Veena Dubal Profile picture
Professor of Law, University of CA College of Law, SF • Technology & Society • Work Law • Precarity • Race • Not Legal Advice • she/her • Sam's sister
Shanna Scherbinske Profile picture Karl Martinson Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 23, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
This is true. They also deserve unions who are going to fight for their rights & not give up the hard-earned wage floor.

In MA, where the AG has filed a lawsuit against Uber & Lyft alleging misclassification, there are FOUR different gig worker bills circulating.

A thread: Only one of these bills--the one sponsored by the MA AFL-CIO -- addresses the fact that on-demand food and ridehail delivery workers are only paid AFTER they are allocated work. This is what makes gig work so precarious, that workers cannot predict how much they will make..2/
Jan 23, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read
I'm very excited to share a draft of a new Article "On Algorithmic Wage Discrimination" that locates and theorizes a world historic rupture in wage calculation, coordination, and distribution.

Most concerns about on-the-job data collection focus on 1/… Privacy issues and worker control. But data extraction from labor (surveillance) is also being used to produce personalized, unpredictable, and variable pay.

While algorithmic wage discrimination started in the on-demand economy, it is now extending beyond it. 2/
Jan 23, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Fascinating: “The telegraph cases are an important window into the development of the public utility category..They reveal that..public service corporation had an emotional as well as economic welfare component.”… “ In other words, the state could regulate corporations not just to prevent economic harms, like price-gouging, but also to protect the public’s emotional well-being. “
Jan 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Marcuse’s point is that advanced capitalism’s..productive power & wizardry created a..contained sense of possibility w/in the system…joined by..a mood of resignation about alternatives &..ability to think critically about the dominant way of life.… “The totalitarian direction of the one-dimensional society is wholly compatible with civil rights, a free press, and free elections. In place of exploitation, Marcuse speaks of “domination” and “repression.”
Jan 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
If you are not paying attention to the Glacier v. Teamsters case in front of the Supreme Court, you should be. It could severely impact the ability of workers to go on strike by allowing employers to sue under state law for "tortious economic harm." In a recent essay,... .@TerriGerstein & @jennyhunterdc make the important point that the case also has administrative law implications. They write, "Justice Neil Gorsuch, for whom the administrative state is a lifelong nemesis, [during oral argument] lobbed the employer’s counsel a softball,...
Jan 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
“In return for backing McCarthy, Greene will likely receive new committee assignments and be an important ally, despite the fact that..last month she said the Jan 6th insurrection would have succeeded if she & Bannon had been in charge of it”… “The new rules agreement for the 118th Congress, to which McCarthy acceded in order to win over the maga holdouts…calls for the establishment of 3 new investigative subcommittees.”
Jul 27, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
TERRIFYING: The text of @RepCuellar's bill the Workplace Flexibility & Choice Act is available.

It would carve workers out of min wage & OT protections -- not just app-deployed workers -- ANY WORKER whose employer...1/… Decided that they would set schedules using algorithms & incentives instead of providing secure hours WOULD NO LONGER HAVE TO PROVIDE A WAGE FLOOR or OVERTIME. 2/