Bullzeye šŸŽÆāš”ļø Profile picture
āšœļøIā€™ll let you know when I give a fuck.āšœļø
Emerald Rose ā¤ļøšŸ¤šŸ’™ Profile picture Happy Warrior Profile picture Green Profile picture Glen Hurd Profile picture ŁˆŁ‡ŁŠŲØ Ų¹ŲØŲÆŲ§Ł„Ł„Ł‡ Profile picture 28 subscribed
Jul 13 ā€¢ 47 tweets ā€¢ 13 min read
Shots fired? Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service at Pennsylvania Rally.
Jul 12 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
See how retarded it is using the top picture to push the narrative of the middle picture? This is the newest wave of coordinated gate keeping that doesnā€™t actually mean anything at all when you look at the bottom picture. Iā€™m sure you could easily find a picture of children from every country on this planet waving their nationā€™s flag. Just endless mind slop from historically illiterate bad actors. What purpose does it even serve to slander the Hitler Youth in 2024? Itā€™s obvious these people know nothing about the HY, or just arenā€™t showing you the truth. Every country should strive for what Germany did with their youth. Hereā€™s some ACTUAL truth in the comment section if youā€™re tired of being lied to šŸ‘‡šŸ»Image
Jul 9 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
Here is a prime example of a "Conservative" gatekeeper leading this country straight to hell. šŸ§µ

@amuse has consistently used his 337.9K follower platform to slander and fed-jacket Patriot Front, publishing hit piece after hit piece with often wildly inaccurate information and distorted facts he knows very little about.

Today @BBannedThoughts , someone with intimate knowledge of the organization, reached out politely and privately to share a post he did (quote tweeted) refuting this piece of garbage @amuse has put out:

He was very cordial, answering all of @amuse questions and giving him source after source explaining why his journalism was way off base. Literally while he was explaining himself and the Patriot Front situation, @amuse published ANOTHER hit piece, an obvious slap in the face to make this small account feel like his voice is worthless:

@amuse snarkily dismissed @BBannedThoughts repeatedly, telling him that the only way he would give his side of the story the time of day is if he gave up information on Patriot Front applicants and agreed to wear a concealed wire to spy on the inner workings of the organization. These are the types of creatures labeling them feds and why I have decided to use my platform to hear them out. "Wear a wire and betray your brothers as a snitch or I will not even entertain publishing the truth." Disgusting. This is ACTUAL fed behavior, and keep in mind @amuse is the same guy responsible for doxxing 31 PF members after they were arrested in Idaho. This guy literally glows brighter than the sun.

As you can see, at one point @BBannedThoughts responds "Right so it's: 'Spy on PF while I slander them' or 'I'm not gonna listen to anything you say, and am just gonna continue to slander them.'"
Image Here is all of the refuting evidence @BBannedThoughts offered to this and other articles that @amuse has posted. Take a look at the next post to see the cocky response he received. Image
Jul 7 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
Why arguments against Patriot Front's right to anonymity shouldn't be taken seriously. šŸ§µšŸŖ”

My hot take on the entire situation:

- When Patriot Front first appeared, the organization was almost instantly slandered & denounced as feds, fascists, degenerates, & much more by a seemingly coordinated campaign from your favorite do nothing, shekel hoarding Twitter influencers & main stream media organizations, many of which are kosher or non-White; often with very little evidence supporting their statements.

- The majority of the accounts seething that they should all show their faces or demanding they make themselves & their families public targets are... anonymous of course.

- The amount of unsubstantiated speculation I have seen is insane. Inaccurate claims, retarded theories, & typical slander that you will find over & over again throughout history from the same group of people every time any type organic Nationalist movement forms & threatens the tribe's choke hold on our homelands. As I have said 1,000 times before, what they fear the most is White men organizing, & they will do anything they have to in order to prevent that.

