Matthew Haywood Profile picture
Working @blockstream #bitcoin
Jul 14, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ Younger generations can't afford to buy property because previous generations have bought up all the plots in order to store their wealth outside of fiat. No worry, these generations will buy up the new Bitcoin "digital real estate" instead, getting in before old money does. 2/ Real estate supply is limited by habitable landmass. Bitcoin supply is limited by software. Unlike real estate, you can buy fractions of the digital "real estate" and transfer it globally for pennies. There's no permission required to buy in and it's a market open to everyone.
Jan 3, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
First newspaper I've bought in 18 years. Hopefully some high enough resolution images here that everyone can read the content. Front cover, inside spread and last inside page.
Oct 31, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Birthday Poem

Ten years ago, the whitepaper's released
Is Satoshi still out there, alive or deceased?

Many lost money with the fall of MtGox
Trust me says 'Jesus', we need bigger blocks!

Suits in New York said it's miners that 'voted'
With SW2X our objections were #noted 2/5
Shaolinfry released code, let us stand up and fight
The power of nodes would soon come to light

Samson made hats and others they bought them
This was one way the community fought 'em

Nodes were updated, articles written
Luke-jr fought hard, that was a given
Sep 16, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
A short Sunday tale...
1/ A group of people find the ideal offices to work from, lovely environment, well furnished and situated close to where they all live. It's perfect. They collectively hire security guards who they pay well on a daily contract basis. All is well until... 2/ The security guards have a meeting and decide that they don't like commuting to work. They decide that the following week they won't turn up at the offices but instead will guard a different, vacant building closer to where *they* all live.
Jul 30, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ BCash's 1 min block proposal and attempts to make 0-conf safe are nasty fudges to work around inherent restraints in the base layer already solved by layered protocols. The more of these hacked "work arounds" that come to light the more clear it is they chose the wrong path... 2/ Scaling through block size increases alone compromises decentralisation and introduces trust. Trusting 0-conf requires you ignore why a blockchain and PoW were required in the first place. 1 minute blocks compromises security, changes inflation etc.