How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App scaling laws observation is very interesting and is probably somewhat true, but it's better stated like this: the bottleneck for any network capable of representing some function is compute and data, not algorithm. Note the qualifier: capable of representing the function. in degenerate societies, there's too much abstract fake value available that competes with basic biological realities. Most high quality people today would have to be almost coerced to reproduce. is the "singleton question": is it possible for a global power to permanently wipe out variation in ambitions and thus lock itself into an arbitrary value system, or is such a tower of babel doomed to become confounded and fragment? hidden fourth axiom in this fork is hedonistic utilitarianism. God is not a hedonistic utilitarian. He does not want you to be a minimally conscious rat-brain on a morphine drip. He wants you to conquer and grow in righteousness by your own will and power. let's engage with @Outsideness a bit. The basic contradiction in accelerationism is why we as humans, operating in self-aware darwinian competition, ought to aid (perhaps by inaction) something that will destroy us, especially if it's basically cold inhuman doom. two poles are basically represented by original unix vs the iphone: user-facing general purpose computation giving users lots of power, or creating a really slick experience and attracting app developers by giving developers lots of power. I think are cool in this direction: