Poet, educator, translator. Greco-Roman magic/anthropology nerd. Brown, Princeton, & Columbia alum. Mom to one. Spiritual auntie to many. IG @cosmicspiritauntie
Feb 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
1/🧵Ok it's only 10:30 in the morning and 🤯🤯🤯
Do you astro folx (who were raised in one of the Western monotheistic traditions) remember Ba'al from your Sunday/Hebrew/Qur'an school stories?
The "bad" god in the story of prophet Elijah?>>>
2/🧵Guess who Ba'al was to the Phoenicians?
✨The constellation Orion. ✨
And they observed Ba'al/Orion's movements in giant reflecting pools that were oriented to the directions of the equinox and solstices.
These pools are found in Phoenician temple complexes>