Ty Profile picture
Can we change history by not changing it? Emerging Tech Writer/Educator/📸Maker/🐘
Feb 7, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
I took a few photos over the weekend. It felt good to get out and shoot..but..as I pressed the shutter, I realized I wasn't just taking a photo, I was also mining $KOII 🤯

How is this possible? A short 🧵on what $KOII is and how you can mine @KoiiNetwork tokens with a camera. 1/ Cryptographic tokens are mined through consensus mechanisms (i.e. Bitcoins Proof of Work) the @koiinetwork has a unique consensus mechanism called Proof of Real Traffic or PoRT whereby $KOII is mined through the verified traffic that visits a particular piece of content.
Feb 5, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
The first @OpenWebFoundry event of the year was PACKED full of updates and information on the biggest projects building on @ArweaveTeam

Recording 👉

I have extracted some of the highlights from @al_koii's presentation of @KoiiNetwork in a🧵.. enjoy! 1/ The OWF presentation started with a brief overview of @KoiiNetwork. Founder @al_koii explained that while the world is full of people the attention they have available is actually very limited, making it the scarcest resource in the world.