Andrew King Profile picture
Artist/cartoonist. Researching oddities in the shadows. Author of books & a blog about local history. Join my adventures at
Oct 30, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read

A Halloween Special…

In 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa to be the capital & in 1867, Sir John A. MacDonald became our first prime minister.

These two important parts of history, Ottawa being chosen as the capital, and Sir John A. MacDonald are mysteriously connected to the Witch of Plum Hollow…Image Just past Smiths Falls, there is a curious old log cabin near a place called Plum Hollow.

This little cabin now was once home to a respected real-life witch, THE WITCH OF PLUM HOLLOW… Image
Jul 25, 2024 20 tweets 13 min read
It’s a Wet Wednesday, and raining…a perfect night for a whisky and reflection…

Gather round for a Whisky Wednesday episode…🥃

Tonight: what was the first boat on the Great Lakes? Image Going back thousands of years, the first vessels on the lakes and rivers in what is now Canada were likely dug out canoes…

Archeologist in the 1980s south of OTtawa found a rock that has a carving of what appears to be a watercraft with 6 people in it. It was found on the surface of an ancient campsite during an archeological exploration and was discovered along with chipped stone points, ground stone axes, copper projectile points and hooks.

Although it cannot be radio carbon dated as it is not an organic material, finding Archaic type ground slate tools alongside it substantiates the idea that these ancient people from 8,000 years ago had a type of canoe watercraft of which they inscribed its image onto a rock.Image
Jun 13, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
Good evening, and welcome back to another episode of WhiskyWednesday where we pour a glass, and discuss topics that are relegated to the shadows…

Not for everyone, so mute or unfollow as your wish, and for those tuning in, let’s get started…

Tonight’s Topic: The ELF THE ELF

Not the mischievous gnome type but rather, Extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields…

This is something that we can’t see but rather “perceive” through our body…

I have been having troubling sleeping, which has never been a problem, also feeling on edge…a feeling of unusual anxiousness, and short fuse…

Anyone else feel it? It’s like a collective anxiety and short temperedness.Image
Mar 22, 2024 16 tweets 10 min read
Good evening, and welcome to a Thursday edition of WhiskyWednesday, where we examine some of the lesser known and obscure elements of this realm.

As always, pour a drink and pull up a chair l, or mute and leave.

Tonight’s episode is the result of much research…let’s begin.🥃 Situated on the Ottawa River approximately 18 kilometres northwest of downtown Ottawa lies a small island with such a haunting ancient history it truly should be called…

The Island Of The Dead. Image
Sep 28, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Good evening and welcome to a new episode of #WhiskyWednesday where we delve into some obscure elements of the world…

Tonight we look into what seems to be the world’s first nuclear reactor…in OTtawa. 🤯 With the recent popularity of the the film “Oppenheimer”, I was curious as to where the world’s first nuclear reactor would have been located.

It’s amazing the information you can find by doing a simple Google search.

It seems that with proper funding, more time and purer materials, the first man-made nuclear chain reaction would have taken place in Ottawa…
Aug 17, 2023 16 tweets 10 min read
Good evening and welcome to an all-new #WhiskyWednesday where we explore some avenues of the unknown…

Thanks for joining, and hope you are enjoying the month of August…I am grateful to have been able to pursue some extra curricular activities after a busy summer…

Let’s pour a drink and try and find where the Norse explorers settled in N.America/Canada because no one has found it… How far back do we go to determine who first discovered the North American continent?

You could say it was migration of humans from Asia across the Bering land bridge about 20,000 years ago. This is the theory we are told in grade school and has been imprinted on us from an early age, but another concept could be that seagoing coastal settlers may have crossed over to North America much earlier than the land trudging bridge crossers.

Yet, in order to prove this we would need to study the coastal sites of that time period for their evidence of habitation, which unfortunately now lie submerged in up to a hundred metres of water offshore…
May 26, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Good evening…I’ve been away for a bit and wanted to keep up with some local history so please join me now for a look at:

The Last Gentlemen’s Duel

The picturesque town of Perth, On provides a historic backdrop for a leisurely stroll amidst its historic stone buildings that…… Image On a rain soaked June 13th in 1833, Robert Lyon, aged 20, crumpled to the ground when 23 year old John Wilson fired a bullet into his lungs.

The players in this deadly duel were part of Perth’s unusual social hierarchy at that time. Most of the town’s population comprised of…… Image
Nov 22, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
Good evening, the eve of the 22nd of November, when, 59 years ago, a shot rang out that changed the course of history.

Much has been speculated about that day in Dallas in ‘63, but this tale is a web of fate & facts connected to Ottawa & the death of JFK.

Here we go…ready? 🧶 Our fateful tale begins two years earlier in may of 1961 when President JFK visited the capital of Canada, Ottawa, for a wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial…
Sep 16, 2021 27 tweets 11 min read
Good Evening, and welcome to another edition of #WhiskyWednesday, the one day a week I divert down a rabbit hole accompanied by a glass of whisky to discuss off-the-ramp ideas.

As per usual, feel free to mute, unfollow or ignore what is being said, I only do this once a week. Tonight’s episode will focus on a previous request to divulge a certain “Covid-Checklist” I created Jan.1 2021. It predicted certain events that would unfold as the year progressed. As I’ve checked off these predictions when they became actual reality, or maybe not…
Apr 11, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read

April 11th, 1912 Titanic set sail on a maiden voyage across the Atlantic, never reaching New York.

