Umesh Profile picture
AI explorer, educator and creator |
Jul 5 5 tweets 2 min read
This is amazing!

I created this image without worrying about how to prompt!

Here’s how! ⤵️ Image This was done using “getimg AI’s” brand new ‘Presets’ feature!

Check out this walkthrough video!
Mar 30 6 tweets 3 min read
Ok, This was unexpected!

I discovered a way to duplicate characters!

You can take any image (left) and generate images like these on the right!

Here is how ⤵️ Image While playing with Midjourney, one of my prompt produced multiple identical characters with --cref as one of the parameter.

So I refined the prompt to get a group of Monalisa sculptures. Image
Feb 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Given a plot (or image), it is possible to generate an entire story with illustrated images that are fairly consistent with characters and visuals!

✨ Presenting my new GPT: Story Illustrator! 🎨


1. Describe a plot for your story in a few words or upload any image, and the GPT will construct the story and create consistent visuals.

2. Choose the artistic style for the illustrations or specify your own!

3. You can specify the number of images to generate.

All images will have a consistent style, characters, settings, and a brief narration of the story.

This would be a great fit for kids, parents, teachers, and anyone who likes to have a fun story made with illustrations.

Some examples and a link to the GPT below!

❤️🤖🎨Plot: A mother helps her baby learn to walk.  Style : Watercolor painting style  Story : Summary: A mother tenderly supports her baby's first hesitant steps, encouraging each small achievement with love and pride, culminating in the baby's joyful first independent steps.  First Stand: The baby stands with the mother's support, looking curious. Speech bubble: "Up we go!" Tiny Steps: The baby takes cautious steps, guided by the mother's hands. Speech bubble: "You got this!" Faltering Move: The baby wobbles slightly, the mother ready to catch. Speech bubble: "I'm here!... Link to GPT.…
Nov 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨 DALL-E 3 has released a new update! 🚨

Now, you can create an image that follows the style of any previous image!

🔖 Bookmark for later use.

Here's are the steps I followed: Image 1. I started by requesting GPT-4 to create a pencil sketch of a house.

2. It responded with two images, and I noted down the gen_id of each image.

Exact request and response provided in ALT
{   "request": {     "size": "1024x1024",     "prompt": "Create a detailed pencil sketch of an old Victorian-style house with a steep gabled roof, a prominent front porch with ornate wooden trim, and a towering chimney. Include surrounding details like a wrought iron fence, a cobblestone pathway leading to the house, and a few mature trees with intricate branch patterns. The sketch should have a haunted, eerie feel, with shadows and light creating a dramatic contrast, hinting at the house's long history and the many stories it might tell."  ...
 {       "gen_id": "7N58tmp5GF2aobK7",       "prompt": "Create a detailed pencil sketch of an old Victorian-style house with a steep gabled roof, a prominent front porch with ornate wooden trim, and a towering chimney. Include surrounding details like a wrought iron fence, a cobblestone pathway leading to the house, and a few mature trees with intricate branch patterns. The sketch should have a haunted, eerie feel, with shadows and light creating a dramatic contrast, hinting at the house's long history and the many stories it might tell.",       "...
Aug 25, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
📚 Midjourney Guide : Generating Consistent Characters with Different Expressions 🎭

🎨 This guide explains two methods to generate consistent characters with different expressions.

1️⃣ Using Vary(Strong)

2️⃣ Using Inpainting with Split Images
(Inspired from @chaseleantj ) Image Part 1: Using Vary(Strong)
1️⃣ Write a prompt to generate the desired image of the character.
2️⃣ Upscale one of the images.
3️⃣ Utilize the Vary(Strong) feature to modify the character's expression.
