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💎Are you ready to Upgrade? 🌏#UpgradeMastery #LLFTB #DevelopYou #Strength4Weakend #R4HL 📌Shortest distance between WHO you are NOW & WHO you can BECOME
Apr 29, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Belief System Session: Keep your life private

The "craze to show off" virus should never infect you. Keep your life private, not everything about you should be known. #UpgradeMastery

Diane, ever wondered why it is important to keep your life private? It is as important as having your own name. Sadly, we live in a world where we all want to be seen, heard and known, nevertheless we must learn to keep our lives private. It is called private life for a reason because it isn't expected to be public.
Apr 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Belief System Session: Celebrate your progress

Slow progress is still progress. Learn to celebrate your progress else you will become an ingrate for no reason. #UpgradeMastery

Diane, do you celebrate your progress? Or you are modest keeping it calm? Well, I like to tell you to learn to celebrate your progress. Everyday you are making progress no matter how little and you must be comfortable to celebrate your progress.
Apr 27, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Belief System Session: Care for people

People really don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. It is wise to care for people. #UpgradeMastery

Diane, often we drink from wells we didn’t dig, warm ourselves by fires we didn’t start. Appreciate what others have done for us to be where we are. Selflessness or Selfishness are roads we can follow. One is paved by kindness and care, the other by disdain and pride. Choose wisely. Sometimes people don't care about u, they only care about meeting their needs from u.
Apr 26, 2022 31 tweets 11 min read
0) "Develop yours for success" starts now #DevelopYou

1) Diane, success is a concept that is different for every person. Whether it means having a great career, a home or a family, success is something everyone strives to achieve. #DevelopYou 2) It makes you feel proud, it gives you excitement and it lets you know you have made an impact in a competitive world. #DevelopYou
Jan 12, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: Tell yourself the truth about your relationship

Whatever you ignore doesn't fix itself. No relationship crashes without warning, many just don't see, tell, accept, and work with the truth. #UpgradeMastery

Diane, relationship is not for the weak Diane, relationship is not for the weak hence if you don't have the energy for its demands then don't even start. Unfortunately some people have started and are in it already but now they are beginning to see things are not working but they simply can't tell themselves the truth.
Jan 11, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: How intimacy dies in relationship

Everyone craves intimacy, yet some hardly realise that they kill the intimacy they so desire without even knowing. #UpgradeMastery Diane, it is funny how the same thing people desire and crave, they also kill and watch it die while they stand aside doing nothing. You cannot imagine how ironic that is, that what you want the most is what you pay attention to the least.
Jan 10, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: Your relationship is not the problem

Every problem has a solution, if it doesn't have a solution then it is not a problem. Your relationship is not the problem. #UpgradeMastery

Diane, guess you are wondering when I say your relationship is not the problem Image Yes, I said it and it the the truth and that is on period! But sincerely look at it, the relationship is not the problem and I will tell you why.
May 14, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: The pain of starting again

One of life's hardest decision to ever make and pain to face is starting again. Once you do it, it can change your life forever. #UpgradeMastery Sam, sometimes the difference in people is how they are able to overcome the pain of starting again. Life doesn't cut you slacks as you will expect and when things go south, you have no other option but to pick up the pieces starting again.
May 13, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Belief System Session: Your true life line is service

One of the greatest act of greatness is service. You will always be great to the degree you serve. #UpgradeMastery Sam, your true life line is service. Service is the one thing that never goes unrewarded in this life and in the one to come. Those who are truly happy, wealthy and wise are always rendering service.
May 12, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: Are you really tired?

Sometimes until you really get tired nothing changes. Most people don't get really tired, they just adjust to find comfort with discomfort. #UpgradeMastery Sam, are you really tired? This seem like a no brainer question but it is really important. You think you are tired but it will amaze you how you can find a way to become comfortable with your own discomfort.
May 11, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: Call for help

No one will know what you are going through until you call for help. Call for help is not weakness but strengthen. #UpgradeMastery Sam, do you feel shy or ashame to call for help? Are you still thinking what will people say, how will they see me, will they even believe me when I call, etc these and more will always hinder you to call for help.
May 10, 2021 20 tweets 8 min read
0) "Living your truth" starts now #DevelopYou

1) Sam, do you tell yourself the truth? Because if ever you get to living your truth, it begins with telling yourself the truth. #DevelopYou 2) So many people, haven't come to this realisation hence they continue to live a lie. They are "keeping up with Instagram", a far cry from their reality. #DevelopYou
May 10, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
Belief System Session: Receive Forgiveness

Forgiveness is never earned, it is received. Receive forgiveness and move on with your life. #UpgradeMastery Sam, sometimes we punish ourselves unnecessarily with the hope it will help us earn forgiveness. Sadly, we were raised to earn things, so we also have this mentality that we must earn forgiveness.
May 8, 2021 16 tweets 7 min read
0) "Little mistake" starts now #Strength4Weakend

1) Sam, don't take for granted little mistake. To you it may be little, to another it may be very grevious. #Strength4Weakend 2) You just never know which little mistake that can turn the tide against you. You just never know. #Strength4Weakend

3) While you try to always do right, sometimes you end up making a little mistake. #Strength4Weakend
Apr 19, 2021 25 tweets 9 min read
0) "Systems for communication" starts now #Strength4Weakend

1) Sam, effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. Many jobs require strong communication skills. #Strength4Weakend 2) People with good communication skills also usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family. #Strength4Weakend
Apr 16, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Belief System Session: How to Sell without Selling

We are all salespeople. One skill everyone must learn is the ability to sell. And it becomes awemazing when you know how to sell without selling. #UpgradeMastery Image Sam, you are either selling or you are being sold. Now, you may argue with this but this is the reality: everyone is selling something. It can be a product or a service but we are all selling. In fact, those who sell more become wealthy and those who can't sell remain broke.