spirit of liberal  ‘egalitarianism’ and ‘internationalism’ or Communist universalism.”

▪️”It was about recreating a  Germany for Germans, which put them and their needs above all else, with Germans in control, and with each committed to this, for their own interests, and their collective benefit.”

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▪️”National Socialism was a ‘revolution’ which started in the wake of World War I and in response to the insanely oppressive Treaty of Versailles which had been imposed on Germany by the Allies, resulting in loss of territory and population, and not long afterwards, an influx of oppressed and terrorized German refugees from the former German territories. It was also a response to the liberal, Marxist jewish inspired degenerate Weimar Republic, and all of the political, economic, social and cultural degeneracy which befell Germany thereafter.”

▪️“International interference” also led to deep internal political divisions, social chaos and disorder, cultural decay, the impoverishment of the masses to the benefit of the minority, as well as, a general state of powerlessness domestically, in terms of being able to affect change and stability.”
Sound familiar?
Many of us feel this way today.

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Oct 7 5 tweets 2 min read
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🎥 Short 🧵on:

▪️Weather Modification
▪️North Carolina
▪️Operation Popeye-weather modification during the Vietnam war
▪️CIA Admission
▪️How The UAE Creates Rain

“Operation Popeye.” Next post ⬇️ 🧵2/5…
During the Vietnam 🇻🇳 war in 1967-1972, Henry Kissinger , sponsored this highly classified project, known as OPERATION POPEYE.

Operation Popeye was a chemical weather modification program carried in Vietnam by the CIA WITHOUT the authorization of the Secretary of Defense.

The goal was flood AND “soften” roads and surfaces, causing landslides to disrupt Vietnamese military vehicles by increasing rainfall in carefully selected areas. (See video) ⬇️
Oct 4 10 tweets 6 min read
Thread: 🧵1/ 10


A lot of our problems have certain things in common. Are you noticing yet? Or are you still in the dark?

So far this year, the United States has given:

$24,400,000,000 to Ukraine.
- $11,300,000,000 to Israel.
- $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia.
- $1,600,000,000 to Jordan.
- $1,400,000,000 to Egypt.
- $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan.
- $1,100,000,000 to Somalia.
- $1,000,000,000 to Yemen.
- $987,000,000 to Congo.
- $896,000,000 to Syria.
- $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.

🤡 #1 Alejandro MayorkasImage 🧵2/10

🤡 #2 Jaclyn Rothenberg

And Americans who have lost everything to Hurricane Helene will be getting $750, courtesy of FEMA.

Now the Homeland Security secretary said that FEMA has insufficient funds to last through hurricane season

And who is the Director of FEMA?

Cohen-cidence only. If you think otherwise you’re an antisemite.Image
Oct 3 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Thread: 1/6


A History 📖 Lesson

Do You Know The Story Of The Swastika Quran?

▪️ The German Waffen SS grew its members to include 60,000 Islamic SS Troops.

▪️ “Each Islamic Battalion had its own “Imam” or prayer leader and each company a “Mullah” or clergyman”

▪️Hitler personally honored each Islamic SS member with a Quran with the Swastika Pendant as a gift for their loyalty in the war.

🎥video below for more information ⬇️Image 🧵Post 2/6

“Some leading Nazis, particularly Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, repeatedly expressed their respect for Islam. Hitler praised Islam as a strong, aggressive, martial religion.”

“Muslims may have believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule.”

“The motives of these soldiers varied considerably. Of course some recruits were driven by religious hatred and anti-Bolshevist, ideological fervor.”
Sep 29 13 tweets 10 min read
🧵Thread🧵Post 1🧵

🔷Covid-19 Vaccine- A Bio-Weapon?🔷

▪️Poisoning the Wells Again?▪️
▪️Nakam▪️Plan A▪️
▪️China 🇨🇳▪️Israel🇮🇱▪️

(For educational/entertainment purposes only)

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
– Benjamin Franklin

Gaius Memmius (c. 99 – c. 49 BC, was a Roman politician, orator and poet.

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First, let’s go back in history a little bit…

‘For millennia, JËŴŞ have been referred to as the “poisoners of the wells“. Simultaneously, we have been repeatedly assured that this is nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” created by senseless bigots who hate jews for “no reason whatsoever“.’

