Tyler Todt Profile picture
Husband | #1 dad | Fitness Health Habits | Winning one day at a time | Love building others up, let’s all win! | Jeremiah 29:11 | THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT ON X.
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Sep 26 15 tweets 5 min read
At 34 I was chubby with a dad bod, aimless, & depressed.

When I woke up my FIRST THOUGHT was I can’t wait for this day to be over so I can zone out to TV & eat snacks.


One night in tears I decided to change my life & did.

I’ve since helped hundreds of clients do the same.

Here’s the top THREE things you need to TODAY to get unstuck, off autopilot & LIVING again!Image 1) Take full ownership & CANCEL BLAME.

If only my wife wasn’t so nagging…
If only my boss wasn’t so rigid….
If I only had more time….

Look I get it.

Life’s busy.
There will ALWAYS be an excuse.

Your brain will protect your delicate ego by reminding you of them daily.
Sep 19 15 tweets 4 min read
It's not EASY being the parent of small children.

They have endless energy & require most of your attention.

But, you do have FULL control over their sphere of influence.


As they age, it's harder to have the biggest influence on them.


Infiltrate their vulnerable minds.

Here's THREE MASSIVE THINGS my wife I are doing/plan on doing to be super intentional parents & set our kids up for success.

*BOOKMARK THIS ONE!Image 1) Volunteering early.

If you're reading this odds are your kids have a pretty good & comfortable life.

Mine are in swim lessons, gymnastics & have every opportunity at their fingertips.

They have grandparents that love & spoil them & are surrounded by blessings!
Sep 16 21 tweets 7 min read
TWO years into marriage my wife & I said the dreaded D-WORD often. (Divorce)

EIGHT years later & my wife recently said it’s BETTER THAN THE HONEYMOON!

Here’s some BIG changes that helped our marriage, friendship & passion thrive again!

*Bookmark this one! Image 1) Mandatory date nights every week.

It’s shameful looking back, but I went out with my buddies, co-workers & kids but never just my wife after we got married.

I stopped dating her.
I stopped pursuing her.

I remember the day I sat her down & apologized for this.
Sep 5 20 tweets 6 min read
Nearly 5 years ago my family cancelled:

•Cable TV
•Deleted all news apps

We unplugged from what SOCIETY told us was important & focused ONLY on what mattered to us.


Here’s the results: Image 1) Our family saved $130/month by canceling these services.

5 years ago we got paid TWO ways every month.
•My salary
•Wife’s salary

Last month we got paid FIFTEEN different ways!

With the extra time & endless resources available to us (X, YouTube, mentors) we learned!
Sep 2 9 tweets 3 min read
ADHD is more than a FOCUS problem.

It’s the hidden force behind missed deadlines, anxiety and relentless stress.

Medications falling short?

Discover the real solution below: Image ADHD causes more than just distractions.

ADHD goes beyond focus—it can impact your entire life.

Here’s the solution that changed everything for a lot of people! Image
Sep 2 20 tweets 7 min read
9 years ago I knew nothing of:
-Pretend hair salons
-Story time
-Dress up

Then I became a dad.

It’s the greatest GIFT & RESPONSIBILITY ever.

Here’s a few tips I’ve learned along the way that have made fatherhood the best!

*BOOKMARK THIS DADS! Image My wife & I became parents a little over NINE YEARS AGO.

We have fostered SEVEN children & adopted our TWO sons.

Here's most of what we've learned along the way! Image
Aug 30 7 tweets 3 min read
10 years married today!!

•5 foster children reunited back home.
•2 adopted perfect wild boys.
•1 biological angel daughter.
•10,000 walks & hikes.
•1,000 adventures.

-God in the center of our marriage.
-A joint mission & legacy.

Forever to go. 🙏


1) Spouse over kids.

We love our kids so much we ignore them every week to keep dating & growing together.

2) Have fun & laugh together!

Be weird, be goofy, be playful. You are each other's best friend & playmate - have fun with that!

