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creators of Urbit’s largest planet market, first network explorer and first Urbit OTC trading desk. galaxy purchases/sales: otc@urbit.live
Nov 14, 2019 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: Fiat networking has given us (EXPLAINED)
- Google/FB
- data theft
- mass surveillance
- destruction of privacy
- censorship
- manipulation of information
- spam
- online mobs
- bad ux
- ads
- phone addiction
- password fatigue Google/FB
The fiat networking stack (unix/tcp/ip) is too cumbersome for a P2P model for the internet. Instead, we have the client-server model, which leads to large companies like Facebook and Google controlling vast centralized networks of applications and data.
Aug 30, 2019 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
Fiat networking is based upon deception, just like fiat money.

Thread: Fiat “networks” are created on top of the existing internet software stack (Unix/TCP/IP).

The fiat paradigm is also known as the client-server model.