“The persecution of JËŴŞ during the Black Death consisted of a series of violent mass attacks and massacres. Jewish communities were often blamed for outbreaks of the Black Death in Europe. 1348-1351.”

“Lawrence Pavelsky, a jewish pediatrician, talked about how jews were caught poisoning wells during the "Black Death" in Europe, and relates it to what has taken place with Covid.”
Probably a conspiracy theory….🤥Image
Sep 25 12 tweets 9 min read
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🔹Amon Goeth(or Göth)🔹
🔹The Butcher🩸of Plaszców🔹

(For educational purposes only)

▪️ What was left out about this man in the fictional Schindler’s List Movie?

▪️Did you know he was arrested by the German SS in 1944 for “Brutality Against Inmates?”

▪️Did you know he was diagnosed by the SS is having a mental illness and committed to a mental institution before being arrested by the allies?

▪️Did you know the German soldiers were executed by the SS for brutality against inmates?

▪️ Did you know that his hanging attempt failed twice before being successful on the third try?
(See video)Image 🧵Thread🧵Post 2/11🧵

“Spielberg's movie made its premise (that the entire German military consisted of homicidal robots). The following vital, exculpatory information has been censored in order to maintain his depiction of the German military in the worst possible light.”

“Amon Göth was an Austrian SS . He served as the commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp in Płaszów in German-occupied Poland for most of the camp's existence during World War II.”

(scenes from Schindler’s list👇🏽)
Sep 23 7 tweets 3 min read
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A big bitter pill💊……..
You can rest assured that no matter your level of knowledge on the subject, you may come out of this film a different person.

Although there are no images in this documentary, there is descriptive language.

⚠️WARNING⚠️ Viewer discretion is advised. May be sensitive to some viewers.

Polish filmmaker Patryk Vega released this film exposing satanic elites, & the enslavement, r@pe, torture, & death of not only children, but even newborns.

“They pay a fortune to spend time with a CHILD. Everything’s arranged with a medical team. They know the child will not survive”

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“The kids clients are very rich. They even come in their own private jets & helicopters from f*ck knows where. They are picked up at different locations. Filthy rich. They pay a fortune to spend time with a CHILD. Everything’s arranged with a medical team. They know the child will not survive.. and if it becomes crippled for life, nobodies going to look after it so it automatically becomes an organ donor.

Post 3 👇🏽
Sep 18 8 tweets 5 min read
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Do you Know Who Invented the Pager?
-Engineer Al Gross a 🔯

Post 2 👇🏽 Image 🧵 Post 2🧵


Edward Snowden:

“What Israel 🇮🇱 has just done is, via *any* method, reckless.

They blew up countless numbers of people who were driving (meaning cars out of control), shopping (your children are in the stroller standing behind him in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from terrorism.”

(Not Snowden in video. If you know who it is please tag)
Post 3 👇🏽
Sep 14 8 tweets 7 min read
🧵Thread🧵Post 1🧵

Richard Nixon was a Noticer.


The Watergate scandal was a major political controversy in the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974, ultimately resulting in Nixon's resignation. The name originated from attempts by the Nixon administration to conceal its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

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“In 2007, Texe Marrs interviewed the late journalist and author, Michael Collins Piper about his new book at the time, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within. During that interview, Piper discussed the Watergate scandal and the ZI0NIST hidden hand at work to bring about a coup d’état of Richard Nixon.

Michael Collins Piper: “The whole Watergate thing was — let just be candid about it — it was a 🔯ish-ZI0NIST conspiracy from the get-go. I’ve written about this in Final Judgment rather than in the Judas Goats.
What was happening in the beginning of Richard Nixon’s second term was that Nixon had determined that he was going to clean house. Nixon had come to realize that he’d been in the circles of power here in the United States obviously for many years — and as we now know from many of the tapes that have come out that Richard had some very set opinions about 🔯ish power and influence in this country.”