3) If you're going to argue, do it naked.
Aug 26 14 tweets 4 min read
You don’t need to DISAPPEAR FOR SIX MONTHS to change your life.

You simply need to implement a few daily HABITS & SYSTEMS.

Get ADDICTED to these FIVE HABITS & create your best life NOW!

You’ll be unrecognizable soon!
Peace, energy & the best you awaits!

**Bookmark this one! Image Far too often people feel STUCK & think the life they dream of is too far off & impossible.

I've worked with hundreds of clients & can assure you changing your life is NOT some big monumental burning bush type moment,

It is being RUTHLESSLY CONSISTENT with your daily habits!
Aug 19 11 tweets 5 min read
7 years ago we were in a a MISERABLE marriage.

Our house wasn’t a HOME,
it was a WAR ZONE.

We didn’t speak days at a time.

•Always on eggshells.
•All we have almost wasn’t.
•My kids could’ve not had a dad.

Here's 5 BIG changes we made to REIGNITE our marriage & connect deeper than ever!

*BOOKMARK this one married folks!Image 1) We quit “watching a show” every night in bed sitting in silence.

Watching a show is a crappy excuse to connect.

We cancelled:

If we watch something now,
We’re learning together.

We’re interacting!

No TV in the BEDROOM.

Only SLEEP & SEX! Image
Aug 15 22 tweets 7 min read
The wisest man I know never attended a day of college.

He had a hard childhood.
He tragically lost his mom early in life.

I got a front row seat watching him overcome it all to become an absolute champion.

He lives an on fire life, is locked in still at 67, & is the wealthiest man on earth.

My kids call him POPS.
I call him DAD.

Here's THREE LESSONS he's taught me that'll CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

*BOOKMARK THIS ONE!Image 1) "Victor or victim and you can't be both"

I'll never forget it was my first baseball game.

I was obsessed with baseball.

At 5 I could name every STL Cardinals player & their stats.

I told everyone I was going to be a Major League Baseball player when I grew up.
Aug 8 24 tweets 6 min read
All the hair on my arms stood up.

My senses were more heightened than ever before.

It wasn’t just the words he spoke, something was just OFF with this guy.

He took another step closer towards me & my daughter......

A few years ago I had the CREEPIEST encounter of my life. It started off like most days.

I asked my then 5 year old if she wanted to go for a hike & scavenger hunt.

Let’s go daddy, but can I bring my bike?

Of course I said & off we went to a trail she could ride on.

I packed a little bag & created a mini scavenger hunt for us. Image
Aug 1 25 tweets 7 min read
3 years ago I was told by colleagues, family & friends I was FOOLISH for quitting a safe paying corporate job during a pandemic.


My only regret:
I should've BET ON MYSELF sooner.

Here’s the journey & some takeaways for anyone wanting to escape the 9-5. Image I’ll start by saying my way may not be the best for you & this by no means is saying if you work corporate you’re doing it wrong.

Like everything in life there’s upside & downside to our choices.

If you’re fulfilled at corporate, awesome!

Keep killing it!

I just wasn’t :)
Jul 29 14 tweets 5 min read
My wife & I have been together for 11 years & married almost 10.

I have NOT bought her flowers once in the last 8 years & NEVER WILL AGAIN!

Here’s why that’s a GREAT thing & what men can learn to have more successful relationships.

*BOOKMARK this one fellas!! Image Early in our marriage my wife & I struggled.

We both went from self employed with lots of free time to SURPRISE we are pregnant on the honeymoon!

I started a corporate job, went back to school full time & she worked from home with a screaming newborn.
Jul 25 15 tweets 5 min read
I got fired from a corporate job several years ago.

It was 100% my fault.

I was so low coming home I had tears in my eyes.

I felt like I let my family down.

My wife could've been angry with me.

She could've said I TOLD YOU SO.
She could've said it's your fault.

INSTEAD..... Image She met me outside the door with a giant hug.

Listen Ty, God has bigger plans for you.

Thank you for working hard there, but WE will build back together STRONGER THAN EVER.

