stepfanie tyler Profile picture
a lil spicy // creator of ENDLESS SUMMER, a monthly AI photography magazine // currently building an elevated loungewear & livable lingerie brand @wildbaremuse
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Jul 18 11 tweets 4 min read
10 (more) ideas that pushed me from the Left to the Right 🧵

topics discussed:
— cancel culture & free speech
— meritocracy vs. DEI
— immigration policies
— misattribution of credit for major innovations
— wealth, philanthropy, and the "pay your fair share" rhetoric
— Big Tech censorship
— men in women's sports
— Oct 7th attacks on Israel
— the Left's 'branding'
— "white men are bad" (but they marry them anyway) 1/10 cancel culture & free speech 🚩

cancel culture is out of control, suppressing diverse viewpoints and punishing people for holding unpopular opinions

look at what happened to J.K. Rowling—she voiced her views on gender identity, and despite her contributions to literature, she was swiftly ostracized

it's not about accountability anymore—it's a modern-day witch hunt that stifles open dialogue and intellectual discourse

we have been breeding a culture of fear, not freedom—where intellectual discourse is replaced by echo chambers

when people are scared to speak up, society loses the vibrant exchange of ideas that drives progress
Jul 14 12 tweets 4 min read
over the course of the last decade there have been some key events that pushed me from the Left to the Right 🧵

from Hillary 2016
to Biden 2020
to Trump 2024

let's unpack it by exploring these 10 examples: red flag #1 🚩

Aziz Ansari and the Fallibility of the MeToo Movement

MeToo came in hot—the Aziz Ansari incident was a turning point for me—Aziz's career was nearly destroyed over what amounted to a bad date

the fervor with which the MeToo movement was pushed, often without nuance or due process, became increasingly unsettling

it felt as though we were sacrificing individual reputations on the altar of a broader agenda, disregarding the complexity of human interactions and the need for a fair assessment of each situation