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Sep 12 10 tweets 4 min read
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A collection of documentaries 🎥 🍿 and clips that differ just a little but all come to the same conclusion as to who was responsible for 9/11. 🇮🇱

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There is no way the average intelligent human being can watch these clips and believe that we have not been lied to….
….if we were lied to about this, there is nothing they won’t lied to us about.

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Sep 11 7 tweets 5 min read
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A Documentary 🎥 🍿
Approximately 1 hour.

🔹Can a J3W be an antisemite?🔹

I can’t believe this “antisemite” could prove these things. How dare he…..

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About the film maker….

Due to his beliefs,
“Death threats forced him out of his career. He faked his death and then disappeared for over a decade — only to reinvent himself on the political scene as a high-powered GOP mover and shaker.”

“For a while he was riding high, the toast of the local political establishment where he rubbed shoulders with the likes of Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight,  Ron Cheney and Andrew Breitbart.”

Post 3 👇🏽
Sep 8 13 tweets 5 min read
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(For educational/entertainment purposes only)

🔹 You are being programmed to hate yourself and feel guilty for who you are….

🔹You are being Psy-Op’ed to think having kids is a bad idea.

🔹Remember our epic history.

🔹Remember the greatness we have accomplished.

🔹 If we are so bad, why do people flock to our countries?

🔹 Every culture, except one is told to love themselves.

🔹 ….It would’ve been best to let the lion sleep but instead they poked and poked….

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“The most precious possession you have in the world….is your own people…..”

Let me ask you, when was the last time you heard a western leader speak like this?

Who was the “madman” who said the quote below? 🤔

Post 3👇🏽
Sep 5 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵Thread 🧵 Post 1/10

🔹English Bulldog vs The Painter🔹
🔹Who was the Real Villain?🔹

(For educational/entertainment purposes only)

🔹What do you really know about Winston Churchill 🇬🇧….?

🔹Other than what you were told to believe all you life….

🔹Will you dare to open your mind?

🔹Or continue to believe the same system that has lied to you all your life?

🔹Offering another view of history other than than stories you were forced to learn.

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Winston Churchill Quotes about Germany BEFORE WWII.

As always Germany’s problems began with the starting of their own currency making that country an economic powerhouse.

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Sep 1 15 tweets 12 min read
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(For educational purposes only. All information below is public information)

Fun Fact: the J3W ghettos and the yellow badge identifiers (Star of David) did not originate during WWII.

“The ghetto system began in Renaissance Italy in July 1555 with Pope Paul IV. Among these restrictions were the requirement of J*ws to identify themselves by wearing a yellow badge, restrictions on the ownership of property, restrictions in commerce, and tighter regulations on banking. However, the most visible of these restrictions was the requirement of J*wish communities to reside in sectioned off, sanctioned neighborhoods known as ghettos.

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“Following in the wake of the Napoleon Wars (1804-1815) in which Napoleon conquered much of Europe, came the emancipation of the J*ws of Western Europe (freeing someone from the control of another).

For hundreds of years (yes before WWII) the J*ws had been economically and politically marginalized and physically confined to the GHETTOS of Europe. After Napoleon, the Ghetto walls came down and the J*ws of Western Europe were free to enter European society for the first time.

“Napoleon overrode old laws requiring the forced identification of J*ws by their wearing the Star of David ✡️ . In Malta, he ended the enslavement of J*ws and permitted the construction of a synagogue there. He also lifted laws that limited J*ws' rights to property, worship, and certain occupations. In anticipation of a victory in the “Holy Land” that failed to come about, he wrote a proclamation published in April 1799 for a Je*wish homeland there.”

Post 3👇🏽Image
Aug 28 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵Thread🧵Post 1

🔹Anne Frank🔹
🔹Can Ballpoint Pens Time Travel?🔹

(For educational purposes only)
Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank (German: Dutch: 12 June 1929 – c. February or March 1945)was a German-born Jewish girl who kept a diary documenting her life in hiding amid Nazi persecution during the German occupation of the Netherlands. A celebrated diarist, Frank allegedly described everyday life from her family's hiding place in an Amsterdam attic. She gained fame posthumously and became one of the most-discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust with the 1947 publication of The Diary of a Young Girl which documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944. It is one of the world's best-known books and has been the basis for several plays and films…..However…..Image 🧵Thread🧵Post 2

….There is some controversy as to the diary authenticity… which would be most evil as millions of Germans were killed after
WWII because of stories like this one.

