Wil Reynolds Profile picture
I start things. I help people find stuff on the internet Serial Underdog @seerinteractive I am whatever you say I am ❤️ #bigdata #positivity #gratitude #hiphop
Kia Street Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Struggling to get video assets / video budget for tests?
Consider joining your PPC and SEO data to show what % of someone's spend is showing 4 or more videos in the top 10 (if you do top 3, the numbers will likely go way up). Here's an example with the number being close to 20%. The pitch (from me) is: If Google believes 40% of the SERP should be video, we should harvest that intelligence and use it for planning, strategy, etc.

Helpful to show your landing pages w/o video.
Jan 17, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
So glad I read this book. I am not the biggest @JohnHMcWhorter fan, but I like reading things that NO ONE in my circle is recommending. I remember when he dropped losing the race, back in 2000. I was like oh wow someone with a different opinion, let me read that. I've been in a lot of group settings where a story of a poor child is told & someone chimes in about systemic racism and how the system is the problem. It's funny, I can't remember any times where I was in a group & someone said...maybe this 1 time that's not how I see it.
Apr 29, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Every thought:
"I don't want to have all my eggs in basket" while picking an agency?

Our team took a balanced approach to the pros and cons of each

seerinteractive.com/blog/multiple-… I have always described this decision as
"Ease vs Excellence" - It's more work for you as a manager to pick a company that only does part of the total solution, in doing so you get a partner focused on winning in 1 area.
Apr 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Just walked by both of my kids rooms while they were sleeping. Had a thought...work brings me some stress (today was a long day) if I retired early they'd see that life, dad was always home for everything because he didn't have to work... While there's upside there for sure. I couldn't imaginey kids never seeing me sweat once in a while. I remember not knowing what a budget was, but I knew every Sunday ma dukes (mom) was gonna get her clipboard, calculator and letter opener it sat on top of the fridge...
Apr 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
OOOH fire, one way to keep your ego in check... know who is working for who. The author goes on to say:
Does Madonna walk around the house in cone bras and come-f***-me bustiers? She's too busy planning D-Day.
The War of Art
Sep 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Wonder how much visibility into search terms we lost? We went from 98% visibility down to 78%....overnight.

This is tens of thousands of queries we would have mined for inefficient spend that we now do not have access to.

Who pays for that? Advertisers. Folks, follow this thread I'll be updating it with what we're finding.

1 - YES this is an API pull not in the interface which is even more problematic.
Oct 3, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
If Google has given a site free traffic for years and years, and then they decide to put things in the SERP that takes traffic away, I feel like that tough cookies. Ultimately google has given free traffic for years and still does, is it as much as it used to be, nope. I can't help but equate it to charitable giving. Let's imagine that you were giving money to a charity (that you didn't have to), and lets say that was $10,000 per year, and you gave that every year for 10 years, then you had kids, and you wanted to invest in their growth