ulyankee, Ph.D. and NAR survivor Profile picture
Long-time veteran of Louisiana public higher ed admin. Finally Ph.D. (English), now in upstate NY. Write about higher ed and the Religious Right.
Feb 2, 2021 36 tweets 6 min read
Here are some quotes from C. Peter Wagner's Apostles Today (2012), where Wagner credits the Latter Rain as being
"pioneers" to what would become the New Apostolic Reformation. Citations are to the Kindle edition. "In North America, God began to open doors for the emergence of the apostles of the Second Apostolic Age right after World War II. It was around that time when some churches began to recognize the office of apostle. However, the movement eventually sputtered. 2/
Jan 18, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
In 2004, I left a highly authoritarian group which at that time, C. Peter Wagner considered a leadership paradigm for the New Apostolic Reformation. I left after I found out about the group's secretive past and questioned its true motives, which was to take over the world. 1/ They renamed themselves Every Nation around the time I left. They were previously known as Morning Star International. They were directly descended from a notorious Religious Right campus "cult" of the 70s and 80s, Maranatha Campus Ministries. 2/
Nov 24, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
I have some thoughts about this thread. He brings up several valid points, but based on my experience walking away from a cultic Christian group in 2004 (the generation before exvies), yet w/connections to evangelicalism afterwards I have some critique 1/ Many evangelicals (I use that word in a very broad sense to include Pentecostals, charismatics, and even some religious right Catholics) see *any* criticism of their beliefs and practices as undermining their faith. It's not lack of curiosity. It's fear. Even rage. 2/