- It is very obvious that many of the accounts slandering this group have not so much as visited their website (Patriot Front dot US). It should also be a red flag to anyone with a brain that their Twitter accounts have been suspended so that they are not able to easily refute claims against them. Furthermore, they have a telegram channel () where they have personally addressed almost everything being said about them (why they wear masks, why they wear uniforms, explaining that police HAVE de-masked them, that many of them have been doxxed & arrested, their mission statement, how they recruit, etc.)

- All of these influencers seem to leave out a key piece of information: that anyone joining any type of movement should assume there are feds involved, but that if you conduct yourself professionally & don't break any laws you really do not have much to worry about. Statistically, you could safely assume that any large gathering of people has some feds involved. It doesn't matter if you are organizing a protest or playing Dungeons & Dragons, it's fairly common knowledge that the government has been illegally surveilling & infiltrating groups of American citizens for centuries (The Patriot Act, Pegasus, COINTELPRO, Occupy Wall Street, Environmental & Animal Rights Activists, etc.). This has been reported on many times. A study by RAND Corporation on domestic intelligence gathering highlighted that federal agencies often have a substantial presence in groups deemed a security risk. Although specific percentages were not disclosed, the study emphasized the prevalence of informants and undercover agents within these groupsā€‹. A New York Times investigation revealed that as many as 1 in 17 federal cases involving terrorism charges since 9/11 involved an informant or undercover agent. This figure gives a rough indication of the scale of federal involvement in groups under surveillance. Of course it is a thing, but letting that scare you into doing absolutely nothing as your country is flooded with illegals & everything about your way of life that you love is destroyed is, quite frankly, pathetic. The Second Amendment stipulates that as an American, you have the right to "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It is your DUTY to organize & fight tyranny. Useful idiots that need their talking points dictated to them from Twitter "influencers" have allowed even their basic human rights to be eroded, often cheering it on or complying with this mind virus.

- Throughout American history, there have been many significant instances where patriots used anonymity to advance their causes. Anyone telling you otherwise is either historically illiterate or purposely misleading you. Here are some notable examples:

- The American right to anonymity has also been codified through several famous legal proceedings and spoken about by many prominent figures. Here are some notable examples:

This idea that we should just roll over & die as the way of life we have come to enjoy is being robbed from us is asinine. Grass roots, organized Nationalist movements is exactly what should be happening in all 50 states & around the entire globe. Men that are leaders should be finding each other, getting active, training, being involved with their community, performing acts of charity, making a show of force, & pushing to restore our homelands to their former glory. The people telling you that in real life activism is a dead end are doing so from their couches as they shovel goy slop down their throats and worry about how hard they are gonna vote in the next election cycle. While more information may come out regarding Patriot Front, and my opinions on them might change with new information as they should, so far I have seen nothing but a bunch of circle jerking & opinions from people that have done absolutely nothing.

The constant fed jacketing and instilled paranoia towards any group of men taking the steps necessary to get active is a Marxist ideology & needs to stop if we are to win our homelands back. Living in fear earns you extinction. If you are too cowardly to take action, at the very least you should shut the fuck up about the people that aren't. We will never win hiding in our basements as these demons have their way with our country and subvert everything it means to be an American.

Do your research.

Marxist-Leninist State Theory: According to Marxist-Leninist principles, the state is a tool of the ruling class to maintain its power. Surveillance & infiltration are viewed as necessary measures to protect the revolution & the socialist state from internal & external enemies.

Key Concepts

Surveillance: This involves monitoring individuals or groups suspected of opposition activities. The knowledge or belief that they are being watched can discourage people from organizing or speaking out.

Infiltration: Placing informants within opposition groups to gather intelligence & sow distrust. This makes it difficult for groups to organize effectively as they fear betrayal from within.

Fear of Repression: Creating an environment where people are afraid to engage in opposition activities due to potential consequences such as arrest, harassment, or worse.

