💐Vedic Astrologer💐 Married.Views personal DO NOT PREACH ON MY TL. I am not here to convince you. Your life, Your choice!
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Feb 13 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If you are running the dasa of a planet placed in Scorpio, then you will feel undervalued/underpaid/under recognised in the matters represented by that planet as well as the bhava lordship.
Example - Saturn in Scorpio : you may feel under recognised in your profession.
The way out is to keep your work low profile or change your path.
Scorpio also deals with humiliation. So better to keep the matters hidden to avoid it.
A good connection with jupiter or Venus can reduce this suffering
Jan 14 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The amount of misinformation on this platform is mind boggling. Someone share a post saying that if Saturn is connecting to 6H, one will not benefit by allopathic medicine. I have Saturn in 4H aspecting 6H and in the nakshtra of 6th lord yet i get relief from modern medicine too
Disease is 6H, the cure for the disease is 5H or 12H. Apart from that there are certain combinations which will decide what medicine will help a person. How can you give cure of 6H from 6H placement,???
Oct 28, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Sharing this post again since many of you asked
Few tips :
1)On Dhanteras light 13 Diyas/lamps. The Diyas should preferably be old and used ones. If not possible then light new ones and this time save and store them for next Diwali.
2)On chaudas or chhoti diwali light 13 normal deepak and one chaumukhi diya ( four faced lamp ) These should be new
3)On Diwali night, light 27 Diyas- 26 normal diyas and one chaumukhi diya. These should be new
Oct 25, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Buy 100gms of whole coriander seeds on Dhanteras. Put a whole turmeric, silver coin if possible ,coriander in red cloth,Tie the cloth and keep this potli in pooja ghar till diwali night.
Next day keep this potli where you keep your valuables and money
Pic : be beautiful India
You can make more than one potli as well for keeping at your shops etc.
2)offer some coriander seeds to Lakshmi Ganesh on Diwali night and throw these seeds in water after two days. This ensures prosperity. Replace this every year.
Oct 9, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
It’s Diwali time when most of us clean our homes . Sharing this post again. Many of us donate old clothes. Few things to keep in mind before you dispose them.
Always donate clothes after washing with salt water. Our clothes have our energy and therefore it’s advisable to wash them before you donate them. Donate to proper NGO(s)/ashrams
Do not donate torn clothes to anyone. Better to mend them before donating. Or better donate them when they are still in a good condition. Keep cleaning your closets every few months and donate clothes if you have not used them for quite sometime.
Sep 16, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
PITRU PAKSHA(sharing again )
Pitru paksha is starting from tomorrow. This is a very auspicious time to pray to pitrus and seek their blessings.
People can follow these simple tips to get the most benefit from this pitru Paksha
1)Rice is said to equivalent to silver. Donating rice during pitru paksha is said to be good for pacifying your pitrus and getting their blessings in form of prosperity and good health. Buy rice and donate it to a Brahman/needy person especially on Monday/Friday/poornima
Sep 7, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Ganesha utsav ki sabko hardik shubhkamnaen 🙏may he bless us with health, wisdom and happiness. Flowers that one can offer to Ganesha ji to please him and for specific wish fulfilment💐
1)offer 11 hibiscus for prosperity and victory
May 6, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Planting Tulsi at home is said to bring continuous blessings of Vishnu Bhagwan, mata Lakshmi and pitrus.
1)Rama tulsi and Shyam tulsi both can be planted at home. Rama tulsi is preferred over Shyama tulsi and is said to be bring peace and harmony
2)If you worship shri Krishna at home then you can plant Shyama tulsi
3)Either plant one tulsi or plant them in odd numbers like 3,5,7 plants
4)North or north east or east direction is auspicious for planting Tulsi ji
5)Avoid planting them on roof
Pic credits: vermi
Dec 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
जटाधरं पाण्डुरंगं शूलहस्तं कृपानिधिम् ।
सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे ।।
People who do not have any guru and are looking for one should certainly worship and visit Shri Dattatreya temple and offer besan laddoos. You can do it on Thursdays and/or Poornima
Pray to him sincerely and ask him for guidance. Post that feed cows, dogs and birds.
People who cannot visit temple can keep a photo at home and offer a lamp daily with sweets. Pray to him sincerely
Pic credits :wiki
Dec 4, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Bhairav ashtami tomorrow. A very auspicious day to visit any bhairav temple, lighting a lamp and offering naivedya. One of the story mentioned in our puranas states that Shivaji chopped the head of Brahmaji because Brahmaji has lied and was full of ego.
However as a result of this Shivaji got the dosha of Brahmahatya. The skull( kapala) of Brahmaji got attached to Shivaji. Shivaji later disassosiated with that body and the body that was left behind turned Black in colour. This is the origin of kal bhairav.
Nov 10, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Few tips :
1)On Dhanteras light 13 Diyas/lamps. The Diyas should preferably be old and used ones. If not possible then light new ones and this time save and store them for next Diwali.
