Will Oram Profile picture
Threat Advisory Lead @PwC_UK | Help organisations prevent and respond to cyber attacks | Here for cyber security, politics and the environment | Opinions my own
Jan 6, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
1/ If you are walking into work today worried about how to defend against the cyber threat posed by Iran, @jepayneMSFT ‘s tweet still holds as true as ever: focus on defending against Emotet and the ransomware attacks being launched from it 2/ A security improvement programme focused on defending against Emotet, with only 3-6 months of sustained effort could significantly improve your company's ability to defend against destructive ransomware attacks and more sophisticated attacks
May 19, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
The breadth and scale of change required to secure enterprise-scale companies from cyber security threats is overwhelming. When it comes down to it  -  what’s really important  - the threat. Here’s a few questions to consider. 1/ How are you building resilience into your environment so that you can withstand the compromise of a few systems by an attacker without the security of your entire environment being compromised?