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Jan 4 5 tweets 2 min read
The authors of Easy Meat note that before UK Pakistani child rape gangs targeted white girls, they first victimized Sikh girls.

They found they could break the media embargo on Pakistani child rape gangs only by first focusing on non-white victims. Image barnesandnoble.com/w/easy-meat-pe…
Jan 2 7 tweets 3 min read
The belief within the UK Muslim community that the grooming gangs acted upon is that Western society is morally decadent and has pornified and prostituted its own women and that there is license to do whatever one wishes to any woman or child left unsupervised by fathers, brothers, and cousins whose duty is to control their movement in order to protect their primary commodity value, their virginity.

The former belief has some basis in reality; the latter is a value that is simply incompatible with coexistence under the same laws in a single polity with those who do not share it.

The attempt to coexist with an unreformed population that holds this view would require either 1.) pervasive surveillance of members of that community by law enforcement or 2.) restrictions on the freedom of movement and speech on the community that rejects those values.

Faced with this dilemma, the UK has chosen the second path -- they are literally jailing British citizens for uncivil descriptions of what the migrant community has done. The belief within the British community was that lower-class slags in decaying post-industrial towns were uneducated white trash and complaints that their daughters were being raped by a Brown Horde reflected their benightedness. In a powerful sense, the Muslim belief that unsupervised girls were fair targets was vindicated.
Dec 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
It's super interesting that there are cultures where homosexuality is grounds for death but raping boys is fine, what's a good explainer of this phenomenon? Foucault's experiences in Algeria and Morocco led him to believe that Islam was cool with homosexuality and was thus shocked to find out that homosexuality was not only not tolerated in Iran but grounds for death during the period when he was rhapsodizing about the Iran revolution. Like most Westerners, he wasn't able to grasp that homosexuality is forbidden but raping boys is fine.
Dec 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Norm MacDonald's joke from 2016 is now an actual template for news coverage Image Image
Dec 13, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Why have so few reporters covered what is shaping up to be one of the the worst medical scandals in modern American history? Image A relentless campaign of lies and smears and threats:
Dec 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Absolutely insane Orwellian nightmare coverage of an app where viral misinformation has resulted in incitement to murderous threats against a journalist for impartially and scrupulously coverage an ongoing medical scandal Image techcrunch.com/2024/12/13/blu…
Dec 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
It happened with essentially no deliberation and debate. Sometime around 2019 it became clear that you could have your livelihood destroyed if you dissented from a dogma introduced a few weeks prior. Many good liberals accepted a series of claims about child transition -- that it was evidence based and lifesaving -- that have since been proven to be utterly without foundation.
Nov 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A man kills his wife and two children and in the immediate aftermath begins identifying as a woman.

The local paper covering his case honors the preferred pronouns of the triple murderer, referring to him as "she."

They are doing so because the transgender movement defines a "woman" as "anyone who claims to be a woman" -- that is to say, the same reason that a 6'4" non-medically transitioned man was allowed to change with NCAA swimmer and set a woman's world record, the same reason that a serial murderer of women who beheaded and dismembered a woman upon his release from a prison sentence for two prior murders of women is now housed in a women's prison, the same reason that Kamala Harris wrote a letter congratulating Dylan Mulvaney, a 29-year old man who identifies as both a female and a child, for his "365 days of being a girl," the same reason a Seattle Human Rights Commission fined a Korean nude spa for women for denying entry to a non-transitioned man who claimed to be a woman, the same reason YouTube will ban content referring to Mulvaney as a man.

All claim to be women and are therefore women according to the criteria established by the transgender movement for who is a woman -- rules obeyed by the cultural, political, financial, legal, medical, and corporate establishments of the Western world.Image montrealgazette.com/news/crime/tri…
Sep 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Mayo Clinic recently added Martine Rothblatt to its board of directors
Aug 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I was pretty surprised when I learned a couple of years ago that our coral reefs are larger than they have ever been There's a whole popular kids book and TV series based on the imminent threat to the reefs posed by human activity aimed at 5 and 6 year-olds. Had to explain to my daughter that the Great Barrier Reef is larger than ever.
Jul 22, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
When Nancy Pelosi threatens to destroy your chance of victory through escalating public assertions of your unfitness for office and you succumb because you judge her threats to be credible — you have definitely not put America first or sacrificed for a higher cause Everyone claiming otherwise in unison knows this.
Jul 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Public schools came to exist primarily as a form of patronage to be looted by a class of officeholders and politically connected contractors who used a pseudo-moral language of equity and inclusion to immunize themselves from accountability . newsweek.com/chicago-school…Image Teachers are mostly drawn from the large portion of the graduate population accounting for this decline. The system exists to give jobs to graduates of this system and performs well accordingly to that goal.
Jun 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
JK Rowling's publisher told junior employees demanding the severing of ties with the world's highest-grossing author that they would not comply with their demands and that they were welcome to seek employment elsewhere if they couldn't deal with this refusal. An easy decision.

