Andrew Urquhart Profile picture
PhD in Space Physics. Hobbyist SARS-CoV-2 lineage hunter. I will block trolls, misinformers, and disinformers at my personal discretion.
Aug 9 29 tweets 4 min read
Recently-designated recombinant XEC now leads #Collection42 . XEC is still small, 26 on CoV-Spectrum and 37 on GISAID, but reported from 10 countries on 3 continents with the largest number of sequences from Germany. This one might or might not Searching GISAID for XEC using nucleotide query C18657T, C19716T, C25006T, I now find 50 samples with 2 being pooled US airport traveler surveillance with “GBW-GKP” in the sequence name. 1/15
Oct 12, 2023 91 tweets 9 min read
CoV-Spectrum has loaded new data. As expected, “Pirola” clan JN.1 (BA. is climbing on #Collection42 . JN.1 is still small, but growth rate estimates are not driven by a cluster. 1/ France has reported the most JN.1 sequences so far (9), but these are spread across 6 French Regions. Also, there are 27 known JN.1 sequences not the 16 found on CoV-Spectrum. 2 of the missing have mangled date information. 9 are too new to be in today’s CoV-Spectrum update. 2/2