🐇 @ back in the building again 😵‍💫 ☆ミ Profile picture
バニー, a walking study in demonology. 2 time YALSA award winning J-E TL/editor (Vampeerz/History of Hentai/New Life As Cat/Usotoki/more. 翻訳家・編集者。日本語OK. 30歳↑ 🍉
Apr 27, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
I don't know who's doing the subs for Mars Red but let me give you major props because quoting poetry and books from the Taisho era is no easy feat. you: but it's a stupid vampire alternate history show!

me: and yet episode three has one of the main cast and his wife reciting poetry/literature to each other from the Meiji/Taisho eras.
Apr 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Did another test for freelance stuff today (not in publishing or any of my usual circles, either). It's out of my comfort zone but I hope I pass and negotiate better pay since this seems really easy and chill. For the most part for the test I could shut my brain off and I need more work like that!
Apr 27, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Man Japan still out here region-locking shit like it's still 2001. 🥴 Remember, kids: kpop prospered while jpop perished in the mid-aughts mostly due to access. Korean companies made things available legally worldwide while to this day Japan still gets weird about it.
Apr 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Not @ me skipping 5 pages of this book because my brain is too tired from parsing the other 5 I finished today

why. this is just porn. why do I have to explain volatile organic compounds and other science whyyyyyyyyy I actually admire this author for daring to even go the intellectual route here, even if the material itself isn't what I particularly prefer. But as much as admire him I wish everything a very stop
Apr 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Messed with part of my DVD shelf to calm down (another set of neighbors playing music). Managed to find all of Nadia for $30! I'm not sure if I should move her to the Eva shelf or not. Still thinking about it.

(This is maybe a third of the shelf btw!) ImageImage Oh no am I at the point where it's time to do an Anno only part of this shelf aaaaaa
May 3, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Reminder that Abe is absolutely a gross hawk who wants to do away with Article 9 and has an actual, honest to god political cult behind him so maybe don't do this whole "he's so cute" thing. Let me elaborate on this. The LDP, Abe's party, is super right-wing and wants to dismantle the current post-WWII JP constitution. He wants nukes. He wants to return to the WWII Imperialist Japan model where the emperor is god.

The emperor that just stepped down us pacifist.
Oct 2, 2018 30 tweets 5 min read
I've doing some serious reflection on friendships as of late, just generally.

So let's talk about that. Illness has a way of telling you who your real friends are. It's a litmus test, the most basic one.

Some will step up.
Some won't.
Some can't.

It's basic, something we should know in our cells. Genetic memory. The oldest question.