Historical Examples

Stasi in East Germany: The Ministry for State Security (Stasi) was notorious for its extensive surveillance network. It monitored nearly every aspect of citizens' lives, creating an atmosphere of fear & suspicion. People were often reluctant to organize or speak out because they feared being reported by informants, who could be anyone from neighbors to colleagues. [The Stasi was established in 1950, five years after the end of World War II, in East Germany (the German Democratic Republic or GDR). It functioned as the secret police & intelligence agency of the GDR until the reunification of Germany in 1990. The Stasi operated under a Marxist-Leninist ideology, aiming to protect the socialist state of East Germany. Its primary goal was to maintain the power of the ruling Socialist Unity Party (SED) through surveillance, suppression of dissent, & infiltration of opposition groups.]

KGB in the Soviet Union: The KGB employed extensive surveillance & infiltration to suppress dissent. The knowledge that the state had a vast network of informants made people fearful of participating in any anti-government activities.

Cultural Revolution in China: During the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Communist Party encouraged citizens to report on each other. This led to widespread fear & mistrust, making organized opposition extremely difficult.

Impact on Society

Paranoia & Distrust: The pervasive fear of being monitored or betrayed can lead to widespread paranoia & distrust among citizens, weakening social bonds & community structures.

Suppression of Civil Society: Civil society organizations, which are crucial for a healthy democracy, are often stifled as people are too scared to participate or organize.

Control & Stability: While these tactics can help maintain control and stability in the short term, they often lead to significant human rights abuses & long-term societal harm.

Fate favors the bold. Stand for something, or you stand for absolutely nothing. They WANT you completely cucked. You would think after everything we have witnessed them do to us (J6, BLM, on & on) that the masses would be able to ditch the incessant programming & think for themselves; but it would appear as though we are still a long way off from that point.t.me/PatriotFrontUpā€¦Image Here is some good research on Patriot Front for those that need to be spoon fed:
Jun 28 ā€¢ 35 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
When @FuhressBarbie isn't posing as a National Socialist on Twitter, she's a disgusting OF whšŸ„Ære subverting our movement w/ multiple accounts. ā¬‡ļø

@lollicakesFL @MAGAFLBarbie @worshipStacie @StacieSupremacy @toiletboybitch @FLPrincessSJK @MasterDee6399 @MagaFan1488 @UdisturbedMeImage Here she is on Hitler's birthday promoting @SeverinTarvish, one of the most degenerate accounts I've ever seen on X.

Race mixing, pissing porn, transgenderism.. you can find it all here. She frequently promotes this page. Our movement is a kink to these pieces of trash.Image
Jun 23 ā€¢ 20 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Oven Benjamin wants you to just simply move into the boonies and cede your country to the āœ”ļøs. He says this is how we win, that anyone can afford it, even if you donā€™t have a large platform with which you can grift hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations off of your fans. He says we should stop talking about āœ”ļøthemāœ”ļø altogether, right as people are finally starting to understand whatā€™s really going on en masse. He says displays of White unity like this are inorganic, funded, organized, and gay. He says White Nationalism is cancer. You can trust him goy, itā€™s all just a comedy bit and heā€™s done all the thinking for you so you donā€™t have to. Do nothing on your homestead while they take everything your ancestors built from you.
Jun 19 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
I loathe this anti-White piece of human sewage @ShaykhSulaiman and will NEVER align myself with these types for any reason. Since heā€™s managed to successfully reinvent his online presence to grift JQers, letā€™s take a look at some of his worst takes. šŸ‘‡šŸ»šŸ§µšŸŖ” Image Who could forget when he tried to use word play to argue that underage girls actually consented to being raped and groomed so therefore Pakistanis couldnā€™t possibly be responsible. Image
Jun 19 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
The real Juneteenth they want you distracted from. šŸ§µšŸ”„ā¬‡ļøImage On June 19th, 1953 Ethel & Julius Rosenberg were electrocuted after being convicted of spying on US nuclear technology. They worked with other āœ”ļøs to provide Bolsheviks top-secret šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø information regarding radar, sonar, propulsion engines, & weapons-grade uranium manufacturing. Image
May 23 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
Harvey Milk, the Legacy of a gay, jewish pedophile

Often propped up by the @ADL and other jewish progressive groups as a hero, let's take a deeper look at some of the things Harvey was known for.

