Directly inspired by @jacksonfall and his #HustleGPT movement, for the past few days I’ve tasked AI (GPT 3 and 4, MidJourney, and more) with creating a way of earning money from an initial injection of $100*
And, wow, I am impressed.
/Thread 🧵👇
After using @jacksonfall’s very helpful exact opening prompt, we began exploring business routes - the easiest one being affiliate marketing.
We asked GPT what the most popular, wide-reaching topics would be to focus on, and returned ‘health’ and ‘nutrition’. Nice! 🍎⛹️
Feb 2, 2022 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” - Stephen Hawking
Today we’re thrilled to announce the first ever honorary member to white-house.eth and our family here, @DiscoverXnft.
True to form, here’s a thread 👇🧵
Our foundations began as BlueSeventeen (Blue17), a group of 17 passionate souls across NFT, DeFi, CeFi, finance, art, and more.
Over time, we matured and settled into our roots under white-house.eth and the branding that came with that, especially with BAYC #76.