Versha Sharma Profile picture
editor-in-chief @teenvogue // previously managing editor & senior correspondent @nowthisnews // @ONA board of directors // alum of @vocativ @TPM @msnbc #onawla
Nov 4, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Scoop: Trevor Project CEO Amit Paley has been removed from his position by the board, @TeenVogue has confirmed. The move comes after 200+ employees signed a letter detailing their concerns about his leadership. Details here:…

reported with @brittneymac15 We published an investigative report earlier this year about Paley's previous work for Purdue Pharma, & internal concerns at Trevor Project about his leadership/management style—including the push for large-scale growth at the expense of quality of service…
Aug 12, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
The 75th anniversary of the India-Pakistan partition is coming up next week. I had the opportunity to speak to exec producer @MiniB622 about what it was like getting Marvel Studios, of all places, to bring that historic, traumatic event to life onscreen… "A lot of people at Marvel didn’t know about partition" until Ms. Marvel, says exec producer @MiniB622. "I think they were really fascinated about the fact that this existed — that was their question, 'why don’t we know about this? This is crazy.'"…
Nov 3, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I do not understand the desire to extrapolate dire national "lessons" from specific statewide/local races

there are learnings in every election for every party, but the rush to sweeping generalizations after everything we've been through seems so dated and out of touch lazy take. the word I'm looking for is lazy
Jun 16, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
The colorism conversation around In The Heights has quickly been reduced to headlines and tweets claiming there are no Dominicans or Afro-Latinx people in the cast. The conversation is about *colorism* - and it's very much worth having. It'd also be nice if people (editors, tweeters) would take care not to erase the identities of people who are in the movie. It can be tough to balance but it's not impossible, I think
Jan 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Agree; even in British politics it didn't seem to have a lasting effect.

Here's the website for the Jo Cox Foundation which her sister and others set up: The UK has faced a similar problem to the US, with the all-encompassing slow-motion trainwreck that is Brexit — the oxygen that the disaster has taken up leaves little room for anything else, let alone nuance. Similar to the many failures of the Trump administration.
Nov 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The response of Texas Republican Party officials to this is appalling ‘Trump tweeted a video of the Trump supporters following the Biden bus saying, “I LOVE TEXAS!”

Texas GOP Chairman Allen West dismissed questions regarding the incident. “It is more fake news and propaganda. Prepare to lose ... stop bothering me,” West said in a statement.’
Sep 27, 2020 30 tweets 8 min read
Read it and weep. No, really. Many people probably will… The docs “reveal the hollowness, but also the wizardry, behind the self-made-billionaire image that ... still undergirds the loyalty of many in his base.

Ultimately, Mr. Trump has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”
Sep 9, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
The Biden campaign should take their record August fundraising haul and blast this Trump audio on every street corner in America. It really is that damning, to hear it in his own words, his own voice. I know we're all numb to shock and outrage and exhausted and dead inside blahblah but it really is worth your time to listen to the audio and send it to your family/friends. We knew all this before, but it's still worth hearing. Drives it home viscerally.…
Sep 5, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
LOL at Benny Johnson saying it’s “impossible” for Biden’s video team to put out an ad with quotes from the Atlantic story, published on Thursday night, at noon the next day.

NowThis producers regularly make short form videos in 1-3 hours. He ripped us off at IJR, he should know also our best producers have turned around great videos from high profile interviews including Obama within *3-6 hours* of getting the footage. Footage upload and exporting are usually what holds us up from being even faster! (And the approval process because we care)
Sep 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read

(from 2018) ah yes I forgot this interview was right after Trump gave a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention, turned it into a campaign event & insulted the press

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” the president added.…
Sep 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
“Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women,” said Mr. Nixon. “Undoubtedly,” he repeated, with a venomous tone.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nixon continued, regarding Indian women: “The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animallike charm, but God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Uch.”
Sep 2, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Read this from @AdyBarkan:

"It’s specifically insulting to witness actors with the worst intentions hijack the technology that has allowed me to speak to try to speak for me, but this duplicity also exposes the broader information crisis in our society."… "Trump, like many other leaders around the world with authoritarian aspirations, understands that shaping reality is the most powerful tool at an autocrat’s disposal. His goal is a society in which it doesn’t matter whether what you say is true as long as your side loves it."
Sep 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Louisiana congressman Clay Higgins threatens to shoot supposed Black militia rumored to come to Lafayette. It didn't happen, and Higgins is claiming his Facebook post with the threat got deleted.
Aug 31, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
As a southern girl, I've had my eye on Texas for years. Pay attention, y'all In this video from the 2018 midterms, I talked to @TXCivilRights about how GOP officials intentionally intimidate and suppress the growing Latino population vote
Aug 31, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Scalise now says they'll "remove the portion of" Ady's interview. He does not acknowledge or apologize for the fact it was doctored with fake/spliced audio from his team, and he doesn't address other misleadingly edited clips in the same video "the rest of the video, which accused Democrats of stoking unrest, contained other clips that had been ripped from context." the actual context of the Cory Booker clip is described here; there's also this Pelosi one ^, and one of Eric Holder out of context…
Aug 30, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
New statement from Joe Biden about the shooting in Portland: "I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same."

Full statement: Image Biden continues: "It does not matter if you find the political views of your opponents abhorrent, any loss of life is a tragedy. Today there is another family grieving in America, and Jill and I offer our deepest condolences. "
Aug 30, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
right off the bat they addressed colonialism!! and the LOOTING 👀 of cultural artifacts also don’t want to get too ahead of the watch party but this too is timeless 😂 Shuri is so good
Aug 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I know people think superhero movies are cheesy and ruined cinema or whatever but you can't really discount what they mean to people, or the inspiration or the comfort they provide. I watched this scene this week after feeling particularly anguished, having watched a night full of RNC misinfo and disregard for 180k dead Americans. It picked me up. I listened to the song from this scene on loop while writing and fact-checking until 2-3 am. it comforted me
Aug 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
we worked hard on this!! it's comprehensive and shareable. do it!! Here is our blood sweat and tears analysis/recap of the conventions:…

w/ @coccacocca
Aug 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"I know, I KNOW that white people have a whole different legal system in this country, but it is still horrifying to see time & time again." "Rittenhouse asked for the delay in order to have time to hire a private attorney... plans to hire Los Angeles-based attorney John Pierce."…
Aug 28, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
hello, we are live w/ fact-checking and commentary for the last night of the RNC and Trump's big, violative speech: "It's kind of funny that the DNC papered over impeachment and the RNC is bringing it up on purpose." - @anrao on our livestream