Harvey Milk was born in Woodmere, New York to Lithuanian jewish parents. His grandfather, Morris Milk, helped establish the first synagogue in the area. Harvey moved to San Francisco in 1972 after claiming he was dishonorably discharged from the US NAVY due to his sexuality.

From 1957 to 1967, San Francisco was the adopted home of the Mattachine Society, a secret Communist organization founded in Los Angeles in 1950 to organize LGBTQ activists. Acording to the Library of Congress "The Mattachine founders borrowed the initial structure of the organization from the Communist Party, and the leadership, the ā€˜fifth orderā€™ was anonymous, so members didnā€™t even know their names.ā€

After moving to San Francisco in 1972, Milk tried to come out as a Conservative politician, but was told he would never be elected as a Conservative by Art Agnos who went on to serve as Mayor of San Francisco from 1988-1992. Agnos told Milk that he wouldn't get very far, and that he needed to give the people hope. A week later Milk transformed into a progressive liberal delivering his famous speech "Give Them Hope." Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977, becoming one of the first openly gay elected officials in the United States.

This apparent political transition took place in an atmosphere dominated by leftist terror groups. In 1971 and 1972, the FBI reported 2,500 domestic bombings, or almost five a day over an 18-month span. In 1976, the FBI called San Francisco ā€œthe Belfast of North America."

Not only did the city host the terrorist New World Liberation Front, but it gave rise to the Zodiac killer, the Zebra murders, the Symbionese Liberation Army, and notorious Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones, who rose to political power with the help of the Democrat political machine: Governor Jerry Brown, Congressman John Burton, Assemblyman Willie Brown, Supervisor Dianne Feinstein,Ā ā€œPeopleā€™s Mayorā€ George MosconeĀ ā€¦ and Harvey Milk.

From 1955 to 1978, Jim Jones operated his ā€œprimarily blackā€ church by preaching like a black pastor. His leadership team was dominated by white women, ā€œat least six of whom were his sexual conquests and firmly under his sway,ā€ author David Talbot wrote inĀ ā€œThe Season of the Witch.ā€

ā€œWhen people talk about my father manipulating black people, thatā€™s true,ā€ said his black adopted son, Jim Jones Jr. But the manipulation obviously didnā€™t stop there. Jones Sr. also manipulated George Moscone by supplying him with easy women, and then stole the 1975 mayoral election for him.

ā€œWe loaded up all 13 of our buses with maybe 70 people on each bus, and we had those buses rolling nonstop up and down the coast into San Francisco the day before the election,ā€ said Jones Jr. ā€œWe had people going from precinct to precinct to vote. So could we have been the force that tipped the election to Moscone? Absolutely! Slam dunk. He only won by 4,000 votes. Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ve got to give my father credit for that. I think he did the right thing.ā€

Moscone repaid the favor in 1976 by making Jones Sr. chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority.

ā€œJim Jones helped George Moscone run this city,ā€ said Jones Jr., whose father also met privately with Jimmy Carterā€™s wife, Rosalynn, and with vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale, during the 1976 presidential campaign.

Harvey Milk attended dozens of Jones' sermons, writing many glowing letters praising the "greatness I have found in Jim Jones's Peoples Temple." In 1977, Milk wrote aĀ gushing letter of praise to Jones: ā€œOur paths have crossed. They will stay crossed. It is a fight that I will walk with you into ā€¦ The first time I heard you, you made a statement: ā€˜Take one of us, and you must take all of us.ā€™ Please add my name.ā€

And in February 1978,Ā Milk asked President Jimmy Carter to intervene in a child custody disputeĀ between Jones and disillusioned followers Timothy and Grace Stoen, who had sent their six-year-old son John Victor to be raised by the village called Jonestown.

