William Perrin Profile picture
technology strategy, society, open data, public policy, broadband, philanthropy. Trustee: Indigo Trust, Goodthings Foundation, 360Giving, Carnegie UK Trust
Jul 17, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
1. Today the @CharityTaxComm review of charity taxation comes out. I was, like dozens of others an advisor to the commission, focussing on transparency but have only now seen what they recommend. 2. The @CharityTaxComm is politely scathing about the state of data on how much tax concessions are worth and what impact they have. The blame lies mostly but not exclusively with HMRC
May 10, 2018 11 tweets 4 min read
Thread - Professor Lorna Woods @EssexLawSchool and I set out to describe a system for reducing harm from/on social media for UK users. We sought to balance harm reduction with free speech (which, in Europe is qualified). This thread links our first draft blog posts together 2. We believe that society can rein in the harm on/from social media, harm that contaminates what should be a great force for good. We wrote about that in this blog post @CarnegieUKTrust carnegieuktrust.org.uk/blog/social-me…