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If you assemble enough people wearing Patagonia vests, a venture fund spontaneously forms around them.
Michael Litman Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 4, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
After being on VC Twitter for a while, you are able to categorize most tweets into a set of categories.

Looking at the last 24 hours of my feed, here’s a thread of the types of tweets I saw. Starting off with a classic, the “congrats” tweet. Can take many forms, often used for starting a new job, for leaving your job, or for raising a new fund

Ex: “Congrats! Looking forward to what you do next” or “Congrats on the raise! Can’t wait to co-invest”
Dec 7, 2019 55 tweets 9 min read
Going to try this with twitter. If you’re a VC, founder or journalist, DM me your thoughts on the Away piece and I’ll anonymously post your response here

(and I’ll commit to keeping your identity confidential) Founder: “I think this is just market forces at work. There’s not a lot of incentive treat support teams as anything other than cost center. Engineers on the other hand ...”
Sep 26, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ Ever since posting this tweet, our inbox has been flooded with tales of VCs and incubators acting in bad faith against the interest of founders & companies.

Although most VCs operate with integrity, there are occasionally outliers. Here are a few that can be shared: 2/ An impact investing VC intentionally destroying follow on rounds in a company to displace the founding CEO
Jul 13, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
10x Venture Capitalists

LPs, if you come across this rare breed of fund manager, immediately wire your commitment. Having a 10x VC in your portfolio significantly increases your odds of actually beating the S&P 500

OK, here is the $1B question:

How do you spot a 10x VC? 1. 10x VCs hate "operating". They think it is a waste of time and obvious. They'd rather focus on the more valuable thought leadership on Twitter. They only turn to "operator" mode when they realize there isn't a future for them at their firm and no other firm will hire them