You are a winner, that's what you've done your whole life at anything you've set your mind too.
Jul 22 20 tweets 5 min read
We all hit rock bottom at some point.

Life hits us hard & we are left reeling.



Here’s my rock bottom story & some powerful takeaways from it.

*Give me two minutes to brighten your day! Image I was playing in the World Series of Poker & crushing it.

It was my best summer yet.

I was up just shy of $70,000 in 5 weeks.

My then wife & I were designing a custom 6,500sq foot mansion.

I drove luxury cars.

I had “everything” at 27.

Money, travel, friends, success.
Jul 18 21 tweets 6 min read
My wife & I are 100% DEBT FREE!!!

We made the final payment on our house yesterday!

•Paid off home.
•Paid off solar panels.
•No credit card or car payments.
•Paid off 68 acre farm. (Investment we cash rent out).


5 years ago we moved cross country with less than $1,000 in our checking & NO SAVINGS.

We owed 400K on our farm land & 300k on our house.

Here's how we turned it around!Image A little over 5 years ago I was fired from a corporate job & life felt hopeless.

Looking back that was the single BEST THING that ever happened.

We used to get paid 2 ways:
-my salary
-wife's salary

Last month we got paid 16 ways!
Jul 15 17 tweets 6 min read
You make a LIVING from 9-5.
You make a LIFE from 5-9.

Here’s a few ways you can MAXIMIZE that 5-9 life & pour into what matters the most!

Ask any empty nester parent, it GOES FAST!

*Bookmark this thread. Image 1) If you want your kids to have the ULTIMATE PRIVILEGE they need to grow up in a house full of love.

Men, never stop dating your spouse.

Model for your daughters & sons how a MAN should treat a woman.

Set that bar incredibly high for them to see everyday! Image
Jul 11 19 tweets 7 min read
When my wife whispers,

"Hurry reading the kids books & meet me in bed, I'll be waiting in my birthday suit!"

I feel 100 feet tall :)

If a guy routinely advances on his wife & she treats it like a chore & NEVER seems interested, he's going to get discouraged, look elsewhere & the marriage is in BIG trouble.

If you're married & NOT HAVING SEX you don't need to wonder if there's a problem...... there is.

*BOOKMARK this thread & let's fix that!Image Most guys won't cheat physically, but they will mentally with porn & the marriage is still in trouble then.

Most wives do not understand how the male brain works.

I see so many guys BLAMING THEIR WIVES for lack of sex.

Fellas, that is what a BOY would do.

Take ownership & do this instead.
Jul 4 12 tweets 4 min read
It is 2024 and if you aren't earning extra income with all the resources available then you are falling behind!

You can make up to $20,000 a month, if you have:

• Internet
• A laptop
• Basic Google research skills

Here’s how to turn my laptop into a money machine: Side Hustle: Content Creation

Earn up to $10,000/month with your writing and video skills!

- Start a blog, YouTube channel, or social media page
- Share your passion

Join platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, & Freelancer.

Build a solid profile and gather positive reviews.
Jul 4 23 tweets 7 min read
Almost 5 years ago our family moved across the country.

I went 7 weeks ahead of them.

I didn't connect the TV those 7 weeks & told my wife when they moved we were cancelling:

•Cable TV
•Deleting all the news apps

Let's unplug from what SOCIETY told us was important & focus ONLY on what matters to us.


We did.

Here’s the results:Image 1) Our family saved $130/month by canceling these services.

5 years ago we got paid TWO ways each month.
•My salary
•Wife’s salary

Last month we got paid SIXTEEN different ways!

With the extra time & endless resources available to us (X, YouTube, mentors) we learned!
Jun 26 12 tweets 4 min read
In 2024 YOU can make $10,000 a month if you have:

• Internet
• A laptop
• Basic Google research skills

Here's how to start a side hustle that'll make you rich and FREE! Side Hustle: Content Creation

Earn up to $10,000/month with your writing and video skills!

- Start a blog, YouTube channel, or social media page
- Share content you're passionate about

Join Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.

Create a solid profile and gather positive reviews.