Tyler Treat Profile picture
Interested in messaging middleware, distributed systems, and cloud infrastructure. Managing Partner at @real_kinetic. Author of @liftbridge_io.
Pengfei Ni Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 28, 2021 24 tweets 4 min read
We encounter A LOT of organizations talking about and/or attempting to implement SRE at @real_kinetic. There's a brief, unassuming section in the SRE book tucked away toward the tail end of chapter 32, "The Evolving SRE Engagement Model". 1/n @real_kinetic Between the SLIs and SLOs, the error budgets, alerting, and handling change management, it's probably one of the more overlooked parts of the book. It's also, in my opinion, one of the most important.
Oct 30, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Gotta say @GCPcloud, Data Fusion is a nightmare compared to @Trifacta Dataprep. It takes 25 minutes just to spin up the pipeline editor which itself costs $1100/mo just to run. Dataprep charges just for the Dataflow resources. The UX and debuggability of Data Fusion is a disaster @GCPcloud @Trifacta It's strange, Data Fusion feels so odd-man-out compared to GCP's normally good "serverless" story, e.g. services like BigQuery and Dataflow. The CDAP infrastructure it runs is a monster, and it relies on Dataproc which itself has issues. Good for billing though, I guess.
Jun 10, 2019 22 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about code reviews (again). I usually encounter two camps when it comes to code reviews: those who think they are necessary and good and those who think they are an unneeded process that slows people down (or a less efficient alternative to pair programming). 1/ I've seen lots of discussion recently about "you need to do X" to build software effectively. Personally, I don't care if you do agile, XP, kanban, TDD, etc. At a certain point, I don't think the tactics matter all that much so long as what you do works for you. 2/
Apr 25, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Hoooly shit this is amazing and at the same time not at all surprising. 1/ First, "digital transformations" kill me. What are you transforming *to*? 2/
Nov 27, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
After spending a few days using Prometheus, I'm a little stumped as to why it's so popular. I think my expectations were out of whack with the amount of buzz surrounding it. I get that there isn't much else in terms of OSS monitoring solutions (*shivers at the days of using Graphite and Grafana*)...
Jul 23, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
When I hear developers venting frustrations about productivity and wishing to "bottle up" their flow state, here's what I usually tell them (apologies for the graphic analogy)... If you have constant "flow", what you actually have is diarrhea, and you're probably just dumping out a bunch of unsustainable crap. You don't want constant flow. You want nice regular bowel movements of code. 💩
Jul 13, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Pretty accurate overview of GCP (the good and the bad) - deps.co/blog/google-cl… AWS and GCP are working towards the same goal from completely opposite ends. AWS is the Ops engineer's cloud—low-level primitives with lots of control, flexibility, and configuration. You need an Ops team just to manage IAM, networks, and so forth.
Jun 2, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
I hear people say Kubernetes is more like choreography or jazz improv than orchestration. This seems not only pedantic, but wrong. K8s literally relies on a master node to align the state of the world with the desired state via actions. Sure, there are feedback loops...between the master and other nodes in the cluster. Sounds like a conductor orchestrating to me.
Mar 15, 2018 21 tweets 4 min read
I'm not involved with @nats_io anymore, but let me tell you why I've written so much about it, why I used it, why I worked on it full-time for a while, and why I think it's a good addition to @CloudNativeFdn. @nats_io @CloudNativeFdn The way we build systems has fundamentally changed. Containers, serverless, IoT—computation is increasingly distributed and ephemeral, yet our systems mindset is lagging.
Feb 23, 2016 4 tweets 1 min read
I think for Cloud to really be a successful part of Google's business, they need to 1) differentiate themselves from AWS, not play catch-up. And 2) commit to actual release schedules and deadlines—no more beta limbo.
Sep 9, 2015 10 tweets 1 min read
Containers: causing startups to overengineer since 2013 How many companies are actually successfully using containers in production today?