đź’§Vince O'Grady Profile picture
Left leaning. Interests - Real Social Justice, The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sourced facts about issues. Don't like Liars or spinners.
7 subscribers
Feb 26 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🧵It's time to remind people what a Shocking 10 years we had under the Liberal/National Coalition. During the dying especially to do with Welfare. Please read the attached piece I wrote about this in 2021 Still valuable today. thevogfiles.com/pensions-the-c… The article starts off with Tony Abbott and his now infamous SBS interview where he ruled out changes to many services.
Jan 29 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
if you do nothing else today you must read this. Yesterday the @abcnews showed it's complete lack of Quality. Specifically in the 7.30 report Where the presenter was let down really badly by her producers and researchers. The treasurer Jim Charmers was in the firing line. He was asked about a policy which Peter Dutton had released, which would reduce or ban foreign investors purchasing Residential property. Specifically he was asked if he would match the policy. Answering that a range of fess had been made to make it difficult for foreign buyers
Jun 8, 2024 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Broken breaking News. What a week of extremely poor Journalism all around. What a week for the opinionated Avatars who say everything the majority of the punters on twitter want to hear. Firstly lets take the NACC and Robodebt. This RC was never reported properly in the press but it was reported very well by @strangerous10 on Twitter. At the end of the RC part of the report was sealed because it had been referred to other agencies incl the NACC. The NACC came out and said it wasn't doing anything more. Very disappointing however when you read the
May 2, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
An real example of How Liberal Party policy hurts Australia. In 2018, my wife and I bought a 2nd hand Car. Good brand low Kms for $9,000. bit small but nice car. time to buy again. Thought about Trade in. Same car now with 83k kms worth $14,000. Why? Well in 2013 when Abbott came to power, the Liberals and Nationals wouldn't subsidise the car industry to the tune of $500 million. He called Holden untruthful in Parliament and they decided to leave next day. That was the end of the car industry. It destroyed many things. 200,000 jobs, many many
Feb 14, 2024 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Time for a bit of policy and general discussion about Electricity supply in Victoria in light of the outright untruths and lies which have been told about the blowing over of power lines and subsequent shut down of power to various areas because of the power line being down..... The blame has been applied to 1. Renewable energy and 2. To the Victorian labor Government. Both of these factors are untrue. In the case of 1. renewable energy, that electricity is exactly the same as coal fired electricity. The electricity produced in Victoria is mainly
Feb 12, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
So what does #Nemesis mean? ("a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent"). What did the program mean? Did it mean that Abbott's Nemesis was Turnbull and Turnbull's was Morrison's, or is that too simplistic? Who's was Morrison's Nemesis? My theory is that all of their Nemesis was "the truth". So why did it take 9 years for the truth to be told? The answer to that actually lies in the last episode and it sticks out like Canine gonads. It is the part when Covid 19 is discussed by Morrison and where he says that health is the responsibility of
Jan 29, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Nemesis barely covered what a load of Self serving people the Liberal party are. The ABC missed what was going on at the time, big time. They didn't even report Nationally on the Robodebt RC. The 2015 budget, engineered by Morrison was as big a shocker as the 2014 "entitlement over" budget. As well as robodebt, which was predicated on the lie that all people on Job start were frauds, they also introduced the cashless debit card, predicated on the Lie that all indigenous people were Drunks, gamblers and drugies and then they reduced the Pensions saying
Sep 5, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
As usual the ABC are pussy footing around. At we have run the actual Budget figures since 2007-2008 to Last Mays budget. Budget paper 4 contains two figures Estimated (for the current year and three more years) and Estimated actual (for the last years thevogfiles.com
estimate. The budget was made up of four elements until 2016 when Defence Materiel was merged into Defence, the other two are defence housing and veterans affairs. At we discussed the ongoing lies, repeated as fact by the ABC. Since thenthevogfiles.com/defence-number…
Aug 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
@4corners Dear 4 Corners I applaud you for exposing (tonight) the 4 big consultancy firms who received 7.6 billion from 2012 to 2023. Image Showing their share of the largesse by Calendar year. Image
Jul 5, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Want to hear some Broken News? Well the news is that Rex Patrick via Michael West media is trying to play thevogfiles game. "Pin the tail on the Pig" I am not trying to Torpedo him but Patrick needs a new Sub-editor Read on thevogfiles.com/hot-topics/pin… The highlights of the allegation are that Labor has a $200 million scheme where they have chosen, before any evaluation, the recipients of the alleged Rorts. There are a couple of problem with this. Firstly the use of the Largest graphic Pink Pig available and secondly the use of
