Van Badham ✊ Profile picture
@Guardian columnist, @WeekOnWednesday co-host, theatremaker, commentator, TV dilettante. Email: In my spare time I write books.
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Jul 20 10 tweets 2 min read
The discursive trap, a thread 🧵

We are all seeing a lot of content - a lot of it bot-driven and trollfarmed - spreading calls for the *crucially popular in swing states* Joe Biden to step aside. When this call is seen to come from Democrats who EVERYONE KNOWS WOULD VOTE FOR… … HIM ANYWAY, it reinforces a particular nasty and demobilising, classist frame.

The proposition is that *outside* the elite political discourse are politically ignorant rubes whose votes are up for grabs, but who are so simplistic they may not recognise the the threat that…
Apr 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

“Full Employment” policy puts responsibility on government for creating ACCESSIBLE jobs for ALL Australians of working age, in the service of building shared infrastructure & community resources.

Today, that would mean things like building housing, meeting climate goals etc Below is the White Paper of 1945, which outlines Full Employment as a basis for policy making. There are crucial services that improve our lives as Australians that markets will *never* build; public infrastructure investment meets those needs AND EMPLOYS PEOPLE at the same time.
Sep 5, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Hey, friends!

This is a simple thread 🧵 about how to identify an “astroturf” Twitter campaign.

An astroturf campaign is one that *pretends* to be grassroots activism, but is fake.

They’re used to pretend a “mass” movement exists, when it doesn’t & to drive disinformation. There’s one running right now that crossed my feed this morning.

An astroturf campaign usually appears with a single-purpose hashtag.

Let’s use as an example #EatMoreAluminium.

It starts appearing in Twitter trend lists when a whole host of accounts start pushing it out.
Oct 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been obliged to talk about this a lot recently in the wake of the anti-lockdown protests; the emergence of the culturalist far right is NOT an uprising of the economically disenfranchised or a restless working class. The movement is driven by a resentful MIDDLE CLASS, or… … what @RadioFreeTom has correctly identified as a lumpenbourgeoisie. The Czech philosopher Karel Kosik defines the lumpenbourgeoisie as “a militant, openly anti-democratic enclave” within a democracy. This SHOULD sound familiar to you, and if it doesn’t, just have a look at…
Jul 31, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This presser with Hazzard is a textbook example of why diversity is necessary - integral! - to good decision making. So the NSW government had not prepared appropriate translation systems to meet a public health crisis. There is a crisis of trust in vulnerable communities, and … the NSW government doesn’t have the relationships with those communities to overcome that. Hazzard says “some of these people are refugees who’ve had bad experiences with their own government” is a *clanger* - dude, YOU and your federal mates *are that government*, do you…