How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App all these racist paleolinguistics is rather irrelevant to the native understanding of language in India. That “Sanskrit is the mother of other languages” is based on a completely different understanding of the purpose id language - based on meaning and consciousness. simple way to do that is to assign a royal family as the nominal custodian of each state. When we want to maintain republican spirit, replace this with a similar long term office. Then make bureaucrats answerable to local concerns, in some type of direct democracy. India is giving citizenship to a large proportion of Bangladeshi citizens, it also has the right to lay claim on land and property which is rightfully theirs. This would be a destruction of the state of Bangladesh as it stands. Both Indira and Mujib ur Rehman were aware of it. is quite ridiculous for any nation, but particularly so for Indians - who are easily the most ancient nation attested, not only from native texts but also from other civilizations. Every external visitor to India - Greek, Chinese, Arab - saw Indians as a nation. from vacuously justifying Turkic rule, the article also contains a blanket assertion pushed forward as undisputed fact. shrinking power like the USA that is behaving increasingly desperate and erratic does not bode well for global security. War or civil war will also be exported to Asia. They are trying hard. I am not sure if India can hold itself together and consolidate its geopolitical zone. think the Sanskrit word पट्टन / पत्तन originally meant a port and is still widely present on the Kalinga to Coramandel coast place names. am not sure how to express the plural of दत्त in Hindi. Can someone who is a native Hindi speaker please comment? thing the Indian National Congress doesn’t seem to understand, is that arguing the foreign press is criticizing the ruling party (for whatever reason) is not going to earn them any favour with the Indian public. In fact, it will have exactly the opposite effect. we compare with the conquistadors of the missionary religions, they explicitly come with a mandate for genocide and repopulation, They thus violently uproot old institutions, sometimes by inflicted famine and forced displacement of people. Then a brand new state can be built. Mr. Mukarram Jah turned out to be a dullard, a man “who had a lot to be modest about” in the words of Churchill, was a different story. The Indian state under Nehru encouraged losers like these, who didn’t see themselves as Indians, to scrounge off India’s wealth. Kapil Kapoor remains one of the greatest intellectuals in Indian academia. Many activists have the fire, but don’t have the academic rigour. Some intellectuals are well read in the literature, but they don’t have the rootedness and insider understanding of Indian society. is why the Perso-Turkic elite have never spoken Urdu in India, but Persian. Even in the late period of British Raj, writers like Iqbal wrote in Persian, because that is a bonafide “pure” language. The Islamic elite started using Urdu when they couldn’t speak Persian anymore. is the hard truth. Basmati rice exports = exporting the ground water of Punjab. We need not export such water intensive crop, especially from a region with sinking water levels. greatest weaknesses are (in descending order of importance): have created useless cripples in native language expression by prioritizing the colonial language (for whatever bullshit reason), and then prioritizing Hindi in the model of colonial imposition, and dumped native expression to the dumpster, thereby creating brainless zombies.