Will Profile picture
let’s taste // @tastebywill on IG & TikTok
Following the breath Profile picture Dee Sterling Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 3, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
My New Years Resolution to you?

Maintain a daily stretching practice

This 10 min morning routine is a great place to start⬇️ So, what’s important for a DAILY stretching routine?

Opening up your hips and shoulders is paramount, especially in a world where most of us are hunched over at a desk for 8+ hrs a day

Guess what? We’re going to open those hips and shoulders right up
Oct 23, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
Seed (Vegetable) Oils: The Main Reason Americans are Fatter & Sicker than Ever

“Why?” you say…

Let me explain⬇️ Image “The Hateful Eight” as they’ve become to be known:

Canola (aka Rapeseed [wtf kind of name is this lol])

These are the oils on the chopping block.

Avoid them like the plague. Image