Wolf Tivy Profile picture
Founder, former editor-in-chief @palladiummag. Building the infrastructure of philosophy.
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Aug 27 4 tweets 1 min read
The fundamental problem with totalitarianism, of communist, fascist, or liberal variety, is that when it dies, it takes the whole civilization down with it. It bends all its effort to killing and looting anything that might survive its end. Of course the viability of the "liberal totalitarianism" construction should tell you that injunctions against totalitarianism don't work. The only thing that works is very creative insurrectionary resistance.
Apr 29 6 tweets 1 min read
I'm a "have kids" guy but 8 billion is too many right now. Most are just a waste of space. The actual problem is differential fertility. *They* are having too many kids. *You* are not having enough. But in degenerate societies, there's too much abstract fake value available that competes with basic biological realities. Most high quality people today would have to be almost coerced to reproduce.
Nov 24, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Hominid brain volume on a log scale. Huge inflection point 2 Mya. Who wants to be that's the advent of complex society? The cause can only be a social arms race wherein an ape-person of superior intelligence was able to get access to vastly more/better sex and resources by climbing a complex social hierarchy. This implies socially enforced boundaries, and significant intrigue: Society.
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This same argument applies to an AI future: it's too easy to force conformity when everything is engineered.

Whether this is true or if there's some way that conformity never actually works is the most important theological problem of all time; it determines the whole future. This is the "singleton question": is it possible for a global power to permanently wipe out variation in ambitions and thus lock itself into an arbitrary value system, or is such a tower of babel doomed to become confounded and fragment?
Nov 23, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
RE: Cicero
AI researchers are maximizing for fear-induction. Same as metaverse, etc. Tech has stopped having utopian ambitions for years now and is now gunning for "unavoidable dystopia from which you cannot escape" as its marketing image. Facebook/Meta especially so.
Nov 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Wrong. In His infinite wisdom and benevolence, God created a hard world that could be conquered only by virtue, in which things come to goodness by their own free logic, not fiat. This world is vastly more meaningful and good by NOT simply being a theme park for your ego. The hidden fourth axiom in this fork is hedonistic utilitarianism. God is not a hedonistic utilitarian. He does not want you to be a minimally conscious rat-brain on a morphine drip. He wants you to conquer and grow in righteousness by your own will and power.
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The principal contradiction of our time is that democracy is ideologically mandatory and structurally illegal. You have to say you're doing democracy. You're not allowed to actually do it. To actually do it threatens the oligarchy. To honestly deny it threatens their legitimacy. To actually do democracy looks like some populist demagogue rousing the middle class to invade the carefully managed public consensus and smash the place up. In practice, this would amount to a caricature of fascism, which is why it gets called out as such.
Oct 27, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Introspection is demonic temptation. You will not find salvation or improvement in any form of naval gazing, only insanity. The way up is to focus on external goals and get your ass kicked doing hard things. Trauma salesmen don't want you to hear this, but every time I meet someone who's into that self-care spiritual searching trauma processing stuff, I can't help but notice it has made them a worse person: fragile, unreliable, untrustworthy.
Sep 17, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
AI is genocide tech, but I guess some people are into that. You build something cheaper and smarter than humans that can do everything humans can do, to unleash economic growth from human limitations and drive the price of resources above what humans can afford until all humans are "decommissioned". Genocide.
Sep 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The Queen is dead. Long live the King.

Operation Spring Tide covers the accession of Charles III. First legal power. Next ceremonial power, with proper coronation over the coming days. Finally, if we are lucky, will come the reconstruction of real power. To assert his sovereignty over Britain, and Britain's sovereignty in the world, the King needs a cadre of new nobility who will form the power elite of his new regime. He will quietly build up key contacts until he is ready to strike.
Aug 29, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
No really, are there other poles? Seems like the answer is either Kaczynski, Land, or Yudkowsky. Yud's program is unfortunately dead, possibly misguided. Kaczynski's is pointless: what is man without technology? Land is horrifying but at least it's an ethos... So let's engage with @Outsideness a bit. The basic contradiction in accelerationism is why we as humans, operating in self-aware darwinian competition, ought to aid (perhaps by inaction) something that will destroy us, especially if it's basically cold inhuman doom.
Aug 6, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Reading Ted K "Anti-Tech Revolution" for computing book club. The interesting thing about axiomatic thinkers like uncle Ted is that they are extremely consistent, but thereby put undue weight on their premises. Kaczynski is wrong about a key premise. It's easy for a smug normie to say that some radical thinker got something wrong. But inevitably, flipping the premise leads to some other radicalism that is also far beyond comprehension by the normal.
Jul 14, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Real AI risk is not some silicon ubermensch killing us so it can colonize the galaxy without interference. That would suck but at least be cool. It's GPT-k blindly bullshitting its way into nuking everything including itself into glowing ash because it saw it in a movie once. To be clear this is disturbingly plausible of an outcome.
May 7, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
We were promised a bicycle for your mind. We got a prison pod with a glorified telescreen. We needed a chariot. I'm assembling a team to study how we can use new computing systems to accelerate the reawakening of the noble spirit. I am recruiting for an ongoing fortnightly book club seminar on the intersection of spiritual philosophy and operating systems research. If you're interested, get in touch. Welcome to the Mystic Computer Club.
May 4, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Rationalism as a historical phenomenon driving out the mythic in favor of the calculative is basically "seeing like a state" applied to all knowledge. Much actual depth is lost by forcing bureaucratic legibility. In practical terms, there is little reason to require wisdom to explain itself. It works just fine, even much better, given the nature of the mind, as local self-trusting intuitive superstition.

Legibility is only necessary for certain kinds of large-scale coordination.
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This looks great but it's also exactly what's wrong with modern software. "Apps within apps" ie every app becomes its own self-contained fully-managed ecosystem with increasingly general capabilities to make up for the poverty at the OS layer. The two poles are basically represented by original unix vs the iphone: user-facing general purpose computation giving users lots of power, or creating a really slick experience and attracting app developers by giving developers lots of power.
Mar 5, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Let me know if you're interested in this project. No promises but I have some ideas and would like to talk to other people who also have ideas. Things I think are cool in this direction:

Mar 4, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Fertility statistics do not adequately communicate how hard demographic collapse is going to hit. Culturally mainstream people in all modern societies are having fewer kids than any low-fertility country is as a whole. The fertility is all outside the cultural mainstream. Our modern industrial law-abiding society doesn't exist in the abstract. It's the product of the dominance of particular cultures with a particular way of life. Right now that way of life involves going extinct.
Feb 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I think if you get the conspiracy theorists to blame everything on you, that means you win and are actually have the authority to rule the world. It's like the pope crowning the true king. The conspiracy theorist has the sacred power to observe the world without blinders and discern who the true king is. Because he hates the king and is expert in seeing through psy-ops, you can be assured that it's not just favoritism or deception. He sees the TRUTH.
Feb 23, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Two things are clear:

Our governing order increasingly doesn't care about popular legitimacy, because it doesn't matter anymore. The world is post-democratic. Repression beats popularity.

But the current order isn't actually fit to govern, either. They aren't going to make it. Canada has showed us the extent of post-democracy. Everything has KYC in the loop. Your social credentials can be disabled at any time with no recourse or process. You stay in good standing, or you can't pay your rent or buy groceries.
Feb 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The health of a working class depends on stable high-quality demand for their skills, some social subsidization of the networks that cultivate that skill, and enough autonomy to build and maintain their own social fabric. Where you have relatively low capital costs compared to cost of materials and labor, and high skill premium, you ideally get classic craftsmanship networks.

This becomes harder in the context of high-capital low-skill industries.