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Brooklyn. Engineer.
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Jul 2 4 tweets 1 min read
Been touring the burnt out husks of Western New York Cities for the last few days. I heard we get tribunals and camps soon? Guys can we send the tribunals to Niagara Falls. I think it'd be a cute little town without the huge violent crime rate.
Jun 18 20 tweets 5 min read
The land border is 1200 miles long.

Men every half mile is 2400 men.

There are 19,000 men in the Texas National Guard. We pretend this problem is hard, but it isn't. Especially with drones.
Jun 12 6 tweets 2 min read
Albany, NY also tried this model where they placed a government-supported grocery store in a "food desert" and it lasted less than two years before it collapsed into debt and corruption then just closed.
Image As it turned out, "the community" didn't actually care about having fresh food available locally. They preferred the McDonald's that was there previously. But McDonald's didn't want to be there anymore.
May 22 9 tweets 2 min read
Multicultural spaces, like America, cannot have public services like this because there is not a universal cultural expectation to keep them clean and nice.

Switzerland could have them. We could not. "We should have nice public laundromats" and "You can't stop the homeless guys from jerking off in the library" are the same people.
Apr 18 8 tweets 2 min read
What I'm learning over the last 48 hours is that people really believe that ingrained cultural values just happen.

Which is why most of them can't grasp why "ocean plastic only comes from 8 rivers." This shouldn't be surprising, as we've watched atheists free-ride in Christian culture without understanding why the entire thing collapses in an atheist culture.
Apr 17 7 tweets 1 min read
Women do not understand how often they're approached, an ongoing series. RN Atheist will say shit talk about "transactions" while cynically ignoring the woman in question is essentially asking for free protection from the OP.

But that's just his "responsibility." She has none.
Apr 15 8 tweets 2 min read
This past weekend, 3 eggs, home fries, and sausage cost me $14.79 at a diner.

Nobody's wages have not gone up enough to counter that a $6 meal now costs $15. I am also very curious how often the "huge vacation season" predictions that happen every time there's a Democratic president in office actually reflect reality.
Mar 31 6 tweets 2 min read
My brother in law lives in something that looks like this just outside of Dallas. Just this for like 5 square miles. Centrally planned and recently built. And I cannot for the life of me understand why they didn't sprinkle some bars, restaurants, and small grocery stores in it. For all the well-deserved mockery that bodega discourse receives, a bodega every few blocks would be a massive quality of life improvement.

You could, for instance, get a half gallon of milk without it being a 40 minute round trip. Or have a couple beers and not drive home.
Feb 23 10 tweets 2 min read
I agree. Just say it. You have to state the problem openly in order to begin solving it. Nobody except European governments view government as public good. They view it as personal enrichment service for friends.

When you begin handing your governments over to those same people, your government starts looking like where those people came from.
Feb 20 9 tweets 2 min read
Very few people are going to win a 1v1 with Jon Stewart in a format like this but the answer is "children should not be exposed to sexual deviancy, that should be obvious, and I don't find it necessary to elaborate further." "It's a comedy show."
"Children can't put comedy in context. Because they're children. For the same reason you wouldn't show them horror movies."
"Shouldn't that be a parent decision?"
"We already decided some decisions need be taken out of parents' hands. That's why CPS exists."
Feb 18 9 tweets 2 min read
New York has basically fined a real estate developer for doing regular real estate development things during a housing crisis. She's doing damage control. "What'd he do?"
"He got a building loan using an existing asset as collateral and then and paid it back with interest."
Feb 15 12 tweets 2 min read
Everyone can make fun of the Tucker in Moscow thing and that's fine, but nobody seems willing to admit that most US cities are transforming at various speeds into unlivable holes and nobody seems to have a plan to stop it. "Well that's what they voted for!"

OK, yes, but then you're admitting that democracy is bad and doesn't work. We agree! What's next?
Jan 17 8 tweets 2 min read
His job is the girl with him, not two randos he's never met. He's between the attacker and his girl at every point. He correctly has no interest leaving her alone and dying for you. Nor should he.
Jan 5 10 tweets 2 min read
I spent time at a Midtown WeWork yesterday and there were over 200 desks available. My not-opulent lunch from a city-based chain cost almost $40. There were still very few people in Penn Station. Grand Central was full of illegals. FiDi was a ghost town except at the Bull where tourists were taking pictures.
Dec 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Today, I went to mass at [Local Catholic College]. During the recital of the Creed, the priest dropped the word "men."

The left expects the right to lay down their arms in exactly this way, which allows them unimpeded progress when the power rests with them. As I went into the explicitly-signed "All-Gender Restroom" in the Catholic Chapel, it occurred to me that 1) If it can reach into a Catholic college, it can reach into anywhere and 2) the ONLY real solution is to put any convenient boot on their neck until they stop.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There is a very good locked thread under this Tweet, but the crux of it is that London police couldn't stop this even if they wanted.

It's largely the result of a police force that's designed to police British People and is, instead, being asked to police Africans. Image The lie of Blank Slate Theory has led to a police force that's woefully ill-equipped to deal with what it's being asked to deal with.
Sep 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
You made it impossible to fake IDs, cops conduct sting operations to arrest people selling beer to underage kids, and parents can be arrested for having parties at their house that include underage drinking.

In other words, Boomers and Xers destroyed youth. Again. Going to guess it's not as easy to get a handle of cheap vodka as "get someone with a steady hand and a colored pencil to change the date on your NY Driver's License" anymore.
Aug 21, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
That's because 50 years of non-Trump Republicans have done nothing to push the country rightward in any meaningful way. Did Trump get outwizarded by Fauci? Yes.
Did Trump make bad decisions with respect to the pandemic? Yes.

Did he fucking threaten to fire every worker in the country if they didn't get the shot? No.
Did he unleash his DOJ on political opponents? Also no.
Jun 12, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
A brief thread on this exchange. Image It largely goes hand in hand with this observation from @fullautoslur Image
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Crowe/Javert is worse because most of Javert's parts aren't even hard, and they let him bail on the really hard stuff, and Crowe still couldn't do it. They didn't do him any favors putting him opposite of Jackman, though.

Like this is so bad.
Jun 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is why these people are interesting to listen to but ultimate unhelpful. They'll put Robert Kennedy in office who will be a rubber stamp for any bit of left wing legislation that lands on his desk. Like Lindsay, the Weinsteins believe they can roll leftism back to their preferred moment in time and stop it there.