ā€œRev. Jones is widely known in the minority communities here and elsewhere as a man of the highest character, who has undertaken constructive remedies for social problems which have been amazing in their scope and effectiveness,ā€ wrote Milk, who believed ā€“ along with everyone else who readĀ Herb Caenā€™s newspaper articles ā€“ that the boy was Jonesā€™ son.

If Carter did not allow the boy to remain with the ā€œloving protective parentsā€ Rev. and Mrs. Jones, wrote Milk, not only would ā€œthe life of a child [be] at stakeā€ but Americaā€™s ā€œofficial relations with Guyana could stand to be jeopardized, to the potentially great embarrassment of our State Department.ā€

On November 14, 1978, U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan of California arrived in Guyana with a group of reporters and relatives of cultists to conduct an unofficial investigation of alleged abuses. Four days later, as Ryanā€™s party and 14 defectors from the cult prepared to leave from an airstrip near Jonestown, Jones ordered the group assassinated. However, only Ryan and four others (including three reporters) were killed. Fearing that those who had escaped might bring in authorities, Jones activated his suicide plan. On November 18 he commanded his followers to drink cyanide-adulterated punch, an order that the vast majority of them passively and inexplicably obeyed. Jones himself died of a gunshot wound in the head, possibly self-inflicted. Guyanese troops reached Jonestown the next day, and the death toll of cultists was eventually placed at 913, including 304 who were under the age of 18. John Victor Stoen was among them, found poisoned in Jonesā€™ cabin.

According to a journalist with Right Wing Watch named Matt Barber "Harvey Milk Was An 'Evil Man' Who Raped Teenage Boys, Unworthy Of Postage Stamp," which was stated after Barrack Obama dedicated a postage stamp in his honor. After Huffington Post commented on Matt Barber's statements about Milk, he said "Hereā€™s whatā€™s especially telling about their reaction. Not one of the dozen-or-more publications that reported on my comments even challenged their veracity. Not one attempted to refute or deny that Harvey Milk was, in fact, a pederast and a sexual predator." Milk was known to have preyed on troubled teenage boys, often under the guise of helping them, which is documented from several credible sources.

One of Milkā€™s victims was a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland named Jack Galen McKinley, whom Milk "rescued" off the street. Randy Shilts, a San Francisco Chronicle reporter, autobiographer for, and close friend to Harvey Milk published a book called "The Mayor of Castro Street." In the book he wrote:

ā€ ā€¦ Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. ā€¦ At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.ā€

Jack McKinley killed himself in 1980 by jumping off an 8 story building.

Shilts also wrote how Milk told one "lover" why it was ok to have multiple relationships simultaneously:

"As homosexuals, we canā€™t depend on the heterosexual model. ā€¦ We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we donā€™t have to follow it. We should be developing our own lifestyle. Thereā€™s no reason why you canā€™t love more than one person at a time."

This was all confirmed by Randy Thomasson, child advocate and founder ofĀ ,Ā one of the nationā€™s foremost experts on Harvey Milk.

Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the ā€œLGBTā€ community.

Another teen who crossed paths with Harvey Milk was Christian convert and former homosexual Gerard Dols. In a 2008 radioĀ interviewĀ with Concerned Women for America, Dols shared of how ā€“ as a physically disabled teen ā€“ the ā€œvery niceā€ Harvey Milk had encouraged him in 1977 to run away from his Minnesota home and come to San Francisco.

According to Dols, Milk told him, ā€œDonā€™t tell your parents,ā€ and later sent him a letter with instructions. Thankfully, the letter was intercepted by Dolsā€™ parents, who then filed a complaint with the Minnesota attorney generalā€™s office.

The incident was evidently swept under the rug.

On November 27, 1978, Dan White assassinated Harvey Milk because he found out Milk wanted to build a center for "criminal teens" in a White neighborhood. Dan was a former US Army Sergeant and a fireman that was known as a local hero for saving a woman and a child from a fire. He was elected to San Franciscoā€™s Board of Supervisors. White viewed himself as representing the White working class against gays, drug addicts, and non-Whites in San Francisco. White was known for getting in frequent disagreements with Milk over his policy making decisions. Dan White was often the ONLY man who voted against the plethora of homosexual events and legislation that was presented in California at the time.