Ottawa has a very strong connection to this ill-fated ship that you can visit. This quiet connection rests on a pedestal in the lobby of the Chateau Laurier Hotel... Sitting atop a wooden pedestal in the Chateau Laurier is a stone carving of the Prime Minister, Sir Wilfred Laurier, who was Prime Minister of the time the Chateau was built in 1911, and whose name adorns the hotel. Now, just to back it up a bit...
Dec 21, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
WINTER SOLSTICE TOMORROW You don’t have to go to Europe or Mexico for ancient solstice structures. Research shows there’s one right here in ONTARIO.

On the shores of Rice Lake there’s a “snake” shaped earthen mound structure, shown in this government Lidar image I’ve acquired... Let’s take a closer look...

Ancient solar observatories would mark the solstices, a revered day in many ancient cultures, as it represented a shift in the sun towards “new light”. Stonehenge, Gosbeck Circle, Maya pyramids are built structures to recognize this day...
Dec 19, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
While we are all talking about the Great Saturn Conjunction as seen from Earth on the Solstice 21st, have we thought about how the view would look from Saturn...?

Well, I did some research & found an app that shows the view from Saturn TOWARDS EARTH AND IT IS ASTONISHING... 🪐 Image This is the view FROM saturn looking at Earth...😮







Whoa. This is crazy. 🪐
Saturnalia in all its glory is here. Image
Jul 16, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
Good evening, and welcome to a new episode of #WhiskyWEdnesday where we examine some alternative items of interest that may slip through the cracks of time.

For those that don’t like what is being posted, as always, I encourage you to unfollow me or mute at your own discretion. For all others, welcome to tonight’s episode.

Over the last few months we have been subjected to a constant battering ram of rules and regulations imposed on us to keep us safe. Granted, these are implemented to “protect” society, but sometimes they seem illogical, haphazard.
Jun 18, 2020 20 tweets 9 min read
Welcome to an all-new episode of #WhiskyWednesday where we examine the lesser examined facets of our society.

Tonight, we look into the secrets of the solstice. For centuries this event has been paramount to certain groups who revere this special day..

Pour a drink & let’s go! Mankind has always worshiped the sun and the planets, whether through spiritual practice or the construction of large scale monuments. Ancient civilizations such as the Maya and Egyptians all shared a common reverence for the sun and the earth’s astronomical relationship.
Apr 2, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
Good evening, & welcome to a new episode of #WhiskyWednesday.

This is a time when we dive into the subversive regions of information...

For those that do not want to participate....please mute or unfollow.

As always I recommend everyone research and decide for themselves. John D. Rockefeller

“The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest".

The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation based at 420 5th Avenue, NYC. It was established by the Rockefeller family. The Foundation was started by owner John D. Rockefeller.
Jan 3, 2020 34 tweets 10 min read
Good evening, and welcome to the first 2020 edition of #WhiskyWednesday on a Thursday.

Welcome back after the holiday break, hope everyone had a good time. For those not familiar with WW we explore subjects that lie within the shadows.

Tonight’s episode is “eye” opening... Before we begin, I must state that the following is based on research & fact, but I urge you to do your own research if you don’t believe it.

People will call it conspiracy, but I call it history.

Our story tonight exposes a global organiaztaion called The Illuminati... Image
Nov 7, 2019 12 tweets 9 min read
Good evening & welcome to another edition of #WhiskyWednesday where we explore some curious facets of our past & current times.

Pour a glass of your favorite cocktail & curl up by a heat source as we discuss what I think were visitors to Canada in the Bronze Age... It may seem impossible & ludicrous, but sometimes we need to explore the crazy to get to the logical.

Some of you may have heard of place called “Bayer Lake” near Halifax where stone ruins have perplexed archeologists for decades...they can’t figure out what it is & from when.
Jul 31, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Hammy Hamster was part of the TV show “Tales Of The Riverbank” created by 2 Canadian CBC editors, but was turned down by CBC. Later picked up by BBC in the UK, it was filmed at Cothy Butts near Fishbourne on the Isle of Wight....overdubbed with a different narrator for N.America. At the end of filming the series in 1973, the cast of animals were released into the wild where it was filmed. The hamsters & rodents died not long after release, but the Mongolian Gerbils survived for at least three years, the colony reaching c. 100 individuals by this time.

Jun 5, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Ok, did some digging into WtF is going on with celery prices, and it seems we are being duped by a celery conspiracy...

Usually, $1.99 or $3 a bunch, it is now $6.99 at local grocery stores.

So why? This is where it gets weird... #CeleryConspiracy Abating to know why celery is now $7 a bunch, a recent National Post article states:

“Contributing to the hefty price (of celery) now is weather and travel. Canada imports a significant portion of its celery, particularly from California.”

May 2, 2019 18 tweets 7 min read
Good evening, and welcome to another edition of #WhiskyWednesday , a glimpse into areas that may or may not blow your mind. All I ask is that you sit back enjoy your favourite cocktail and open your mind to what is happening around you...

Ok here we go... The year is 1968 and a rather lame looking logo of a very powerful society...The Club Of Rome.

Created by Aurelio Peccei, David Rockefeller and Alexander King it’s an organization of individuals that are scientists, economists, corporations high level civil servants.
Apr 17, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read
Long day at the studio, pouring a drink, and we should probably talk about this thing sitting at the bottom of Lake Ontario Thats marked on my navigational chart no one really wants to talk about....who’s in for a discussion about an extra terrestrial impact? Ok, so drink poured let’s take a look at navigational chart 2064 of Kingston to False Ducks. There is a magnetic anomaly.

I have sailed around here and your compass will spin’s weird, but let’s see why...