Sam Westwood Profile picture
Lecturer in Psychology Education @KingsCollegeLon | Neuromodulation, ADHD, and meta-research @riotscienceclub @impostorpod | views my own
Aug 9, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Any useful resources on how to critically read a science paper? Something spicy/unconventional, like red flags to spot, "scratch and sniff" tests (eg statcheck), peer review sites (eg pubpeer), hot spots to read first (eg CoIs/tables/methods/, etc. A few things I have found so far...

@hertzpodcast Episode 110: Red flags for errors in papers…
Mar 29, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
Is computerised cognitive (“brain”) training a possible treatment for ADHD?

We took nearly 3-years to answer that question via a meta-analysis of 36 RCTs (n=2234).

Today our work is published in @molpsychiatry 🎉 🥳

🧵 1/n TL;DR

⭐️ No empirical support for the use of CCT as a stand-alone intervention for ADHD symptoms
⭐️Small effects, of likely limited clinical importance, on inattention symptoms – but likely setting-specific.

Apr 6, 2020 51 tweets 48 min read
To help me get back into some sort of routine, I’m going to restart my #paperperday challenge and finish when normal life resumes. Yes, your timeline with be spammed with papers focusing on psychology, cognitive neuroscience, reproducible, and transparent research, again! #1 Seven Steps Toward Transparency and Replicability in Psychological Science by @dstephenlindsay

“these are...disciplines, practices, even aspirations...I’m still working on them myself...most of us would do better science if we worked on these“ Image
Jan 7, 2019 245 tweets >60 min read
I am embarking on my own #PaperPerDayChallenge where I read at least one paper, well, per day for a whole year. To kick start,… inspired by @ukrepro Reproducibility Workshop @CumberlandLodge and a talk by @MarcusMunafo Paper #2: Hard not be cynical about advocates of reproducibile science given most have careers built on the very questionable practices they wish to stamp out, so great to see @russpoldrack tackling this head on and offering great advice along the way 👍…