Tyler McGinnis Profile picture
https://t.co/rv2wQf22bd | https://t.co/tVgZpnj4SL | https://t.co/vDsyv7AZVM | https://t.co/QFQpFia4LU | https://t.co/vUanbArNAR
Sep 7, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
We spent the last ~15 months building 🕹️ – our take on a modern, interactive React course.

Today we're happy to announce that it's live and available for everyone.

Here's why we're excited about it and why it took so long to create.react.gg React has a beautiful programming model and we wanted to bring it to life.

To do that, we decided to represent every core React concept as a visual you could interact with.

Here are a few of my favorites.
Mar 28, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
🎉 After nearly a year of building in secret, I'm excited to finally announce what we've been working on.

Introducing 🕹️ react.gg - The interactive way to master modern React.

Here's why we're excited about it and why it took so long to create. First, we wanted to redefine what an online course could be. When you think of a programming "course", odds are you think of a Udemy style experience – screencasts, some text, a few quizzes.

The web is a dynamic platform and deserves better.
Jan 4, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
10 Web Dev Predictions for 2022 (that are probably wrong, but hey, this is Twitter where you don't need to be right) Hot take  house sign 1. Netlify will acquire Remix*.

Netlify gets the distribution and Remix gets the... cash. Together, they'll take on Vercel/Next and the 75 other OSS-projects-turned-hosting-companies.

*Remix has already refuted this, so 0/1.
Jun 15, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
👋 Very excited to announce that after 9 months of work, we've rebranded TylerMcGinnis .com to UI.dev (@uidotdev).

With the rebrand comes a lot of updates and changes. 🧵 Course Updates.

- Brand new "React Router v5" course.
- Updated "Redux" course (with Hooks)
- Updated "React Router v4" course
- Updated "Modern JS" course
- Updated "Advanced JS" course
Mar 9, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
You know those Tweets that you think about often, for whatever reason? Here are some of mine.