Mary Beth Williams Profile picture
Maine/N’dakinna Aln8bak, Oregon-exile. Cornell JD. Statutory construction/ConLaw wonk. Disability advocate. Historian/bio-archaeologist. Kamala stan since '14.
May 11, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
I drafted a thread, but then took a break from Twitter due to health/family issues—and then decided, as a Twitter nobody, it didn’t matter. But with the new Eastman disclosures, I feel compelled to document a critical issue that should be addressed before the 2022 midterms. 🧵 TL;DR: After the midterm elections, MAGA-controlled legislatures CAN—and some WILL—end presidential elections in states and choose electors themselves—and it will be upheld by SCOTUS, perhaps unanimously, as constitutional.
May 4, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
For everyone who thinks it's No Big Deal to get a state-issued ID, I spent the past 3 hours trying to get a state ID for my 21 yr old profoundly autistic son just so he can get his social security benefits. Result: No ID anytime in the foreseeable future. @OregonGovBrown And it's not because he doesn't have documents—he has his birth certificate, his social security card, and mountains of federal and state docs mailed to his permanent address. But OR DMV is the only place to get an ID, and they are not taking appointments to issue ID. At all.
Jan 31, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Back in 2005, when I was covering the Jack Abramoff Senate hearing, I discovered (and blogged on) a meeting between John Weaver and Karl Rove which led to John McCain, chair of the Senate Indian Affairs, endorsing George W. Bush. The deal that was made by Weaver and Rove? /1 Bush would support McCain as a GOP presidential candidate in 2008 GOP, if McCain would stop using his committee to investigate Bush’s very close ties with Abramoff. McCain reigned in the scope of the hearings, and placed a 15 year seal on all the committee records.
Aug 12, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm seeing some serious misrepresentations in my feed, so let's clear things up. Jamaica, under England rule after 1655, engaged in chattel slavery, first w/ indigenous Taino, and then captured Africans. In 1834, when slavery was abolished, there were 358K slaves in the colony... In comparison, in 1830, there were 315K slaves in South Carolina. Jamaica is smaller than Connecticut. There were also fewer than 16K white inhabitants. In 1940, the population was 90% black, with most citizens descended from the earlier slave populations.
Jul 29, 2020 36 tweets 6 min read
As a former CoS for the Ways and Mean co-chair, I still love reading appropriations bills. So lets see what's in the Senate GOP's latest coronavirus "stimulus" bill (found here…... First off, there's 80 million "to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including for necessary expenses related to...prisoners in the custody of the United States Marshals Service" but only if they're held in PRIVATE prisons. Hmmm.