Registered Charity 1210266 (England and Wales) for education in military history and firearms related (but not exclusively) to the Vickers machine gun.
Jan 16, 2021 • 22 tweets • 13 min read
Indirect fire with the #VickersMG (principles apply elsewhere though): First need to understand that in #VickersMG parlance: DIRECT fire is targets that can be seen from the gun position; INDIRECT fire is for targets that are obscured. Direct fire photos using tangent sight: 1/
A target could be obscured by the terrain (such as a hill, ridge or woodland); smoke or fog (possibly intentional) or the darkness of the night. The #VickersMG is laid on an 'aiming mark' and then that becomes its zero line. (Aussie aiming lamp vid: ) 2/
Jan 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The student rangetakers have learnt how to calculate their accuracy factors but now they move on to calculate consistency too. Do you know what the difference would be? This lecture explains it all, as well as the maths and r-squared in use again. How to divide by 10? 1/
We really hope you're enjoying learning how to use the rangefinder along with us. We're learning the complexities of the instrument as well as the technical information the soldier would have to know. 2/