martinmcmahon Profile picture
Whistle Blower Extraordinaire & Author. Writer of wrongs. 1 half of @EchoChambersPod Be more Orca, rock boats.
Feb 24, 2024 48 tweets 24 min read

The #EvershedsReview is @RTE's privileged legal advice.

The #EvershedReview was used to make insurability of employment determinations on individual workers in @RTE who are not allowed to see how that decision making process worked.

On foot of the #EvershedsReview, 396 people were given their marching orders from @RTE.

On foot of the #EvershedsReview, a number of bogus self employed employees working for @RTE were re-classified by @RTE as employees.

The contracts the newly reclassified workers were offered are 'Yellow Pack' contracts, in that the T&Cs of these contracts are far less than the individual employees would have received had the employees been correctly classified by @RTE in the first instance.

The employees who were misclassified by @RTE, in some cases up to 30 years of being misclassified by @RTE, have not received any recompense for any of the statutory benefits and pensions they would have received had @RTE acted lawfully in the first instance.

The misclassification of employees as self employed is a number of criminal offences on the Statute books under SW legislation. The criminal offences on the statue books were explained in detail to the Oireachtas SW Committee in 2019 by the head of PRSI collection for the Department of Social Protection as follows:Image But before I get into the meat and bones of the #EvershedsReview, the 'Why' of the #EvershedsReview must be explained.

Why does it exist at all?
Feb 17, 2024 46 tweets 20 min read
The situation in @RTE about bogus self employment is now so farcical that the leader of an opposition party was deliberately, and provably, misled by the Tanaiste @MichealMartinTD

I will be laying out the facts of this situation.

@sinnfeinireland @socdems @labour @pb4p Let me begin with the one immutable, universal truth which all parties agree upon:

'Each Case Must Be Taken On An Individual Basis'

This is not optional, negotiable or disputable.

During Leaders's Questions on 15th February, the Tanaiste misled @labour leader @ivanabacik -
Jan 8, 2024 36 tweets 10 min read

Ireland's biggest fraud began long before 2000 but it was in 2000 that the Public Accounts Committee first began it's investigation into #IrelandsBiggestFraud.

On the 25th of January 2024, 23 years 6 months and 1 day after Jim Mitchell, the PAC
Image Chairperson began this investigation, Brian Stanley, the current PAC Chairperson, has the means and the opportunity to end this decades long PAC investigation into #IrelandsBiggestFraud.

On the 25th of January 2024, the Revenue Commissioners are in the Public Accounts Image
Aug 29, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Today, I got replies to a Standard Access Request. I've made many over the years but this time I got data they were hiding from me.

It is horrific, multiple memos by senior civil servants making absolute shit of me. It's actually very upsetting to see what they were calling me. So badly has my name been dragged through the muck by the Department of Social Protection, that Minister @HHumphreysFG felt free to tell the privileges committee that I'm a liar when it is she and her minions who have lied.

Aug 22, 2022 62 tweets 53 min read
#HowIrelandWorks #HowSIPOworks

I wanted to prove that SIPO deliberately lies so over the last week I set out to prove it.

This story starts on the 24th of November 2020. I wrote to SIPO and made a complaint that On Thursday 5th December 2109, the Chief Appeals Officer of the Social Welfare Appeals Office, Ms. Joan Gordon, deliberately lied to the Social Welfare Oireachteas Committee investigating Bogus Self Employment.

In the Committee, Ms. Gordon stated "Our office does not use test cases" -
Dec 8, 2021 29 tweets 8 min read
Dept. Social Protection, in the PAC, 9.30am, Thursday 9th December.

Fact - Test Cases to label workers as self-employed by group/class are unlawful.

October 2000 - The SecGen of the SW Dept wrote to the PAC and said that the Dept SW was labeling all couriers as self-employed > based on 'precedents' set in a 'Test Case' of 1 (one) courier in the Social Welfare Appeals Office in 1995.

January 2019 - The Social Welfare Appeals Office writes:

“On occasion over the years an approach of having ‘test cases’ has been taken or considered by the >
Dec 8, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow morning, the Dept. of Social Protection is in the Public Accounts Committee. Before I bring you up to speed on what promises to be an interesting session, I'd like to say a few things. I've been banging on doors for 21 years to expose the corruption that is #bogusselfemployment. I do this because in 2000, I sat in an Appeal in the Social Welfare Appeals Office. That Appeal was the most corrupt thing I have ever seen. It wasn't subtly corrupt, it was in my face corrupt. It was 'what ya gonna do about it' power drunk corruptness.
Nov 29, 2021 79 tweets 14 min read
The Chairperson of @RevenueIE is deliberately misleading the Public Accounts Committee. The latest communication from @RevenueIE is dated the 5th November and follows on from Revenue's refusal to allow an investigation, requested by the Public Accounts Committee, into Revenue's unlawful decision to label all couriers as self-employed at the stroke of a pen in 1997 (backdated to the early 1980s).

It is essential that this thread be read in conjunction with the “Code of Practice on Determining Employment Status, July 2021” referred to by Revenue in
Nov 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Hi guys, as many of you will know, I've spent 21 years exposing the billion euro corruption that is bogus self-employment. Over the years, only 3 journalists have had the balls to say anything at all about it. These 3 are Philip Boucher Hayes, Cianan Brennan and Mick Clifford. Bogus self-employment is rife in media as we can all see with RTE who are under investigation at the moment. Regardless of what criticisms people have of Mick, he has never balked at exposing the bogus self-employment corruption.
Sep 17, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Either ... twitter ...
Sep 17, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
'So Where Has Your Pension Gone?' for Dummies.

