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COMMIT 💯 TODAY! 👉🏼 https://t.co/rOYp3kbjQh | 7th Gen Arizonan | @TPAction_ | We Register Voters, Recruit Precinct Leaders & Chase Ballots
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Oct 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Many people realizing this is the goal of the left’s ballot manipulation game.

1️⃣ Flood the zone with ballots
2️⃣ Overwhelm the capacity of the systems
3️⃣ Get Billionaires to fund ballot ID and chase operations (including curing) to get as many low propensity votes in
4️⃣ Sue to protect only the votes that benefit them
5️⃣ Delay counting to minimize time for standard auditing of these new, prolonged processes to shorten time period for certification.
This is why they will find any excuse to send every registered voter a ballot. Their attack ratio is approximately funding chase operation for 1 out of every 2 low prop ballots

Why do low prop ballots matter to the left? Because the voter has a low value assignment to the ballot
Aug 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I am at the RNC meeting in Milwaukee and like last meeting I will be tweeting my thoughts and observations as a one stop place for what’s going on here.

The RNC had a couple meetings yesterday ahead of the Vice Presidential debate and I’ll fill in later as the day progresses on. We are starting today in a “members only” meeting where no staff is allowed and it’s asked we don’t share info talked about in here. They’re usually fairly boring but recently more tense as some members are expressing discontent with the direction of the RNC.
Apr 26, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
RNC SPRING MEETING THREAD: Updates and Info from RNC Meeting in one easy to follow thread. Will update as the meeting progresses. We are starting today discussing DELEGATES process for 2024 to the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Looks like Arizona will lose about 12 or 13 delegates from last convention.

Altogether @JeffDeWitAZ and I believe we will have 34 delegates plus 34 alternates if our math is correct
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the current map of the United States based on the votes you have elected to Congress. There are 4 true swing states in addition to other swings like AZ, NV, FL, OH, IA

Democrats are 12 electoral votes from a W-- meaning only ONE of PA, NC or GA from a win (1/4) If the GOP abandons Arizona, that means the Republican Party must sweep PA, NC and GA without losing an electoral college vote in Nebraska or neutralizing it in Maine. (2/4)
Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
For those not aware— here’s the Rusty Bowers timeline:

1. Rusty blocks VERY basic election integrity bills as speaker, pushes trans agenda, ignores his own caucus, tries to eliminate precinct committeeman elections— so he gets censured. 2. First he loses his mind and commits himself to the Democrats. Calls Arizona a fascist state because, well, he’s lost his marbles.
Nov 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
In Arizona Ballot Harvesting is illegal. Illegal to cast ballot for someone outside your household unless you are a caregiver.

It’s nearly impossible to track and democrats have simply quadrupled down on investing in new harvesting schemes to pick up one ballot at a time. I am sharing this because in reports we are seeing, this is evident. A lot of the money that was being spent by Mark Kelly, we now know was going to these schemes. We need @AbrahamHamadeh to get elected to dive in and prosecute those engaging in this one by one.
Oct 15, 2022 22 tweets 10 min read
ARIZONA! I am starting a MEGA-THREAD to reference for all @AZGOP Voter Guides for every Legislative District & their general location

You can save images to share with friends, family and coworkers. Many of these have non partisan races. I’ll start with Maricopa County below! 🇺🇸 Legislative District 2 - North Phoenix. You can find a map here: recorder.maricopa.gov/Maps2/Legislat… Image
Aug 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
For those now interested in Ranked Choice Voting & Redistricting— what the Obama-Holder folks knew (and unexpectedly got Biden in) was that major metro areas in large, easy to control counties that are predominantly in the west are the key to electoral control & mischief (1/8) In Redistricting— if you can shrink the size of target lobby through subversive commissions, while also pushing for preferred “communities of interest” to be over-represented in the census — you can swing a state congressional and leg delegation your way. (2/8)
Jul 31, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) & why it’s bad:

Let’s use an example community—

Our community is:

41% Very Conservative
14% Moderate Republican
22% Moderate Democrat
18% Progressive
5% Other Ideologies

By all accounts this is a “very conservative” community

(1/15) In trad primary system, either the 40% Conservative population would win outright— or where primary runoffs occur (with a 50% + 1 rule), the mod republicans lose every time to the conservatives as community is more conservative & they would proceed to general against dems

Jun 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Ive had a lot of people ask me— “What’s the deal with HB2289 and what’s the hold up?” So I thought I would recap some easy to digest thoughts.

1) #HB2289 is the most gutsy election integrity bill that was drafted from the get go. 2) It focuses predominantly on ending fraud by eliminating unnecessary mail-in voting that has become abused as it has become more prevalent. (Won’t get into all the abuse opportunities here.) It also requires precinct-level voting (something the left is trying to eliminate.)
Mar 19, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
When I lived in Russia, I spent a significant amount of time in villages around the town Shakhty which translates literally as “Mines.” It is one of the largest cities closest to the Ukrainian border and during the fall of the Soviet Union the mines all went to oligarchs who (1) Shut them down causing massive unemployment and despair felt to this day. This is what “Donbass” means— shortened for the Don (River) Coal Basin. The city is mainly very poor, most living off of the government. It’s interesting to note that theres very little differentiation (2)
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Early Ballots should be requested EVERY election cycle & they should be requested by signature for specific, limited cause, enforceable by law.

All ballots should be processed, signature verified & hand counted prior to Election Day so that results can be tabulated the same day. I don’t love early ballots at all, wish we could undo PEVL completely but this is a fair step in that right direction.
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Let me break down AZ for you:

Trump & Biden are within .3% of one another:

1️⃣ Thousands of dead or incapacitated voters
2️⃣ Tens of thousands of “federal-only” ballots, many are not citizens
3️⃣ Thousands of lapsed & moved votes
4️⃣ Tens of thousands of signature-adjudicated votes This does not include simple verification of all of the various concerns with the Dominion machines, the digital adjudication process and the software tabulation.