Willem Petzer Profile picture
Chairman of @ZAtaxpayers | YouTube: https://t.co/fPRxqJ64go | Telegram: https://t.co/bdzyeX7aD3
CBStrike27 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 9, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The South African experiment explained (thread):

Today, South Africa is the world's first country to be built on, and destroyed by, the "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) philosophy.

If America or any other Western country continues down the same path, it will suffer the same fate. Eskom, the state-owned electricity provider, is in trouble due to high operating costs and debt obligations stemming from ambitious power station building plans that were flawed from the beginning due to political meddling, and a small bidding pool, specifically due to BEE.
Mar 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You don't realise just how badly South Africa went down the drain, until you drive the streets of Johannesburg with your European friend and he says: "This looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland from a horror movie." South Africa is the rotting carcass of a once first world country, with critters scavenging the last bit of meat from its naked bones.
Dec 26, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The Maselspoort, Free State, full incident, confirmed by 3 seperate present sources (Thread):

A claim of racism was made by the account in the screenshot.

The claim was made that the 2 boys (13 and 18) were assaulted, as the pool was reserved for white people only. The EFF also turned up to the resort in numbers today, harassing holiday goers, vandalizing the property, and singing "Kill the Boer."

Here follows the full story:
Dec 8, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Thread on the full story:

This is Christopher Logan. He instantly rose to national fame and became an instant sensation after 'defending' his black friend after said friend was allegedly denied entrance to Hank's Olde Irish Pub in Cape Town on the basis of his skin color. I did not comment on the viral video when it came out, as the facts pertaining to the story did not yet come out.

Let's talk about what Christopher did:
Jan 6, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Many people do not realize the gravity of what we are witnessing now in Washington DC.

It is the end of American conservatism as we know it, and it will have ripple effects worldwide.

It is the fall of the libertarian-right, and the rise of the nationalist-right. This is the final straw that broke the camel's back. GOP voters felt disenfranchised for many years now. Now they feel betrayed.

The first chart shows GOP voters' values. The second shows the GOP party's values. As you can see there is already a complete disconnect.
Nov 1, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
I've heard a lot of people claim that poverty causes crime.

This is the BIGGEST LIE we are being told in South Africa to justify the shocking crime rate in our country.

In the thread below, I compare SA to poorer countries in terms of murder rate, enjoy: South Africa (2018):
GDP per Capita (USD) - $6377
Murder rate (per 100 000) - 36

Belarus (2018):
GDP per Capita (USD) - $6306
Murder rate (per 100 000) - 3.5

Poverty doesn't cause crime!

Source: dataunodc.un.org/crime/intentio…