🏴 anti-YOKE & the stupid they bring with ‘em 🏴 Profile picture
That awkward realization you're worth more dead than alive... eeking out a meagre existence in this hellhole of a nation called Malaysia
Jul 31, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Hypothetical yet plausible scenario... But hey, since the majority of you don't care that you may one day be targeted, who cares, right?

After all since personal liberties, right to privacy, or human rights in general - as most of the civilized world recognizes - are so distasteful to your superior morals, who cares?
Jul 30, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Salam Maal Hijrah 1444H

With today being the first day of the Islamic new year, I cannot help but wonder: what next from the religious conservatives in the next 354 days?

Well, it appears I didn't have to wait long: I didn't have to wait very long, it would seem:

Jul 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I'm not sure which school these ISMA/PAS people went to, but I'm glad I didn't go there.

This one tweet alone exemplifies the meaning of JADONG (as coined by the late Dr. Syed Hussein Alatas)

(see malaysiakini.com/columns/362549 for reference) More shocking, is these ISMA/PAS types have forgotten what surah Al-An'am verse 108 states:
"Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. Thus unto every nation have We made their deed seem fair. (cont.)
Dec 4, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
This piece may sound alarmist in some sections, but overall it is an informative read.

[a short thread with my personal observations follows]

HT: @sitikasim & @IMMikhailHafiz

How Ketuanan Melayu became an ideology of greed, by @DalastKimbasabi murrayhunter.substack.com/p/how-ketuanan… 1/ What I personally see being at greatest risk is Malaysia losing its multicultural identity. It is this very multiculturalism that shaped the nation throughout our history, long before the colonial era.

Our multi-cultural/religious make up is not a weakness, but a strength
Dec 2, 2021 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
"When religion, every so often, divides the people, language is the medium that can at best unite the people in a relatively tolerant society."

A few personal commentaries... [a thread]
Be fluent in the Malay language to break the racial barrier freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opini… 1/ In principle, there is nothing wrong with this piece. A common language is indeed a unifying force, no argument there. But in Malaysia, language HAS been politicized, as much as religion has, arguably even more. Let’s not ignore this fact.
Oct 14, 2021 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
This is an article by a guest columnist at Rebuilding Malaysia

Another Daylight Robbery…another smash & grab by the government mariammokhtar.com/another-daylig… via @@mariamAdmrlGen @mariamAdmrlGen It’s very disheartening to read, truth be told. Primarily because it reminds us, yet again, how Malaysia is really a lost cause.

Of course, there’s the endless array of branding; 1Malaysia, Keluarga Malaysia, and all kinds of spectacular bullshit sloganeering about ‘unity’.
Aug 30, 2021 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Tomorrow, 31st August 2021, we commemorate the 64th year of “Merdeka”.

“Merdeka” simply means ‘independence’. In our case, the independence of the Federated and Unfederated Malay States, plus the Straits Settlements of Penang and Melaka, from the British.

[This is a thread] 2/ And this “Merdeka”, which happened in 1957, led to the formation of the Federation of Malaya. It wouldn’t be until 6 years later, with the addition of Sabah, Sarawak and (for 2 years) Singapore, that Malaysia was born, in 1963 on 16th September.
Aug 28, 2021 • 24 tweets • 6 min read
Unfortunately PAS will never grasp the simplest of precepts that forcing religion down people’s throats will create hypocrisy and resentment.

But hey, if the Malays are happy having their lives controlled by religionists, who am I to say anything? So I kinda want to elaborate a bit on those concerns, apart from the possible reinvigorated zeal of pushing #RUU355

Because while that is a big concern, there are other things about PAS being in that position that raise concerns as well. For me, at least.
Aug 28, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Truth be told, what PM8 offered as last-ditch desperate attempt to stay in power wasn’t a bad deal. Granted politics is about compromise, the PROBLEM with it was *when* PM8 offered the deal, making his gesture seem to completely lack any genuine sincerity. Lest we forget, it wasn’t just rejected by PH, but also by Pejuang and even UMNO.

Now that UMNO is pretty much in the driver’s seat, there is little doubt that “the deal” will completely be out of the question.

Reform is the *LAST* thing UMNO wants.
Aug 19, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
1) In the next few days, a new PM-designate will be named. Based on what’s been circulating on mainstream and social media, it will very likely be BN's (i.e., UMNO’s) candidate, Ismail Sabri.

As I type this, a contingent of UMNO MPs are on their way to an audience with the YDPA 2) This is for the YDPA to confirm the SD of support that each has submitted

I suspect this process may also be done with those MPs who submitted Anwar Ibrahim as their nominee. Maybe, or maybe not. We’ll have to wait and see.

But this thread is not about the process
Aug 18, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
This is from 2018, but just putting it here so you're reminded what the re-bottled "old wine" tastes like...

Ismail Sabri: Malay ‘special rights’ and Islam in jeopardy if vote given to DAP | Malay Mail malaymail.com/news/malaysia/… And lest we forget, also this tasty kueh morsel:
May 30, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
This is a short thread, partly to thank @TuanSahib for the recommendation, and partly to express my own takeaways from a miniseries called “Our Boys”.