On November 7, 2021 U.S. Navy named a ship after gay rights leader Harvey Milk . It was, of course, christened by a transgender veteran. Milk was responsible for hiring an openly gay artist named Gilbert Baker to design the first LGBTQ flag.SaveCalifornia.comImage
After the shooting of Milk, who was present during the initial news coverage of the event? No other than Dianne Feinstein, the President of the Board of Supervisors at the time.
May 10 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
(1/7) šŸ‡©šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø1937 German Foreign Policy document on the Palestine question (post 1933 Haavara Agreement)

Clause 1: Rejection of a āœ”ļøish State in Palestine, citing the eventual increase in power for world āœ”ļøry such a state would provide.

Clause 2: Emphatically states the German interests are to support the Palestinian Arabs as a counterweight against this territory becoming another headquarters for world āœ”ļøry.

Gatekeepers will often make the argument that Hitler must have been a Zionist since the unfortunate result of the Haavara agreement was that it enabled āœ”ļøs to set up their own state. This is dishonest. As usual they will not present to you the entire story. There is a lot of evidence proving that the Germans realized what the āœ”ļøs were up to, how they were (yet again) mistreating their new hosts, and how they began to actively try and fight it and reform the terms of the Haavara Agreement. All of these "influencers" will post memes of a one off coin made by Goebbels as though that tells the entire story of what happened. The reality is that the Germans simply wanted these subversive people out of their country, and emigrated them not only to Palestine but all over the world in order to be rid of them. You can read more about them fighting to reform this agreement and prevent the formation of another hub of world āœ”ļøry in the sources I will provide at the end of this thread (pages 746 & 747 alone will give you a much better idea of what was actually happening.)Image
(2/7) Most speak of the 1933 Haavara Transfer Agreement without even understanding what it was - a deal they worked out with āœ”ļøs to end the boycott of German goods while simultaneously strengthening the German economy & expelling them from Germany.
Apr 27 ā€¢ 23 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
A Thread On jewish Controlled Opposition, A Tale As Old As Time. šŸ§µā¬‡ļøImage āœ”ļøs have a well documented history of infiltrating, subverting, and demonizing organic Nationalist movements, and this is obvious to anyone paying attention.

Here is a šŸ„ÆPalestinianšŸ„Æ woman that can't help but sneak in a "we don't like White people" at a UCLA protest.
Apr 20 ā€¢ 34 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
A thread of pictures from Mustache Man's 50th Birthday celebration in Berlin on April 20th, 1939. šŸ”„šŸ§µā¬‡ļø

(Cake in honor of Adolf Hitler's 45th birthday for underprivileged children. Berlin, April 20, 1934.)Image Berlinā€™s Brandenburg gate and colonnades were lit up at night in honor of Adolf Hitlerā€™s 50th birthday, April 20, 1939. Image
Apr 4 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The guitarist of Guns N Roses (@TraciiGuns) just tried to call me out publicly on the holobunga. It didnā€™t go well for him.

Highlight reel of the bloodbath in the comments. šŸ˜šŸ‘‡šŸ» Image
Apr 4 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Why the heifers are red. šŸ§µā¬‡ļø

Once again, for anyone paying attention and as theyā€™ve done quite a few times, jews are blatantly telling you that they are Edomites, descended from Esau - not Israelites.
Image Again for clarification:
Apr 3 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Does pride in your race = hatred of other races?

Quick thread (1/11). šŸ§µā¬‡ļø (2/11) Image
Mar 31 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
(Quick threadšŸ§µ) Hereā€™s a paper written by Hitler about how proud he is that his new country will not be multicultural or multiethnic.

