Hamir Kalyani Stan Account, Yearner of Domesticity Profile picture
meditative, ecstatic, psychedelic-friendly, carnatic music container. seeker of mother. student of the cauldron of warming. discovering how to live ab initio.
Feb 19 9 tweets 3 min read
One of the funniest in the last couple years.

Anti semitism aside, this is probably one of the clearest examples of how much humor is *not* about cleverness.

Tension and release ONLY.

“I’m not gonna say what race .. it was this race.”

First phrase builds tension thru expectation. Second phrase subverts expectation and releases the tension thru excellent timing and delivery. That’s it. It can be THIS dumb and be funny. Okay now listen to this. This is so so succinct - a fully contained joke within itself. Perfection.

Just 15 words. But the last two words transform the ENTIRE first thirteen - the absolute essence of what “punchline” means. Learn from this.
Dec 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When I feel as comfortable tweeting as I do RTing and replying, it’s all over for you guys.

Jk jk, that’s just how you heal codependency!! Serial retweeter to serial tweeter pipeline 🥺
Dec 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Kindness makes a person feel good in a way no other quality really approaches.

Talent won’t do it. Status won’t. Money doesn’t. Having emotional vocabulary doesn’t. Therapy speak won’t. Even a history of prior interactions.

Kindness + calm has an unmatched emotional signature. When you’re with a truly large hearted and kind person, a part of you just relaxes and opens up and *feels good* in a way that leaves an indelible impression on you.

It’ll bring a smile to your face to even think of this person.
Mar 29, 2022 115 tweets 22 min read