The Revenue Commissioners, The Department of Social Welfare and the Social Welfare Appeals Office conspired with Employer Representatives to label employees as self-employed in order for individual businesses, entire sectors and the State itself, to evade employers PRSI.

The method used to achieve this tax evasion, is #bogusselfemployment. The Revenue Commissioners and the SWAO and the SW Department label groups and classes of workers as 'self-employed' using unlawful 'Test Cases'.

The loss in PRSI
Sep 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I’m not letting this go, the Chief Appeals Officer of the Social Welfare Appeals Office deliberately lied to the SW Committee about the use of test cases.

I made a complaint to SIPO that the CAO deliberately lied.

SIPO ruled that the CAO did give ‘erroneous information’ to the Committee. The Social Welfare Appeals Office DOES use unlawful test cases to determine employment status by group and by class.

In July this year, the current SW minister, @HHumphreysFG repeated this lie in a Dail reply to Paul Murphy.

The Ceann Comhairle has now
Apr 30, 2021 28 tweets 36 min read
#RTE in the Public Accounts Committee 27th April 2021.

Issues regarding #BogusSelfEmployment Analysis -

The first pertinent question on @bogusselfemployment was from @PaulMcauliffe. Paul asked about the Eversheds Sutherland report which had found 157 'contractors' out of 433 @PaulMcauliffe were misclassified as 'Self-employed'. That's a very high rate of misclassification, slightly over 36%.

Paul specifically asked if @RTE had robustly responded and if @rte was correctly complying with Revenue guidelines.

@RTE's HR director confirmed the results of the Eversheds
Mar 3, 2021 174 tweets 43 min read
Revenue finally replied in writing to the questions asked by the Public Accounts Committee about #bogusselfemployment. The reply is dated February 2021 and I will be sharing it on this thread later tonight. It confirms every single word of this thread to date and drops SW in it. The first question from the PAC was -

"A test case regarding bogus self employment amongst couriers was discussed. Please provide further details in relation to this case including detailing any associated costs"
Nov 25, 2020 194 tweets 42 min read
I'm bored so I'm going to tell you a story.

Way back in the mists of time (late 70's), PAYE workers held some of the most militant strikes ever seen in Ireland.

They demand a more equitable taxation system for workers. Workers paid income tax through the Pay As > You Earn (PAYE) scheme, tax and PRSI deducted directly from your wages.

The failure of Fianna Fáil to introduce increased taxation for prosperous farmers and wealthier members of society was the issue. Workers, PAYE employees, correctly felt that they were shouldering the
Nov 23, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Can't sleep, damn insomnia. Thoughts running so I'll share. Tomorrow marks 17 days since the DPC told me that my complaint about the PSC travel pass being used as a tool of mass surveillance, was valid.

It's 2 weeks since I emailed the DPC and said I didn't want it included in with the current DPC case re the PSC as it had nothing to do with it. A travel pass is one of those functions which the Social Welfare is allowed use the PSC.

The 2 weeks is important because that's the time limit to act once the complaint is deemed valid, there's a precedent
Nov 23, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I just finished writing a piece about Revenue in the PAC about bogus self-employment last week and it got me thinking. I've been talking to whistleblowers recently, top notch people, all of them have been through 'processes'

I see patterns. 'Newbies' and I don't mean that in a bad way, Newbies at this level have done a lot very quickly, they tend to 'spill' when the meet somebody who is genuinely interested. They try and get as much out as possible as quickly as possible. I know, I was there myself.

Then there are the 'Seasoned', at it a long
Nov 21, 2020 7 tweets 10 min read
The top tier of #Tortoiseshack membership is €8.43 a month. Top tier comes with patron only pods, updates, early access, questions for guests and a lot more. The bottom tier of #TortoiseShack membership is €2.11 and for that you got 40 pods last month >… Forty Podcasts since this day last month. The #Tortoiseshack is incredibly good value for money -

Oct 23 -…
Oct 23 -…
Oct 24 -…
Oct 25 -…
Oct 26 -…
Aug 14, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
For those concerned about bogus self employment, I'm going to do a little thread on the tweet below.

The former Minister accepts and concedes that there is no legislation which allows the dept. to make insurability of employment decisions on groups and classes of workers. > Ireland has no legislation which allows class actions such as the labeling of workers as self employed by group or by class.

Amazingly, the Minister also accepts and concedes that despite no legislation to allow such class actions, the Department does label groups and >
Jan 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I had just turned 19 and finished a 1 year secretarial course. A job was more important than anything else, any job. I sent out 300 CVs and got no replies. I took the boat to Wales and the train to London where a friend of a friend I'd never met took me to her home in Kent.

The next day I went to an employment agency and had a job in 3 hours as a medical conference organiser.

Charles Haughey was Taoiseach.

Less than 6 months later, my sister, a year older, quit UCD and followed me over. She never came back, I did.

Charles Haughey was Taoiseach.

Dec 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
It's more than 2 years since myself and Tony first started the @EchoChambersPod. We hadn't a clue what we were getting ourselves into, we just knew that there were great people out there who never got a look-in on traditional media.

Our first pod was just me and Tony shouting at an ipod. Thanks to crowdfunding we upped our game, got decent mics and other bits and pieces we needed to improve our quality.

As we improved, we grew into the #tortoiseshack, with other great podcasts from Ruth, Rachel and Rory.

Podcasting has helped me so much, due to my