2)On chaudas or chhoti diwali light 13 normal deepak and one chaumukhi diya ( four faced lamp ) These should be new
3)On Diwali night, light 27 Diyas- 26 normal diyas and one chaumukhi diya. These should be new
Nov 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Buy 100gms of whole coriander seeds on Dhanteras. Put a whole turmeric, silver coin if possible ,coriander in red cloth,Tie the cloth and keep this potli in pooja ghar till diwali night.
Next day keep this potli where you keep your valuables and money
You can make more than one potli as well for keeping at your shops etc.
2)offer some coriander seeds to Lakshmi Ganesh on Diwali night and throw these seeds in water after two days. This ensures prosperity. Replace this every year.
Oct 21, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Tomorrow is ashtami tithi. People who do not know their kuladevi can do this. Sharing this again.
Eldest man of the family should do this.
1)Take a red cloth; keep a piece of turmeric, coal, loban, chandan powder, kumkum powder and bhasm in it. Tie the cloth with kalava/mauli
Tie this potli on the main entrance of your house. Should be done on the inner side of the door.
2)You can buy one coconut or take a betelnut. Mentally pray to your kuladevi to bless you and put this in your poojaghar. Offer Kumkum, akshat, red flower, dhoop, lamp and sweets.
Sep 28, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Pitru paksha is starting from tomorrow. This is a very auspicious time to pray to pitrus and seek their blessings.
People can follow these simple tips to get the most benefit from this pitru paksha.
Pic credits : jagran
1)Rice is said to equivalent to silver. Donating rice during pitru paksha is said to be good for pacifying your pitrus and getting their blessings in firm of prosperity and good health. Buy rice and donate it to a Brahman/needy person especially on Monday/Friday/poornima
Sep 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Few stotras that works wonderfully
1)Vishnu sahastranaam
It’s said that reciting this daily once morning and one evening for one year can bring prosperity and resolve almost all the problems. Light a ghee lamp while doing this.
2)Hanuman chalisa
Reciting it 108 times in one sitting or 100 times for 21 days continuously can resolve health, professional and enmity issues. Light a mustard oil lamp while doing this and offer jaggery or banana to hanuman ji
Aug 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Ketu is letting go or separating from. If Ketu is giving you trouble in your chart then donate/let go of the things or desires related to that house and sign. Example - Ketu in first house , let go of your desire for recognition.
Ketu in 2H, let go of your desire to stay connected with family. Don’t focus too much on savings
Ketu in 3H - speak cautiously and consciously. Don’t expect your siblings to be there for you in need
Jul 1, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
WEALTH AND PROSPERITY 💐Shravan is around the corner. This time it will be longer due to adhik maas. Utilise this month for for your spiritual as well as material pursuits.
Sharing few things that one can try during Shravan for attracting wealth and prosperity in their lives
On Poornima/full moon day visit shiva temple and do panchamrit Abhishek to shiva. Offer 5 nagkesar and 5 bilwa leaves. Pray to him for prosperity. Offer nagkesar along with bilwa everyday till next Poornima/42 days. Last day take 1 bilwa and 1 nagkesar back and keep it in safe.
Jun 21, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Many of us donate old clothes. Few things to keep in mind before you dispose them.
Always donate clothes after washing with salt water. Our clothes have our energy and therefore it’s advisable to wash them before you donate them. Donate to proper NGO(s)/ashrams
Do not donate torn clothes to anyone. Better to mend them before donating. Or better donate them when they are still in a good condition. Keep cleaning your closets every few months and donate clothes if you have not used them for quite sometime.
Jun 20, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
It is said that at the time of cremation of Shri Krishna’s body at Dwarika, Balram ji was very sad and he wanted to drown himself along with Shri Krishna’s partially cremated body. Subhadra ji also followed
During this episode, king of Puri, raja Indradyumna got a dream that Shri Krishna’s body will float to Puri and he was guided to build a temple with idols of Krishna, Balram and Subhadra and do the Pran pratishtha of the idols
Jun 18, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Some truths makes a lot of people uncomfortable. As a Vedic astrology seeker, it’s your duty to understand the essence of puranas and vedas. You cannot separate jyotish(Vedang) from vedas.
A jyotishi is the one who is guided by the divine to see and foretell things for people. A jyotishi is required to read the karma phala of the person seeking guidance. If you can’t differentiate between right/wrong, you won’t be able to guide others.
May 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Many people message me regarding mantra Sadhna guidance. My humble request to you- I am NOT a guru. I do not have any authority to give you any mantra Diksha. I can however tell you few Do(s) and Dont(s) 1) Start Speaking the Truth under ALL circumstances
It’s a tough task 😇
2)Try to control your appetite. Try to limit your food intake if possible. One sadhak told me that one should preferably bring down the appetite to one meal per day. It’s a long process and takes determination and time. Your mantra should fuel your body.