Kim Wincen 🐀 Profile picture
I am a cishet (he/him) nightmare level bureaucrat and owner of Hitmanforum. Married to 🖤 @jetblackraider 🖤
Apr 4, 2022 833 tweets >60 min read
Taking a break from study and work to congratulate Dave Johnson on having objectively the worst takes on copyright and trademark.

There's other shit going on with Wonderfilled as it prolongs its dying whimpers, and I'll dive into it when I get time - but for now... The Narrative Designer: Wonderfilled tweeted: Fart ...
Mar 28, 2022 850 tweets >60 min read
TSR (LaNasa)'s very normal Official Discord where the general understanding of the community is they're a lower priority than randos, and they shouldn't expect anything - even confirmation of promises hyped up for weeks... Someone posted: Did the gam... I did go through the photos and as Michael notes, there is no evidence of any presence of anything vaguely related to Star Frontiers.

Doe include a pic of of the snacks though.
Also a pic in which a guy who is not Justin LaNasa is wearing a Justin LaNasa nametag, (Hi Dinehart!) TSR Con posted on Facebook:...Photo of the various snacks...Photo of Major David Wesley...Image
Feb 11, 2022 1500 tweets >60 min read
In a great demonstration of character, Ernie has now deleted all comments that he does not interpret at least mostly supportive of him... there's... not many of the 100+ originals left.

I wonder why Luke is pissed off at him. Oh the original 100+ commen... Okay, and now... strap in... because overnight there was a live display of the TSR Indoctrination process.

First step, RancidLord insists that that the book is 100% real, the limited information is good, and remember: your role here is to support TSR. Vale the Violet Mote rightf...
Feb 9, 2022 255 tweets >60 min read
Despite sharing a father, and blood, Luke and Alex do not get along - in no small part because Luke is engaged in a dispute with Gail (Gary's 2nd wife, Alex's mother) that is still ongoing:… (It's important to understand that while there are many Gygax children, only Alex calls Gail mother - the rest were all from Gary's marriage to Mary Jo.

Also that Gary did not marry Gail until after he'd been pushed out of TSR Inc)
Jan 4, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read
@SlovenlyTrulls Okie dokey, listening to the episode - so prepare for unsolicited feedback/information which I will hope you will enjoy, and trust you will ignore otherwise. The intensify sensation spell and combat had to do with back in 2nd Ed, pretty much all official modules etc were handcuffed to the dungeon crawl model, and doubly so for RPGA (Adventurer's Guide for old people)

So every new spell was assumed to be combat even if not.
Jan 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I have to say this is completely unsurprising given that Ken:
1. Produced better games when he had less time to apply to them
2. Frequently didn't know about content in his better games
3. Obsessed over shit no one cared about in his later game
One huge red flag for me with all these auteurs is the ones who don't ever want to give credit to their team for creating anything.

The ones who talk like they wrote every line of dialog, designed every prop, directed every voice actor, composed every melody.
Dec 15, 2021 906 tweets >60 min read
He's talking about NFTs, but this same attitude applies to Comicsgate and the current generation of RPG grifters. They live in fantasies of getting rich through owning a collectors item that becomes invaluable in the future.

So much so they don't care about the experience. Image Yesterday Fake Michael made a series of clarifications in the Talk to TSR channel.

They clarify nothing other than he will happily follow LaNasa over a cliff if it means he gets to feel important.

Plz believe they are divine heirs of a trademark. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 18, 2021 1100 tweets >60 min read
You kids are a hopeless generation with your relativism and your ignoring the value of language.

Remember, punctuation and typos mean nothing, and as long as you call it Chicago - genocide didn't happen.

(Presumably only Chicago-Chicago, not greater region though) ImageImageImageImage (I make that assumption because Dinehart has claimed, amongst other things, to be from Chicago... and we all know how people from Chicago feel about what you can and can't call Chicago.

These tweets are keeping so much heritage alive by using a bastardized word out of context).
Jul 6, 2018 15 tweets 4 min read
I've been effectively managing a a fair chunk of a video game fan community for fifteen years now - and I have to say @ArenaNet 's decision was the entirely wrong way to approach this. @ArenaNet Aside from the obvious impacts on staff morale (and the likelihood most of them are now sending out resumes), it rewards toxic behaviour in the community and it will NOT stop at trying to police the private lives of developers.