Just kidding. This was written by one of Americaā€™s founding fathers in the Federalist Papers (#2), published under ā€œJohn Jayā€ and titled ā€œConcerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence.ā€

He says that America will be ā€œone united people; a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs.ā€

H/T: @LibertasticImage In fact, Americas founding fathers ā€œlimited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good characterā€ for the majority of our history. It was never meant to be a ā€œmelting potā€ of races that donā€™t respect our culture or heritage. Image
Mar 31 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Never forget that Albert Einstein was yet another degenerate, Zionist āœ”ļø that they shoved down your throat as a pioneer of science & culture when the reality is that he was a notorious thief of intellectual property & a fraud.

E=MC^2 was first published by Olinto De Pretto ā€¦two years prior to Einsteinā€™s publishing of the equation.

Einstein began an affair with his cousin Elsa Lowenthal while on a trip to Berlin in 1912, leaving Mileva (his wife) and his family two years later. It is said that Einstein paid his wife to keep quiet with $100,000 of Nobel Peace Prize money.

When the āœ”ļøRosenbergsāœ”ļø sold our Atom Bomb technology to Soviet āœ”ļøBolshevistsāœ”ļø in the 1950s, Einstein was at the forefront of a campaign aiming to have President Truman pardon these traitors to America, accusing Truman ofā€¦. You guessed itā€¦ antisemitism.

They have lied to you about your entire history. Anyway, hereā€™s a picture of āœ”ļøEinsteināœ”ļø cross dressing at a beach in 1939.Image Image
Mar 28 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Jesus was not a jew, jews are not Israelites, and White Christians have always been Godā€™s Chosen People.

Sauce. ā¬‡ļøšŸ§µšŸŖ” Image Jesus was not jewish, either by religion or by ancestry. ā€œJudah/ Judeaā€ does not translate to ā€œjew,ā€ as the deceivers have successfully made everyone believe.

Feb 26 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
On March 12th, 1938 Adolf Hitler dissolved the Nathaniel Rothschild Foundation, ending the German, French, and Austrian branches of the Rothschild central banking system and taking Germany off of the gold standard and transitioning them to a labor based monetary system (usury free). He arrested Rothschild at the airport in Aspern, seized his banks and assets, and only after lengthy negotiations between the family/ National Socialists did they agree to release him upon payment of what today is the equivalent of a (speculated) $21,000,000 ransom, believed to have been the largest bail bond in history. The Rothschilds are still suing Vienna to this day trying to reclaim what he took from them.


1938 Nazi Confiscation Order -

Rothschilds suing Vienna -

$21,000,000 (although we know how bad āœ”ļøs are at math) -

A New York Times Article about it -

A short documentary on what happened: documentcloud.org/documents/6670ā€¦
Feb 7 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
On March 12th, 1938 Adolf Hitler dissolved the Nathaniel Rothschild Foundation, ending the German, French, and Austrian branches of the Rothschild central banking system and placing Germany back on the gold standard (usury free). He arrested Rothschild at the airport in Aspern, seized his banks and assets, and only after lengthy negotiations between the family/ National Socialists did they agree to release him upon payment of what today is the equivalent of a (speculated) $21,000,000 ransom, believed to have been the largest bail bond in history. The Rothschilds are still suing Vienna to this day trying to reclaim what he took from them.


1938 Nazi Confiscation Order -

Rothschilds suing Vienna -

$21,000,000 (although we know how bad āœ”ļøs are at math) -

A New York Times Article about it -

A short documentary on what happened: documentcloud.org/documents/6670ā€¦
AH switched to a labor* standard of currency, not gold. He hated gold and silver as he thought it was a tool used by the āœ”ļøish banking system to enslave the masses. I misspoke.
Feb 3 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Did Adolf Hitler really use Fluoride to "dumb down & pacify" the jews? šŸ”„šŸ§µā¬‡ļøImage The TL;DR is of course not, it's an insane claim with no basis in reality. Despite the fact that 0 documentation of this exists after thousands of tons of German documents were seized post WW2, gatekeepers continue to push this narrative with wildly inaccurate memes as usual. Image