How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App“What do people even do in the suburbs” is it a question with a shelf life. It’s supposed to be uttered by teenagers who are in their peak socializing years during which they are supposed to be finding a mate to have children with.’m sorry, but that happened. That all happened. It just happened. Not a long time ago. It just happened. Yes it’s also true that some people recently said some things that are untrue about FEMA. To what end? What were the consequences? What burned down? What was looted? What institution that you are part of completely remade itself in the image of this lie? How many television ads were premised on this line? How many moments of silence at sporting events asked you to reflect on this lie? don’t know why the fact that Islamic fundamentalists are far too stupid to understand when they’ve lost is supposed to be relevant. I mean, it’s like who are you talking to here? Why is this directed at the west? Why wouldn’t this statement be directed at the successor to Hezbollah as a warning to them that they will be obliterated just like Hezbollah just was? really cannot overstate how completely our national conversation about crime has disconnected from reality. In no country that actually mass incarcerated its citizens would it be possible for someone to have 15 convictions and still be free on the street. Therefore, the United States quite plainly does not have a mass incarceration problem. You can’t have a reasonable conversation about this with normal people, because they all take for granted that we do. So basically everybody except me and like five other people on the Internet are wrong about the most basic facts of the case. It is my burden in life to know this thing nobody else knows and to be completely incapable therefore of having normal conversations with my neighbors. a lot of poor people, when I was deep in poverty I survived because I had a mother I could move in with for a while, a friend with an air mattress who let me stay with them when I had overstayed my mom’s welcome. When my drug addicted uncle was on the verge of homelessness, he came and stayed with us. When my mother later was kicked out of her boyfriend’s house, she stayed with me for a couple of days, and then with a friend for a while until I could help her get set up with a place.