Jun 14, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
BROKEN NEWS ALERT. Why are the coalition blaming Labor and specifically Katy Gallagher for "What she Weaponised" Well Quietly the leftover must be quaking in their boots. There is a Tsunami of Sewage coming their way caused by a tidal wave of corrupt conduct during their 9 years in power. Lets list a few. 1/ The National Anti Corruption Commission is standing up in July. thevogfiles.com have 2 solid years of grants rorts analysis just waiting for the NACC to go over. The detail with the spreadsheet evidence is available thevogfiles.com/rorts-central.… Image
Jun 12, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
BREAKING OPINION. If you are confused about the details of an alleged rape that occurred at parliament house in 2019 can I suggest the following. 1. Don't believe what is written in the Murdoch press. 2. be very skeptical about what is written in other main stream media incl the ABC. 3. Don't look for expertise in Legal matters from the press. They are writers not Legal experts. 4. Read the statuatory declarations of experts at Inquiries such as the Sofronoff inquiry. here is the link. cjsinquiry.act.gov.au/public-hearing…
May 29, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING BREAKING BREAKING As seismic as the earthquake last night in Melbourne is the latest analysis of Infrastructure spending given to Victoria between the 2018-19 to 2021-22 financial years. thevogfiles.com/hot-topics/som… Was Victoria short changed? read on. Lets firstly look at the total Grant spend during this period. Over $90 billion. All Grants and all Departments. Image
Mar 3, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
More broken news re NSW Regional Grants. we at thevogfiles.com have analysed the NSW regional Grant fund. and found the following. It was a difficult analysis and involved the superlative IT skills of @SteveCBR with the data from the following page. nsw.gov.au/regional-growt… . Imbedded in the main funds were 11 other funds.
Dec 22, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I thought I would make some comments on the Liberal party Election review and point out where they had a point right but the Analysis wrong. here is Loughnane and Hume's appreciation of "developments" which went wrong. I agree with point a. but what was the reason? Well if you remember the pandemic was just up to 2 months old when national cabinet met and Morrison abrogated all of his Section 51 (ix) (of the constitution) responsibilities for Quarantine to the States, who then took on the
Dec 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Good morning tweeps, Today's tutorial is on Liberal party Political tactics with an excellent example. It goes like this
1. Choose part of a data set, Publish it
2. Amplify it through the Main Stream media (who never check) and
3. Hope to hell none checks the evidence. The Example is Defence.
1. the Semi truth is that Labor doesn't fund Defence very well because in 2012 they took $2.5 billion out of defence.
2. They amplified it through Simon Birmingham on ABC breakfast and then #insiders picked it up as well.
3. BUT Vincent checked the facts.
Nov 30, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Bit late to the deal today, but wanted to have a say about the censure of Scott John Morrison. When I joined the West Midlands police in 1974 one of the like minded new coppers was a bloke called Paul who used to be a Sargent in the Coldstream Guards. He was a story teller and was fond of saying anyone who Bullshitted had a lot of "clack". Watching Morrison today I was reminded of Paul. I heard Morrison's speech and later downloaded the Hansard record of it. His speech epitomises the very reason Australians kicked him out. He argued that he wasn't
Nov 5, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
ROBODEBT. couple of points. It's very hard to get any help from DHS/centrelink when you need it. You have to jump through hoops to get a payment of any stripe. You have to tell them about everything financial you have, have had and what your partner has as well. Once you are through the hoop and get the Payment from them to keep getting it you have, under pain of death from reading their documentation, to tell them what you earn fortnightly, AT THE TIME YOU ARE GETTING THE PAYMENTS. So in 2015 someone in DHS/centrelink decided that there was a
Nov 2, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Thread. Greetings tweeps. Time to explain some more devious liberal/National shit which has a bearing on the cost to of mortgages and the price of houses. Remember Joe Hockey? The man who said "Australia is open for business" Well earlier this year I tabulated all of the Foreign Investment review Board approvals for the years 2010-11 to 2018-19 and the largest money spent was on Real Estate. He is the Table. $1.680 trillion spend by Foreigners in Australia Overall of which Real Estate was
Oct 30, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Lets take a step back and see what the Australian Energy market commission said about Electricity prices in their price trends report of 222 November 2021. aemc.gov.au/market-reviews… 3 yr trend. This is their graph of prices for Australian States.
Oct 30, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Thread. Yesterday @laborforfarrer posted this article penned by the Swan hill Guardian. Anne Webster is the nationals member for Mallee the next electorate over from Farrer. The article was completely misleading. As many of you will know I and my small team have been analysing grants for over 2 years and those can be found at thevogfiles.com/rorts-central.… we have analysed 17 Grants worth (now) $7.4 billion. Overwhelmingly they have shown a bias in funding to Coalition Electorates