In 1980, these notes were discovered by the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) during an investigation of the paper and ink used in the diary. In its report about it, the BKA gave the impression that "ballpoint corrections were made" in the diary itself.

The Diary of a Young Girl, has sold more than 4,000,000 copies to date.

Below👇🏽 Anne Frank’s own step-sister admits that photos from Auschwitz are completely FAKE…on live television…..
Aug 28 6 tweets 5 min read
🧵Mini Thread🧵 Post 1

🔹US Secretary of State 🇺🇸🔹
🔹James Baker and Israel 🇮🇱 🔯🔹

“James Addison Baker III (born April 28, 1930)is an American 🇺🇸 attorney, diplomat and statesman. A member of the Republican Party, he served as the 10th White House chief of staff and 67th United States secretary of the treasury under President Ronald Reagan and the 61st U.S. secretary of state before returning as the 16th White House chief of staff under President George H. W. Bush.”Image 🧵Mini Thread🧵Post 2

“Secretary of State James A. Baker is surely one of the most reviled public figures both in Israel 🇮🇱 and among American Jews.🔯 In 1991 he became the first American official to negotiate directly and officially with Palestinians 🇵🇸 and the first senior U.S. official to leverage American aid to Israel in an attempt to halt Israeli settlements. He played a leading role in forcing Israel to attend the Madrid Peace Conference (October 1991), which ultimately failed to yield results, and he sought to launch a second Mideast peace initiative, the “Madrid 2 Conference,” while excluding Israel from participating.
He demanded that Israel negotiate with a Palestinian delegation consisting of Palestinians deported from East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and he publicly supported the Palestinian “right of return,” which would effectively end the Jewish state. Throughout his tenure, he did whatever possible to create distance between the Bush administration and Israel when it came to the Palestinians and the Israeli “occupation” of the territories.”Image
Aug 26 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵Thread🧵Post 1


“What could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy ‘elite cabalists’ can harvest your adrenal glands to get the blood🩸compound they need to prolong their decrepit lives!”

“As the conspiracy theory goes, adrenochrome is a natural compound found in the adrenal glands, that spikes at moments of fear or terror. And it provides a euphoric high so powerful that to take it even once is to become immediately addicted and unable to survive without it. And the only way to get it is to kill and devour frightened children.

Post 2👇🏽Image 🧵Thread🧵Post 2

Warning ⚠️ Not for sensitive viewers⚠️

“And who is more terrorized than a child about to be ritually killed?
So the cabal (aka the deep state etc) systematically kidnaps and trafficks children first for the sexual thrills, then to murder them to harvest their adrenochrome and get high AF.”

Post 3👇🏽
Aug 24 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵Mini Thread🧵Post 1

The United States of Israel 🇮🇱

God Bless America 🇺🇸🫡

We have been infiltrated by a foreign country 🇮🇱 in case you don’t know…

(For educational/entertainment purposes) 🧵Thread🧵Post 2

All bought with foreign money 🇮🇱

And the list goes on and on…
Aug 19 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵Thread🧵Post 1


“Next to the devil himself, the Christian ✝️had no more bitter enemy than the J3W”

“I would like to see them when there are no Christians”

“May he who protects the J3W stuff them into his own mouth”

(For educational purposes only)Image 🧵Thread🧵Post 2

Martin Luther, father of the Protestant Reformation, was a rabid “antisemite”
In his 1543 treatise, "On the J3WS and Their Lies," Luther called for synagogues to be burned, J*wish homes to be destroyed, and J*wish people to be expelled from their communities.”

Post 3 👇🏽
Aug 16 7 tweets 4 min read
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*Was it treason or foreknowledge?

Post 2 👇🏽 Image 🧵Thread🧵Post 2

"Only History will be able to judge whether I am a traitor or not...but my view is that a handful of plutocrats who have aligned themselves with the wild imperialism of Judah ✡️ and who have with them plunged my country into a war that was stupid in the beginning. My view is that these people are the traitors."
-John Amery

Post 3 👇🏽