Julia Beck Profile picture
Language is power.
Jul 28, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Feminist Current is an institution, and with it Meghan Murphy has successfully drummed up a general feminist consciousness in the last years. For these reasons, in reference to this recent piece, I gotta say... wtaf?
feministcurrent.com/2021/07/26/rad… One of the main sticking points that I have with the article is the urge for women as individuals to be empathetic and compassionate towards men as individuals. Well dear reader, I guess school’s out cause there ain’t no more class.
Apr 28, 2021 15 tweets 9 min read

LFT (Lesbenfrühlingstreffen/Lesbian Spring Meeting) was founded over 40 years ago BY lesbians FOR lesbians. But now since men are not explicitly welcomed and worshipped, they want to destroy it. #LFT2021 Lesbians in Germany have organized LFT every year since 1974 in a different city, each year with a different motto. The very first motto asked a radical question: "Feminism the Theory - Lesbianism the Practice?"
Jun 9, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Today my friend and I sit on a bench in a public park. We talk and laugh, just two hairy-legged lesbians minding our business in the soft spring breeze. Suddenly, a man appears... He’s tall and visibly inebriated, a commonplace encounter. My friend and I pay him no mind. He climbs a nearby statue and yells, “Cunt!” several times at the top of his lungs. Also commonplace. He then circles the park and spits at us. Not so common...