So, first things first - thanks for the recommendation - certainly 10 hours (almost) well-spent ❤️ @TuanSahib 1/n - If you’re unfamiliar with “Our Boys”, it’s based on what happened in Israel, Summer 2014, a grisly murder of an Arab youth, linked to retribution over the abduction & murder of three Jewish kids.

The 10-episode series is an uncomfortable watch. And I’ll share why.
Apr 20, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
In a period of overall global deterioration of press freedom, the fact Malaysia dropped 18 spots is a big deal... #KerajaanGagal

Malaysia records worst decline out of 180 countries in press freedom index themalaysianinsight.com/s/311490 The page for Malaysia on RSF’s site may be viewed here: rsf.org/en/malaysia

The next few tweets in this thread replicates what you’ll find on that page
Apr 2, 2021 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
If you’re a Muslim in Malaysia, especially if you’re “born" into the religion, Article 11 of the Federal Constitution is a myth, at best. And at worst, a blatant lie.

Effectively if you’re Muslim, there is NO freedom of religion. In addition to many other NO FREEDOMS you enjoy The first clause in Article 11 reads as thus:
“Every person has the right to profess and practise his religion and, subject to Clause (4), to propagate it”

Note that ‘every person’ in literary terms means there is no distinction between which person.
Mar 7, 2021 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
The Malay Mail hari ini melaporkan tentang pengakuan Hadi Awang bahawa Langkah Sheraton telah dirancang sebaik sahaja GE14 tamat. Penulisan asal beliau boleh dibaca di laman FBnya: facebook.com/abdulhadiawang…

Bebenang ini adalah komentar peribadi saya. 1/ Selepas membaca rencana asal tersebut, ternyata betapa angkuh dan takburnya si Hadi ini. Juga ternyata yang kepentingan paling utama partinya adalah parti itu sendiri. Tapi tak apa… agama sentiasa boleh ditunggang untuk mengkaburkan mata rakyat
Feb 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
So today, we once again reinforce the culture of “Don’t like it, Ban it”. No thanks to pressure from the Malaysian Ultra-Conservatives whose wet dream is nothing less than making EVERY-DAMNED-THING-THEY-DON’T-LIKE illegal. These are the people who have clout because most Malays who don’t agree with them do not dare speak up and speak out. The reality is that in Malaysia, turning 18 means nothing more than being liable for prosecution and persecution.
Feb 15, 2021 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
0/ You can thank @yoongkhean for this. Here’s my “How to NOT Get Lost In Publika” guide, over a short thread. FYI I operated our gallery from Publika for the better part of 9 years.

The guide begins in the next tweet... @yoongkhean 1/ The first thing to know is that there are FOUR (4) blocks: A,B,C, and D in Solaris Dutamas overall. Publika occupies blocks B & C, and part of A - these are the OFFICIAL parts of Publika. But for the sake of simplicity, we’ll just call it all Publika (actually Solaris Dutamas)
Oct 20, 2020 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
Yes, funding for the arts and the creative industry is important. But it doesn’t have to all be direct government funding.

IMHO: the thing is we DON’T have a long-term plan to develop the creative industry, only ad-hoc measures put together.

And it’s not rocket science, either As someone involved in one sector of the creative industry, the biggest problem I see impeding its growth - even bigger than funding - is the lack of appreciation for the arts, and how little value the arts and things creative.

I know it’s an unpleasant truth, but...
Jul 23, 2020 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
If there’s a silver lining to Saifuddin Abdullah’s #FINASFUBAR it’s the general public’s realization that the FINAS Act is as relevant to the 21st century as a 56K dialup modem is relevant to today's Internet experience.

Read the act here: agc.gov.my/agcportal/uplo…

[Cont.] The act was enacted and gazetted in 1981. For those of you not born yet then, in 1981 there was no Astro and all you had was RTM TV1 & TV2 to entertain you on television.

The act was drafted to facilitate the development of Malaysia’s film industry (let’s not go there)

Jul 15, 2020 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Do watch the video, which I did earlier. A few observations:

1. True, the AJ video focus piece did not cover ALL aspects of Malaysia's handling of COVID-19. But it was a FOCUS piece on the alleged mistreatment of illegal immigrants, not an in-depth COVID-19 in MY documentary 2. About blocking comments - the YouTube posting by AJ initially did allow comments but was closed down AFTER being spammed by thousands of abusive comments. The rebuttal video gives the impression that the comments weren’t allowed from the get-go.
Jul 9, 2020 • 37 tweets • 6 min read
Apakah guna prinsip2 kalau tidak ada matlamatnya?

50 tahun dahulu pada hari ini satu visi telah dilancarkan. Ianya dipanggil RUKUNEGARA.

Visi ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Matlamat2 dan Prinsip2 utk mencapai Matlamat2 tersebut. Yang sering disebutkan, dilaungkan, adalah 5 prinsip tersebut. Malangnya yang jarang sekali disebutkan adalah MATLAMAT Rukunegara.

Apakah matlamat2nya?