A harder decision for another publisher -- Bloomsbury in this case -- would have been to stand by a first-time author with an exhaustively researched book about systematic malfeasance at Britain's only pediatric gender clinic. Of course they caved.
May 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The rubber is hitting the road all across the United States and the Anglosphere.

Everything that they insisted was a scare story 18 months ago while working feverishly to make it mandatory and pervasive is rapidly scaling up and will soon be pervasive.

The time to exercise your right to dissent is now, while you still have it, as the powers that be conspire to wrest it from you forever.

The public is beginning to realize this.
May 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
No one has a right to compel any other person to participate in their make believe, regardless of how intensely they believe or merely insist their well-being depends on it.

All are permitted to judge for themselves which beliefs they choose to affirm or not affirm.

Any infringement on this right by state power is totalitarian.

Any movement that urges people to malign and threaten those exercising their rights as they see fit must be seen and treated as unwelcome in a pluralistic society. All those participating in such judgments should be seen and treated as fanatics attacking the foundations of a pluralistic, liberal society.

All those attacking the foundations of a pluralistic, liberal society should be shunned.
May 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
There are many people who will in all earnestness be shocked and horrified by those making the self-evidently true observation that this is not a man who found his authentic self by dosing himself with exogenous hormones but instead a very troubled woman caught up in a viral contagion of medicalized self-harm that she is helping to spread. Those people have been propagandized out of reality.

There are many powerful institutions that will restrict the right to speak and even attack the right to transact on their platforms for asserting this self-evident truth. Those institutions have been captured by those propagandized out of reality.

There has never been an eruption of such blatant absurdity and state sponsored falsehood in any of our lifetimes. It is a practical and moral imperative to assert our right to say the self-evident truth by saying it. It's the only way to dispel the veil of mystification and repression foundational to the sustenance of a movement built on reality denial that has gone further than any other such movement in capturing the institutions that control what we can say and think. She writes about it in her memoir -- sexual exploitation of the kind that is pervasive in that setting.

Many turn to a variety of cult-like practices and institutions to cope. (Scientology, the Reverend Moon, etc.) We don't ban them for those old enough to consent and bear the consequences. And many of those cults do in fact help people by giving them a sense of purpose and a community in exchange for much of their wealth.

But this cult is different: it has captured the state and civil society and its demand that everyone accept or merely pay continual verbal tribute to its tenets. It's a demand that is incompatible with a pluralistic, liberal society where freedom of speech, belief, and unbelief are all enshrined in its founding principles.

It's a demand that this society must refuse.

Apr 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Transgenderists demand that you pay verbal tribute to their beliefs by affirming them in the course of daily life and seek to make the state compel such tribute by punishing unbelievers -- the Biden Administration just made such belief compulsory in all American schools Believers are free to try to peer pressure or coerce unbelievers into acquiescing to such tribute ("I am asking you to be kind"; "it costs you nothing to comply," "what are you some kind of far right fascist?" etc.) -- but everyone has a right to unbelief that no one can infringe
Apr 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
If you knew nothing else about the transgender movement but this text, you would instantly see from the plangent, seething, furiously buttonholing register that its rhetoric somehow sustains in every sentence and punctuation mark, that something was deeply awry

actioncanadashr.org/news/2021-05-0…Image The incredible list of signatories is a roll call of moral abdication
Apr 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Thread provides helpful background on one of the main sources of viral misinformation dominating coverage of trans issues in the US. These are the people being cited by US media on the Cass Report.

This is the sort of info that would have been banned from Twitter under its prior leadership. But I get it -- I'm the weirdo with a disturbing obsession for wanting to understand why we've been inducting thousands of confused children into a cult of medicalized self-harm on the basis of zero evidence to support its safety and efficacy
Apr 19, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Corinna's appeal is poignant because it's so human and humane, premised on the capacity for rationality and empathy in a person devoid of these qualities and consumed entirely by partisan rancor, blind self-righteousness, and smug self-assuredness in the rightness of second-hand opinions he has no ability or willingness to question no matter how much evidence piles up to contest it Corinna wants to safeguard children like himself from the grievous harms he suffered -- but Will doesn't want to hear about any of it. He was given his marching orders by the party and he will smear and defame anyone who deviates from the party line.
Jan 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I don't think many people would have considered this thinkable before it happened. But those with the wherewithal to do it knew in advance that not one person whose opinion they cared about would be willing to criticize it in any way. They did it, received zero pushback, and reformatted expectations at a new equilibrium